He's so far beyond any other coach it's ridiculous.
I'm not one of the best players here; I get crushed by top players and I don't mind...I usually still have fun. I'm not one to complain about this stuff usually.
But....Welch is different. It's not even fun to play against him. He has no weaknesses and no matter how well you play, you basically have to hope the person controlling him screws up because otherwise you're going to get blown off the court (unless you are also Welch, but I prefer to actually play as something different).
I can tell when I'm playing well and when I'm playing poorly, and I was playing pretty well -- I was hitting at least 50% (and probably more) of my shots with perfect timing. I hit at least 10 shots that would have been outright winners against almost any other coach, and if it wasn't an outright winner it would have led to a weak return that I could step up and put away. I'm talking about the shots that are extreme short angle cross court balls which are basically impossible to play in real life and incredibly unrealistic...but with Welch the other person can literally run from one tramline all the way off the court on the other side against one of those shots and fire a winner off the back corner line.
Like I said, I'm not one of the top players. I don't expect to win any tournaments. But I'm here to have fun, and playing against Welch just isn't fun. He's the only coach that makes me feel that way....and with more and more people using him, it's sucking all the fun out of playing here.