Goa... Stop it... Or i'm gonna run now from my house and buy Spiderman! Is it really that great? (gameplay, camera, action, missions, history,...)
I found Mafia II Demo nice, but all i read about the full game : boring! (always the same thing : driving-cinematics-run and shoot-cinematics-driving-cinematics-run and shoot-cinematics-driving...) But you can say by the demo that it's nicely done, you really feel the old years, and you can do a tony montana so... If not expensive, ok
I started Dead Rising 2 "demo" (or prequel)... Quite fun! I like how you can invent new way to destroy zombies! But yes, they die quickly, and yes to complete the demo you have to do it several times : you are "Limited by a timing" (i won't tell more ) Note : the level up you make in that "demo", you keep it for the full game Dead Rising 2.
And i tried the "Vanquish" demo!... And, oh boy! It's something!!!^^
Action everywhere (i was a bit lost at first...But i only tried it quickly)!!!
It looks like a mix between GearsOfWar/Halo (action, moves, weapon,...) and LostPlanet (enemies, coop, mecha). It really looks promising!