I understand your problem, but I've already tought of these things.
My idea was only to ban Welch, Banning because there is no way he can be made weaker, only by using less levels but that's to complicated, and restrict power and speed to 91, I'll explain myself.
Banning Welch: Reason is simple, because of his superhigh wings and speed they are master of short cross control shots, they lack the power to make normal winners, so the result is people playing only short cross the ENTIRE match, which makes the game just way to one-dimensional and super boring. There are SO many people either going for the Welch setup lately because they hate him, or quitting ITST because of him, that something needs to happen here.
Restricting power to 91: This way you don't have to ban anything, Babb, Gallo will still be available, but not in an abusing way. Where high wings and speed gives you extreme control shots, you can do the same with high power. You can keep playing power shots over and over again untill it's to much for your opponent, again just to one-dimensional and not skill based enough. In real life power players make more errors but these 98 power setups can just keep blasting every ball as long as they want. Reason for restricting to 91 and not 90 is so you can still use 0-20-0 Louirero (if I spell it right), which gives you 91 power.
Restricting speed to 91: Like I said before where power is a powershot supporting skill, speed is a control shot supporting strike. It helps alot to get you in position as early as possible so you can execute your shot better. To prevent the Welches are gonna go for 0-0-20 Slavina, who has also 85/85 wings and 100 (!) speed and about 70 reflex, all CS supporting skills which are even better then Welches. Also with even lower power, so control short cross shot abusers would possibly get even worse. Slavina will still be available, but as a realistic and balanced setup.
So that's my idea, simple and effective. I would like to test it if you think it's usefull but perhaps you can give me advice what I should test exactly.. I mean I know how these setups play so perhaps you can explain some better what you actually mean.
Rob ITST wrote:Personally, it's hard for me to see that there's a real problem - it seems more that everyone wants to ban what they don't use. We have this thread, the 98/98 thread, people complain about 100 power...
Oh, about this, this is so not true.. I used Welch a long time ago, but it's just not fun, it's very unrealistic and game raping.. like I said there are alot of people who either pick welch or quit tour untill he is banned. Doing so would make alot of happy faces. Just read my analyses and perhaps you understand my point.
BTW I'm 99% sure there won't be any new troubles with dominant setups, since you just exclude extreme power and control shots with this adjustments, it would balance the game, believe me I know this game pretty well.