Normally yours truly doesn't have time for this on a late night, but since I am on vacay this week, I'll take the time to address you zaid...
1st match: 6-7, 7-6, 7-5 Janurary 29
I lost. As a member of this tour, I take it upon myself to make sure that newer, less informed members who may not know all of the rules are informed of what I consider potential violations; so if I suspected you served with no power, I told you; that simple. Didn't complain of anything else because there were no other issues at that time. I lost as a power player to a all rounded counter puncher in a pretty fair match. It is possible for this to happen
2nd match: 6-4, 6-4 February 2nd
I won. It was a great match and I enjoyed it a lot. I didn't complain because I had no complaints; that simple. You were mindful of your serving and serving position and I felt that it was a fair match. In the past I had beat players and still informed them of rules that I suspect they've violated just so they are aware of it so don't want you to think that just because you have the one experience of losing to me and not receiving any complaints that you can conclude anything from it...hard to believe now, but it was actually a fun match which seemed realistic between a counter-puncher and a offensive baseliner. I had high hopes for a fun rivalry, but was soon disappointed thereafter...
3rd match February 23: 6-4, 6-0
4th match:
4-6, 6-1, 6-2 5th match: 6-3, 6-2
6th match: 6-1, 6-3
This is when I started to have concerns and issues with you. Your style changed dramatically; there is a difference between someone improving and playing with a completely different tactic. The short cross court controls shots were being played more than ever and I felt that it was for some odd reason nearly impossible to win a point against your serve because you seemed to react immediately to my returns, maybe this is due to the R1 button you admitted to using on serves, I don't know.
What really frustrated me was our
4th match. We were playing another fun match and you felt that I used a cheesy shot (I hit the first drop shot in all of our matches on set point from a position zaid believed was defensive) and you DISCONNECTED & STOPPED THE MATCH TO REPORT ME TO THE HOST, never have I experienced this. I tried explaining to you the rules and you arrogantly told me that you knew the rules and that I didn't. You then went on to send a series of messages expressing your disappointment in me only to have to come back and say that you were in fact wrong and of course I was right according to the host.
As we can see from the scoreline, I could only win 3 games the next two sets after we restarted the match. You started exploiting all the tactics mentioned in this thread and admitted to me after the match that you did it on purpose because you were pissed that I used 1 drop shot that you thought was cheesy. These were your exact words (I still have the message in my inbox if you'd like to see it again):
"after u used that cheesy shot on break point i was so pissed, i used this style to make u happy " I lost a lot of respect for you at this point. So no, I don't give you compliments after our matches or say "GG" because 1. they typically are pretty terrible games (TG) and 2. I feel a player with your type of attitude is not really the type of player who should play in this tour...that's the type of message I get from WT players.
And I don't have a problem with complaining by the way; it's only when people and things annoy me that I say something. Go through all the players on tour please, you're the only one I have issues with. And I also don't want you to have the impression that people are trying to tear you down because of your new success, you're again mistaken. I've seen many successful players that actually were admired and praised, this is how it should be. You on the other hand are definitely successful, but seems to me that not everyone is a fan...sounds like people think you could be a bit of a cheese head; if you weren't so successful I'm sure it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but when you're dominating the way you are, you kinda get more attention and for you, doesn't seem like it is all very good attention.
That's all...