Service with R1

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Service with R1

Postby Vetusta-Morla » Mon, 09 Mar 2015 19:17

Hi everybody, i wanted to know if you service with R1 you have to go to the net??? i dont know if its a cheat
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Re: Service with R1

Postby chris_high » Tue, 10 Mar 2015 10:24

Hi man,

This question have been asked a lot of time! :wink:
I think there is still no rules about it, but personnaly I always thought that it was a cheesy tactic which give a lot of "free" points on your serve...
See here for example: viewtopic.php?f=1032&t=18044

I don't mind using r1 during rallyes, but I think it's a cheap way to win points on serve, specially when you have a good serve setup that is already hard to return efficiently. The only way to return a very good serve is long slice or long top spin, so if the guy is smart enough he will rush the net only a few times per games, or only on important point and you won't be able to do anything than take a big hard volley in your face!^^lol I guess it the problem you are talking about?

For example, my mate DennieFR who is one of the best and fair player I ever played, used to do this (versus Sh0case: he is one of the only one to won vs Sho :wink: ) but stopped after he understood that it was a lil' bit unfair for the opponent who can't guess if you will rush the net or not...
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Re: Service with R1

Postby Vetusta-Morla » Tue, 10 Mar 2015 18:47

thnk so much chris, but by the way if you service with R1 only when you are going to the net, your rival will know when you are going to the net. And in the real life you never know when your rival go to the net in the service. i dont know if you understand what i want to mean... :D
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Re: Service with R1

Postby chris_high » Tue, 10 Mar 2015 20:00

I fully understand what you mean, and it is the only valid argument that I could understand to say that it is not so cheesy!
(By the way, I think that I said the same argument as yours in an other post like: "that also sucks if you always know when your opponent will go to the net after his serve"... :wink: )
I think there is no magical solution at the end, but it's not so important as we all have to serve from center at ITST
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Re: Service with R1

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Tue, 10 Mar 2015 20:04

Vetusta-Morla wrote:thnk so much chris, but by the way if you service with R1 only when you are going to the net, your rival will know when you are going to the net. And in the real life you never know when your rival go to the net in the service. i dont know if you understand what i want to mean... :D

But in TS4 R1 will help your serve to be faster or better placed.
That's why it's not liked by users.

Not only, cause in real tennis, if you fake a serve and volley and make one step toward the net but then go back, you will not be in the best position for the next shot.
In TS4, you can fake S&V but still be in a decent position to start the rally (cause R1 is used for re-positioning too).
That's a little different.

By the way, officially playing with R1 is not forbidden.
People don't like it, but it's legal.
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