" Cheesy tactics "

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" Cheesy tactics "

Postby latouur » Mon, 31 Jul 2017 16:39

Hello everyone
As everyone knows, some " cheesy tactics " have been banned from the tour, including lobs from the baseline, too much dropshots, short slices, ...
I'm not against these bans actually. I think if we want the game to be realistic, we need to ban the tactics which can only be effective in the game because of some lags.

But one thing is not normal. As everyone knows, the " short crossed " shots are too much effective in this game. If someone hits it while attacking, it's almost impossible to win the point with defence. I also think that the gap between the very top players of this tour and the good players is so big because of this shot (it's only my opinion) and so there is no real competition.
The very top players use this shot very very often but let's be honest, this shot is absolutely not realistic. Of course in the real tennis, players use it, but i've never seen a tennis player hit 5-6 short crossed shots by game.

So here's my question : why don't we call this shot " cheesy " ? Because if we ban unrealistic and " cheated " shots, we should ban this shot. But it has to be equal for every player : if you ban too much dropshots, you have to ban too much short crossed shots. Or, easier, we let everyone play the way he wants to?

Last edited by latouur on Mon, 07 Aug 2017 17:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby kenos » Tue, 01 Aug 2017 11:56

Once we called it cheesy, what's the result? OP is full of non sequitur, which would be enough to laugh at it, and only displays how frustrating watching other people doing what you can't do might be.
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby latouur » Tue, 01 Aug 2017 14:24

I don't understand your answer
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby inseedious » Wed, 02 Aug 2017 17:36

Why should we ban the only shot that helps shortening rallies? I've had two consecutive matches on grass with an avg rally length of 9! Imagine these matches without short accelerations. They actually are a way to punish the opponent who hits too many slow balls and stay too far from the baseline. Just be more aggresive, don't let your opponent hit inside-out forehands, and you'll see how short accels will become very hard to hit.

I understand that, at some levels, the game seems fair enough with normal accels only, but I can assure you that this game doesn't need more defense, but actually more attacking possibilities. Net is also bugged/broken with low volleys not working, so I really don't understand why short accels must be banned.

And, to be honest, since you need a perfect positioning to hit a short accel, knowing how to hit them will also greatly improve all your others shots. On the contrary, who doesn't know how to hit a short accel will also hit sub-optimal accels and other shots. So I'd suggest you to work on that shot.
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby latouur » Thu, 03 Aug 2017 08:09

Thanks for your answer Inseedious.

I don't suggest to ban this shot actually. I think that if this shot is allowed, why can't we make loads of drop shots? It's even harder to make a good drophsot than to make a short acceleration. You must have a perfect placement and you can't hit it from everywhere in the court. And sometimes even if you're on the good position, you miss your drop shot !
I can make some short accelerations but obviously not as good as the very top players because I'm not used to do it, but I've worked on my drop shots and I make them very well. So of course it's penalizing players like me to call dropshots cheesy.

It's just that I think that if short accelerations are allowed, drop shots should be allowed, as lobbing from the baseline if you're in big trouble in defence for example. I don't see any difference between short accelerations and drophshots, so I don't understand why drophsots are banned :(
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby kenos » Thu, 03 Aug 2017 10:37

Dropshot spamming is, quite easy for anyone to get the difference between the abuse of it and a normal variation. Short accels aren't easier to hit as you say but again, you try hard to stretch an argument to make a point but the only result is nonsense.
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby inseedious » Thu, 03 Aug 2017 14:38

latouur wrote:Thanks for your answer Inseedious.

I don't suggest to ban this shot actually. I think that if this shot is allowed, why can't we make loads of drop shots? It's even harder to make a good drophsot than to make a short acceleration. You must have a perfect placement and you can't hit it from everywhere in the court. And sometimes even if you're on the good position, you miss your drop shot !
I can make some short accelerations but obviously not as good as the very top players because I'm not used to do it, but I've worked on my drop shots and I make them very well. So of course it's penalizing players like me to call dropshots cheesy.

