Go to: http://www.intertopspintour.net
And click on the Dream Match Tennis section
Click on register
Fill out the form and click “ submit “ at the end.
You will now recieve an email with an activationkey
Go to your "Personal page"
Click on “Change your user profile “
Check “ PC Dream Match Tennis”.
And click on " submit"
Go to the tournaments page
Choose the tournament you want to play for in the “Signup in progress” section
Now click on " Sign up "
And one more time on “ Signup” You're now signed up for a tournament and will recieve a confirmation e-mail .
Don't forget to check every week to see if there are new tournaments to sign up for.
You either click on the name of your opponent on the draw
Click on ' Sent ****** a private message'
Or click on your "Personal Page"
And click on "sent PM"
Please don't forget to read the rules
Have fun at ITST