Rank system...

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Poll ended at Sat, 30 Sep 2006 09:55

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Rank system...

Postby Danish Champ » Mon, 25 Sep 2006 09:55


I like to make a sustention about the rank system on ITST if it’s ok.

I see some players who is member of ITST but never play - some are stop or for some other risen is not playing anymore. Then I am thinging why this players is not taken out of the rank system ? I know some comes back and play a bit and its ok. But if a player do not play on ITST for maybe 3 months they will be taken out of ITST rank system but they keep the point and rank for maybe 6 months or longer, and then if they come back for play they get the old rank back. If the player wait longer, its up to the host’s to give the player a rank and its possible just like the rank system for a GS tour. This will make the system more up to date and in a way more esy for new on´s and bad players like me to get up the rank system.

Have fun out there but remember that fair play is the best play.

Dupont DK/ Danish Champ.
Danish Champ
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Postby Aamchi » Mon, 25 Sep 2006 10:25

I understand what you're saying but I think the current system is ok.

I assume that you're talking about the entry ranking. It's correct that top players like Pahel for example stay on top for a long time even after retirement. But that's absolutely fine and how it should be. If he would decide to come back now he should still get the no. 1 seed cause he won't have forgotten how to play top spin in this time... :)

On the other hand, unless you've been a top player for a reasonable amount of time your entry ranking will drop fairly quickly. And also there's always the race ranking which is more up-to-date. Ok, they don't count for seedings but if a player is retired (and is not playing tournaments) his spot in the entry ranking doesn't count anyway for seedings.
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Mon, 25 Sep 2006 23:30

What Aamchi said. For example, you could still find Andre Agassi in the rankings if you looked deep enough. He was fairly high until just after the US Open.
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