It's just that I think that if short accelerations are allowed, drop shots should be allowed, as lobbing from the baseline if you're in big trouble in defence for example. I don't see any difference between short accelerations and drophshots, so I don't understand why drophsots are banned :(

Short answers:
- drop spamming is ok in my opinion. Try dropshot spamming vs any opponent and see what will happen after he'll anticipate your choices. The counter-drop is more effective, almost like a drop volley;
- what is cheesy is drop shot+net rush tactic, that gives you an unfair advantage because your opponent would have a very limited shot choice and win chance. All this is due for TE mechanics. I've also seen many "fair" players doing this on set/match points;
- lob from baseline isn't allowed - which is different from just being cheesy - since it isn't really attackable because of TE mechanics and the fact that, on a 2d representation of a 3d world (i.e. the screen), the ball's depth is almost impossible to estimate on lobs. Other than that, some baseline lobs are really impossible to hit after the bounce.
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby latouur » Fri, 04 Aug 2017 08:44

For drop spamming, maybe the opponent will anticipate but anyway, this my choice, so I don't see why I couldn't do that !
And drop shot + net rush tactic is cheesy I agree, but it is as cheesy as short accelerations that are almost impossible to catch when you defend... For me there's no differences between the 2
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby inseedious » Fri, 04 Aug 2017 09:29

latouur wrote:For drop spamming, maybe the opponent will anticipate but anyway, this my choice, so I don't see why I couldn't do that !
And drop shot + net rush tactic is cheesy I agree, but it is as cheesy as short accelerations that are almost impossible to catch when you defend... For me there's no differences between the 2

Ok, that's your opinion. But if you think so, then you have to GREATLY improve your defensive game, because considering short accelerations impossible to defend implies a huge deficit in that. So, before calling them cheesy, you should actually work on understanding how to deal with them. Given the awful advantage defensive playstyles currently have in this game, I consider short accelerations the furthest shot from being considered cheesy or banned.
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby C4iLL » Fri, 04 Aug 2017 12:18

Short accel = totally legit. Shorten the rallies, fun to hit (run around BH to hit a short accel FH = funniest shot in TE), really important in terms of tactics and depth of the game. This idea is as relevant as Hillary Clinton
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby latouur » Sun, 06 Aug 2017 09:45

Inseedious I can defend on them but if u think this shot is realistic u need a pair of glasses. Spamming this shot is as cheesy as spamming drop shots. It's ur opinion because it suits u better to make short accels but it suits me better to make loads of drop shots, so why should I stop? Because you choose in regards of ur preferences? It's not fair at all.

C4ill u should learn how to read because I said i'm not for banning short accels, I said that there shouldn't be as much " cheesy tactics " as there are now. Your comment is as relevant as mohd
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby inseedious » Sun, 06 Aug 2017 11:35

latouur wrote:Inseedious I can defend on them but if u think this shot is realistic u need a pair of glasses. Spamming this shot is as cheesy as spamming drop shots. It's ur opinion because it suits u better to make short accels but it suits me better to make loads of drop shots, so why should I stop? Because you choose in regards of ur preferences? It's not fair at all.

Maybe you need a pair of glasses - also because I already wear mines -: did I ever say short accels are realistic? If you're talking about realism, then you are missing the fundamental background of ITST thinking. TE tour was born with the idea of bringing a BALANCED tennis experience. Its inspiration from ATP tour and its professional players is a secondary feature I'm very proud of, but as you can see the statistics of all players are balanced, so balanced that you can win Grand Slams with Gasquet or Klizan, for example.

You should think about balance. I can assure you that, without short accelerations - as finishers but also as point builders -, it's almost impossible to hit a winner in a fair way, assuming your opponent has a decent defensive skill. I'm not talking about top levels, but, let's say, from about 1800-2000 ELO and over. So short accels are currently the only key to balance attack and defense on TE. If you still think short accels are "cheesy", I accept your opinion, but I respectably disagree and think that your opinion is based more on your lack of skill and tactics than on a real problem. If I were you, I would also ask myself why no one is supporting your idea.

This is my last reply in this thread, since it's becoming boring to write the same things over and over and to reply to messages that are becoming ruder over the time.
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby kenos » Sun, 06 Aug 2017 12:38

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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby djarvik » Sun, 06 Aug 2017 18:07

i just want to commend all participating in this post! Well done 8)
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Re: " Cheesy tactics "

Postby latouur » Mon, 07 Aug 2017 16:59

I don't see it as a lack of skills or tactics, it's just that it's not fun playing with so much "cheated" shots and my goal is to play real tennis. If it's ur vision of tennis, good for u ! If I had ur time to play this game, I wouldn't have to post this because even with ur cheated shots I'd win, but unfortunately I have a life beside as I'm a student at university :)
I don't need anybody to agree or disagree, I was just asking why short accels are allowed but not drop shots spamming. Anyway this forum is much like a dictature where you can't say nothing :)

Kenos btw, get a life...
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