New Website ideas needed

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New Website ideas needed

Postby djarvik » Fri, 15 Aug 2014 15:14

Hello all!

We are in the process of setting up a new website and we need your help in a few areas. One of them is "features" of a new upcoming website update for ITST .

We need your ideas, thoughts.

Keep in mind, all ideas will be reviewed, but not all idea may be possible to implement. Be as creative as you can!

I will try to keep a list on ideas in original thread that we can implement.

- winning streaks stats
- titles per court type stats
- biggest rivals stats
- Actual tie-break score reporting 7-6(8)
- new character selection screen for TE with better detail like a picture and stats (titles won, points earned, W/L record etc)
- TE Livescore
- Implementing various new rankings or stats ranking such as the one I've made on forum :
1) GOAT Ranking, with distinguish colours for people who made big achievements
2) title rankings
3) tie breaks won/lost ratios (basically, it's a "ctrl-F" search with "7-6" and "6-7" entry to get this data quickly nowadays)
4) stats about deciding sets won/lost
5) ranking of the characters for Tennis Elbow as the one I made --> with a detail, best user of a given character (who brang the most point to Federer ? So a ranking for each character --> ranking by season and All-time,
6) a ranking by ratio victories/defeat
7) a ranking based on the number of victories in career + a ranking of defeats to see who are the best loosers :p
8) Ranking by surface
- Last results on homepage without clicking on "view stats-> launch scoreboards" --> you join the homepage, you have a space where you can directly see these results + the livescore (match live)
- The Chat Section present on homepage as a category (like in the forum) : I mean it becomes a category (the chat /redirection remains the same).
- schedule where two players click on days and hours when they are available (doodle like if you know it), without exchanging messages ?
- a new design for the draws, more ATP like, I don't know, something more modern
- would be cool if you can add a comment next to your results to inform people : for instance, saying that this 6-0 6-0 you got, was because you were ill, or add other funny things ("this title ? I wanted to vulture" ; "another final lost...").
--> number of views on your page, a more convenient way to watch match history by surface and so on. In member page, currently, the upper part is useless, nobody reads that I think (Current World tour rank, email adress, website blabla, put that at the bottom perhaps) and focus on the match history here

- draws of the tournament's
- post the scores
- match reports
- Live score
- various notifications
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Burna747 » Fri, 15 Aug 2014 17:22

Oh nice.

A ITST handy app where users can see the draws of the tournament's, post the scores and match reports and things like that.

A few more statistics on the page like: winning streaks, titles per court type, biggest rivals (on the court of course) and so on.

More news of whats going on on the tour and match reports.

Maybe the avatars and statistics from psn/xboxlive when i look at the profile from a player.
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Fri, 15 Aug 2014 18:44

What about that website which once Slicer was developing?
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby djarvik » Fri, 15 Aug 2014 20:09

That's the one I am talking about.
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Uchiha Muss » Fri, 15 Aug 2014 23:43

Actual tie-break score reporting. just 6-7 or 7-6 doesn't tell the whole story.
Needs the next step.

Graphics of the website could be improved. I don't know maybe a new character selection screen with better detail like a picture of player or at least a better way of selecting a character for TE roster. Right now sometimes I just miss players and scroll up and down like a retard.
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby C4iLL » Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:10

- Livescore !!

- Implementing various new rankings or stats ranking such as the one I've made on forum :
1) GOAT Ranking, with distinguish colours for people who made big achievements
2) title rankings
3) tie breaks won/lost ratios (basically, it's a "ctrl-F" search with "7-6" and "6-7" entry to get this data quickly nowadays)
4) stats about deciding sets won/lost
5) ranking of the characters for Tennis Elbow as the one I made --> with a detail, best user of a given character (who brang the most point to Federer ? So a ranking for each character --> ranking by season and All-time,
6) a ranking by ratio victories/defeat
7) a ranking based on the number of victories in career + a ranking of defeats to see who are the best loosers :p
8) Ranking by surface

- Last results on homepage without clicking on "view stats-> launch scoreboards" --> you join the homepage, you have a space where you can directly see these results + the livescore (match live)

- The Chat Section present on homepage as a category (like in the forum) : I mean it becomes a category (the chat /redirection remains the same).

- schedule where two players click on days and hours when they are available (doodle like if you know it), without exchanging messages ?

- a new design for the draws, more ATP like, I don't know, something more modern

- would be cool if you can add a comment next to your results to inform people : for instance, saying that this 6-0 6-0 you got, was because you were ill, or add other funny things ("this title ? I wanted to vulture" ; "another final lost...").
--> number of views on your page, a more convenient way to watch match history by surface and so on. In member page, currently, the upper part is useless, nobody reads that I think (Current World tour rank, email adress, website blabla, put that at the bottom perhaps) and focus on the match history here

- For the app : livescore, draws, notifications,
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby SlicerITST » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:00

djarvik wrote:Hello all!

We are in the process of setting up a new website and we need your help in a few areas. One of them is "features" of a new upcoming website update for ITST .

We need your ideas, thoughts.

Keep in mind, all ideas will be reviewed, but not all idea may be possible to implement. Be as creative as you can!

I will try to keep a list on ideas in original thread that we can implement.

