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topspin 4 online

Postby markpillans71 » Sat, 24 Jan 2015 11:34

been playing this game for about 5 years now.NEVER won a major tournament during this time mainly because you're usually paired against an opponent who has 40+ more grades than you and nearly all have the ability to run at 100mph to return a shot which they would otherwise have no chance of getting to.people say this is due to lag but i've played matches where i've been beating an opponent with no evidence of this 'lag' then at the crucial time they start running round court like usain bolt!also,if this is down to lag then why does my player never run at this speed??a brilliant game ruined by the cheats.the online server is also appalling!the most irritating and frustrating online game i've ever played.hopefully if there's a TS5 they address the issue of unfair play
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Re: topspin 4 online

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Sat, 24 Jan 2015 17:52

First of all, grades are nothing. It only means that a guy has played a lot matches with the same player, so don't be in subjection against these users.

Then, maybe they seem faster cause they can use better the shots. Use R1 to reach the ball, but be careful to release the button in time, otherwise the player will go toward the net.
And of course u can use control shots, to counter the power shots of the opponent. Of course it's not easy to master them, but they are a good help during tough matches.

And try to vary your tactics. A lot of WT players do the same game all the time: you change something to get them in trouble, but they dont seem to realize it, and keep playing the same way...and lose :)

PS I'm telling you all these things cause we will still have to wait a looong time before TS5 to be released.
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Re: topspin 4 online

Postby R0CK GAMER » Sun, 25 Jan 2015 14:47

markpillans71 wrote:been playing this game for about 5 years now.NEVER won a major tournament during this time mainly because you're usually paired against an opponent who has 40+ more grades than you

I agree with the ICEMAN. Grades mean nothing at all, it just means they play alot of quick matches.
Don't let these players intimidated you. Just give your self confidence and always try to motivate
yourself while playing these guys.

Also try not to move back from the baseline. If you do that then it give your opponent option to drop shot you.
And always vary spin and power on your serve, use power shots and control shots, keep your opponent guessing.

ICEMAN_9588 wrote:PS I'm telling you all these things cause we will still have to wait a looong time before TS5 to be released.

Damn! Sadly i agree with you mate :(..! I have been playing Tennis Elbow while waiting for a new next gen tennis game but i think it going to be along time before anything is announced.
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Re: topspin 4 online

Postby markpillans71 » Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:26

thanks for the tips iceman.take the point about grades but the running speed of certain opponents has nothing to do with R1 function as i know this is to reposition your player.becomes pointless mixing up your shots when players can reach the ball in a fraction of a second.have seen clips of people on youtube doing the same thing as i was referring to and it's blatant cheating.nothing to do with shot selection or player attributes.wonder how these cheats manage it as no one seems to have an explanation for ruins the whole experience for me.what's the point in playing a competitive one on one game with someone if you're going to cheat? senseless!also if grades are meaningless then i don't feel so bad because in 5 years the highest grade i ever managed was a 9!Tim Henman eat your heart out!!
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Re: topspin 4 online

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Fri, 30 Jan 2015 00:31

In Top Spin 4 R1 is used both for repositioning the player and go to the net and run faster.
They made it a little bit confusing, actually...
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