Forget it Guys. It's senseless to continue playing against the good ITST Guys so long I am not able on my Console to hit the same Angles because that's what the TS4 Rallies are almost all about.
You know just to be serious. I really believe this Site has great Players and Top Spin Talents and I also believe everybody could win against me even if we would play on the same Level and someone just plays the better Match.
Even on my Peak in Top Spin 1 I lost many Matches against some big ITST Guys. But the Thing was I also won a few of those Matches against the big ITST Guys and I never had the Feeling (no Matter how many Matches I lost) like in TS4 that I am not able to control something what other Guys can or that I can't do something other Guys can do.
And another Point is I truly believe that some Guys are able to play the smarter and better Matches against me, but I also don't think that they play smarter than me generally. With generally I mean if you look at the Groundskills we have to play off a Opponent.
You know and if the Problem I have would be really a Result of bad Positioning I would at least hit a few really dangerous Crosscourtangles randomly. This Game is based on the simplest Movement-Mechanics you know.
So long I don't have the same Chances like you Guys it's a senseless neverending Story and I would probably still Post those Posts and my Opinion about this in 2 to 3 Years before TS5 comes out.