We have to ban Welch

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We have to ban Welch

Postby edlglide » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:05

He's so far beyond any other coach it's ridiculous.

I'm not one of the best players here; I get crushed by top players and I don't mind...I usually still have fun. I'm not one to complain about this stuff usually.

But....Welch is different. It's not even fun to play against him. He has no weaknesses and no matter how well you play, you basically have to hope the person controlling him screws up because otherwise you're going to get blown off the court (unless you are also Welch, but I prefer to actually play as something different).

I can tell when I'm playing well and when I'm playing poorly, and I was playing pretty well -- I was hitting at least 50% (and probably more) of my shots with perfect timing. I hit at least 10 shots that would have been outright winners against almost any other coach, and if it wasn't an outright winner it would have led to a weak return that I could step up and put away. I'm talking about the shots that are extreme short angle cross court balls which are basically impossible to play in real life and incredibly unrealistic...but with Welch the other person can literally run from one tramline all the way off the court on the other side against one of those shots and fire a winner off the back corner line.

Like I said, I'm not one of the top players. I don't expect to win any tournaments. But I'm here to have fun, and playing against Welch just isn't fun. He's the only coach that makes me feel that way....and with more and more people using him, it's sucking all the fun out of playing here.
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Postby xesco15 » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:17

in my opinion, we don t have to ban welch. i use welch and there are a lot of players who win me and people who use welch.
welch has advantages for example fh and bh and speed but it isn t easy to use this coach. hit control shots is difficult. with welch you ve to hit the ball perfectly. moreover, welch has a lot of disadvantages: power, serve volley...
if we ban welch and other coaches, that isn t fun. each player have their styles and we ve to admit that they play well. coaches aren t important. important is how to use your skills to improve the level.
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Postby Alex-4487 » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:19

shud limit the forehand and backhand then people having 91 and 81 wings or both 86 wings is laughable, then will see it mroe balanced and before someone says oh then it will become power game with rabary etc well rabary and others dnt have forehand and backhand that high but im sure this consideration will go on deaf ears
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:21

The player whom I used to lose 7-5 today heated me 6-1 with his welch setup... Welch is wayyyy overpowered
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Postby Tamthewasp » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:23

I totally agree. It really is incredibly unfair. You really do have to just hope the other guy makes an error. Unless your Fabada or 1 of the other very very top 3 or 4 players who can compete with their own style. It's simply impossible even while hitting mostly perfects. The control shots are so slow and just like the serve it is much much harder to get good timing on these shots (a flaw in the game).
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Postby Murmeltier88 » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:26

I don't think Welsh is overpowered.

I can also play such angles with Neuwirth and Rabari. You just need the right ball position and the perfect timing.

For me, the setup which is a way overpowered is the Focus Serve & Serve Stick Berserker thing, where you can make over 20 points by only serving aces.

Because, to control Welch very good, you need also some skill, because otherwise all your balls are very slow and weak and especially can be attacked by power-players very easy.
Besides, Welsh has no advantages against a perfect-Rabari player, because of the lack of Power there. There you are mostly in defense and can only try to counter the shots. It is not as easy as it seems with Welsh.
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Postby edlglide » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:26

Alex-4487 wrote:shud limit the forehand and backhand then people having 91 and 81 wings or both 86 wings is laughable, then will see it mroe balanced and before someone says oh then it will become power game with rabary etc well rabary and others dnt have forehand and backhand that high but im sure this consideration will go on deaf ears

Exactly -- Rabari is a great coach, and he's tough to play against too, but I don't feel like there's literally nothing I can do against him. He can't run down shots from one tramline off the court to the other side and fire back a winner the way Welch can.

To be honest, Welch's lack of volley, serve, and power aren't really weaknesses. You don't have to come to the net ever with Welch -- he's fast enough that he can just run down everything anyways (and with his wings he can just step up and fire a winner if you play a short ball to try to make him come forward). The lack of power seems like it should be a weakness, but with the way this game is programmed a player with high wings can hit control shots just as fast as a guy with 85 power hits his shots. And when they don't hit it really fast, they hit these slow shots that you should be able to smash, but instead it's the opposite.