- winning streaks stats
- titles per court type stats
- biggest rivals stats
- Actual tie-break score reporting 7-6(8)
- new character selection screen for TE with better detail like a picture and stats (titles won, points earned, W/L record etc)
- TE Livescore
- Implementing various new rankings or stats ranking such as the one I've made on forum :
1) GOAT Ranking, with distinguish colours for people who made big achievements
2) title rankings
3) tie breaks won/lost ratios (basically, it's a "ctrl-F" search with "7-6" and "6-7" entry to get this data quickly nowadays)
4) stats about deciding sets won/lost
5) ranking of the characters for Tennis Elbow as the one I made --> with a detail, best user of a given character (who brang the most point to Federer ? So a ranking for each character --> ranking by season and All-time,
6) a ranking by ratio victories/defeat
7) a ranking based on the number of victories in career + a ranking of defeats to see who are the best loosers :p
8) Ranking by surface
- Last results on homepage without clicking on "view stats-> launch scoreboards" --> you join the homepage, you have a space where you can directly see these results + the livescore (match live)
- The Chat Section present on homepage as a category (like in the forum) : I mean it becomes a category (the chat /redirection remains the same).
- schedule where two players click on days and hours when they are available (doodle like if you know it), without exchanging messages ?
- a new design for the draws, more ATP like, I don't know, something more modern
- would be cool if you can add a comment next to your results to inform people : for instance, saying that this 6-0 6-0 you got, was because you were ill, or add other funny things ("this title ? I wanted to vulture" ; "another final lost...").
--> number of views on your page, a more convenient way to watch match history by surface and so on. In member page, currently, the upper part is useless, nobody reads that I think (Current World tour rank, email adress, website blabla, put that at the bottom perhaps) and focus on the match history here

- draws of the tournament's
- post the scores
- match reports
- Live score
- various notifications

Ill be working on the new website. We have some things done already like a better integration of the news with social media, overall more possibilities for interaction on the site about matches played etc, more and better statistics and a better system for arranging matches. Im especially excited to show you guys more about the match arrangement system. It will greatly remove the pain that the language barrier sometimes is. I will show it off in the next few days.

Lots of great suggestions already i see. All the statistics ideas are implementable and i will put them on my to-do list. Biggest thing i have to look at is getting it all displayed logically without cluttering things too much. Ill make sure to implement live scores as well, at least for the site.

For the looks of the draws, i had implemented them very similar as now but just in a different color. I'd love to hear ideas how to display them differently though.
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby C4iLL » Tue, 19 Aug 2014 15:57

Superb, sounds promising !

Other interesting stats : the winning streak, victories against top 10, number of semi finals...

About the draws, you can take example on this : ... 42&draw=ms --> adding a flag next to the guy + some colours on the nick.

I also thought about a schedule of the matchs to be played : when people agreed to play through the calendar, a section of the website could display the hours of the matchs where there's an agreement. Hence, "spectators" could come on the website at the right hour to follow a bit the result :)
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby djarvik » Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:58

Some other ideas:

- Site wide (including forum) Rep system. Reps can be given out to members based on their matches played or contributions. Example1: Forum threads, all members can give out reputation points via REP + or take away Rep points via NEG - to the OP of the thread. Example2: Players can REP/NEG each other after the match based on their experience. Example3: News articles can be REP/NEG by members, hosts can receive REP/NEG on their tournaments hosted. Each member receives an allowance of REP/NEG tokens weekly, 5 per week. He can use them to either REP or NEG at his discretion. I can elaborate more if needed.

- Match reports should be posted on Player profile page (instead of a forum) and stored as "Players latest news" along with any News articles where the player is mentioned.

- Current Winning/Losing streak on Players profile page
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Burna747 » Fri, 22 Aug 2014 20:42

another thing. Some guys really have trouble with arranging matches because of the different timezones. A converter or something where you can put a cet time in the future and it converts the time to your timezone would help. Or is that what slicer means with language barriers?
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Fez » Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:34

- a "point of the month" video segment in corner of home screen.

- an "upset of the month" detail

Final scoreboard showing match length Eg, Fez def C4ill 6-2 6-3 (1hr 18min)

-it would be cool if after draw is released, automatically on the draw sheet is displayed head-to-head results of the two players playing each other. And so on, as tourney goes on. U know thats good!!
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Robbin92 » Sat, 23 Aug 2014 13:56

Maybe it is a bit far-fetched and I have no idea whether this is realizable but it will be super awesome cool if ITST was able to retrieve the match stats from MG and incorporate these stats in the site.
For example (in the current draw display) someone could press on the score 6-3 6-2 between VMoe and Richie and then a follow-up screen would show the match stats.

Another option is to give the players the capability to enter their match stats when they post their match score but I think that people would consider this too time-consuming.
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Tyga626 » Wed, 27 Aug 2014 04:30

Will there be a way to watch a tournament or match live stream?
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Elias » Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:32

There is one specific feature / stat i'd wish to see, wich is more informative about characters popularity, and could be interesting to look at :

A request allowing to check, how much times (count) a character has been picked, between two dates. That would allow to check characters popularity since the last mod / roster update. This request could include, all draws/tournament types, or only challenger/futures, or only 250's and higher as an option, but based on all tournament types would already be nice.
It's a bit like C4iLL's ITST characters ranking, but not based on points awarded/success, only a pick count.
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby coke4 » Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:22

I've always liked the idea of being able to insert match stats with report then you could view match stars when looking back over playing activity as you can in atp website. However I could imagine lots of people not doing it so could be a bit pointless.
Definitely should make it easier to switch between users various different game profiles, so like ts4 and te.
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