As for the serve....having a low serve isn't really a weakness at all on this game. Having a really high serve is a strength, and lets you hit aces, but having a low serve doesn't hurt you. You can't really attack a weak serve the way someone would in real life.
Last edited by edlglide on Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:28

Xesco powet is irrelevant with welch. I would say it's an advantage as this makes his shots very slow so harder 2 return well and the volley is also irrelevant. Low volley stats don't really mean anything when he can still smash volleys very easily
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Postby xesco15 » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:30

i m going to keep on defending welch, because if not at the end we re going to lose all the coaches. i agree with alex. he has reason. we could put welch with 91 81 or 86 fh and bh.
ali, you re a fantastic player and you win me easily and i use welch. alex won me 6-0 6-1 and i was using welch. i m bad but im in number 63 of the ranking.
only four people, likos godzin g keldorn and murmeltier use fantastic welch as their results show.
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Postby xesco15 » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:31

i agree with murmeltier. it isn t easy to use welch. if you hit the ball well the shot is very slow. you ve to move the opponent andplay perfect to win a match.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:47

The people who defend welch are the people who use welch

I created svena svenevska but not welch because very overpoweted. .
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Postby edlglide » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:48

xesco15 wrote:i agree with murmeltier. it isn t easy to use welch. if you hit the ball well the shot is very slow. you ve to move the opponent andplay perfect to win a match.

I wasn't necessarily saying it's easy to play with him (although I don't think it's any harder to play with him than anyone else, and probably slightly easier because his wings are so high and he's so fast that you can get to balls and hit good shots even if you were in a bad position to start with). I'm saying that someone who uses Welch well is much harder to beat than someone who uses any other coach well. He just has more strengths and fewer weaknesses than any other coach (the 98/98 guys might be an exception, but I don't think I've ever played one of them, so I can't say for sure). Welch is the only coach I've played against where I feel like no matter what I do, no matter how many shots I hit with perfect timing on the lines, I've got no shot to win unless the other player makes mistakes.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:57

edlglide wrote:
xesco15 wrote:i agree with murmeltier. it isn t easy to use welch. if you hit the ball well the shot is very slow. you ve to move the opponent andplay perfect to win a match.

I wasn't necessarily saying it's easy to play with him (although I don't think it's any harder to play with him than anyone else, and probably slightly easier because his wings are so high and he's so fast that you can get to balls and hit good shots even if you were in a bad position to start with). I'm saying that someone who uses Welch well is much harder to beat than someone who uses any other coach well. He just has more strengths and fewer weaknesses than any other coach (the 98/98 guys might be an exception, but I don't think I've ever played one of them, so I can't say for sure). Welch is the only coach I've played against where I feel like no matter what I do, no matter how many shots I hit with perfect timing on the lines, I've got no shot to win unless the other player makes mistakes.

You really have to be hitting well with any coach you use. Most people on here do hit well. Welch is by far the strongest coach on here. If you don't thi k he is then you are diluded.
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Postby Murmeltier88 » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 22:03

Well, if Welsh gets banned, I would not care, then I take Rabari. It would not change anything for me hehe. :D All the others would take Rabari or Neuwirth as well....

And I don't see, that only Welsh players are successfull, only look in the Top 10 at the moment. There are more Rabari players then anything else in there. So it is not like only Welsh players can be successfull. Here it's the same thing, that it is also about the player who controlls it but of course, I don't deny that it is hard to beat someone who uses it perfect. But so is Rabari as well. I lost many times against Fabada and he was also playing perfect with Rabari, or Zooloo as well.

It is only my impression. For me personally, there is no unfair thing about Welsh. Like I said, when you don't hit the ball perfect and with at least good ball position every shot is attackable, especially by the power guys.

And I can say that because I play with him. When the timing is not right, you can lose with Welsh easily almost to 0 in every set. It happened to me too.

When I play with Welsh and I am having a good day, I hit almost every shot with perfect timing, not only 50 or 60 %, indeed more then 95%. But it takes a lot of practise I think to do that.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Mon, 23 Jan 2012 22:05

Honestly speaking when I see the stats of the welch setup it looks like that I will beat this guy 6-0 6-0 but the control shots that welch setup gives you is ridiculous ... Welch is more overpowered than monster defense
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