Unfair criticism!

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Re: Unfair criticism!

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:18

DeathDoUsPart20 wrote:And as a response to my use of different player, it was my brother veNm I SPoNgE who played that match for me, probably against the rules but i though a match rather than a walkover is more exciting, thats why you won, he doesnt have my charactor on his xbox.

I hope you told ur opponent before the match this was the case, and the opponent was going to get the win no matter what, otherwise it was a big no-no.

DeathDoUsPart20 wrote:i based my new player round brushedbigjj (approch shot expert)

Thanks for the compliment, but there were some differences I feel the need to point out. My character had 46 power so power shots could only be so effective, as well as my serve. So I had to work all of my serve points. Your character is built to serve wide then rb power shot to the open court. And because the return is so limited in ts4 it can be hard to counter, but it is legal.

In real tennis you can throw your body into the ball to increase the power and get the ball to go through the court. When I angled my player right I could use rb to have my character throw himself/herself into the ball to get power on my control shots. Approach shot master did it best. It did 2 things to my matches, I didn't really have to use power shots (but could still attack) and didn't have to worry as much about my player getting "stuck," and second I could rely much less on those "devil" control short angle shots. If I could have helped it I would have hit 0 short angled control shots, but I was forced to use them from time to time.

When I used this character 90%+ of the time it was a battle of wits. Whoever could predict/anticipate better would win the match. I had no continuous pattern accept to hit to the side you thought I wouldn't hit to, and to keep the ball deep. And I could break virtually any pattern my opponent used, especially the continuous short angle control pattern. However from the other side of the net it did look weird with my player jumping forward so much and I could see how this could throw people off. People whining after losing a match I would ignore. Others like Burna who I respected said it did throw them off. So I did stop using that character mainly because of "how it looked."
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Re: Unfair criticism!

Postby dj morgancooper » Tue, 25 Mar 2014 21:28

What the ****, i congratulate u after our match as i always do, and u never told me it wasn't u playing our last match.

Making someone else play without even warning me is forbidden here as far as i know.

What would have u done if veNm I SPoNgE had won that match ???

I am pretty sure u would have said nothing and continue the tournament.

That's **** LAME.
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Re: Unfair criticism!

Postby DeathDoUsPart20 » Tue, 25 Mar 2014 21:47

I knew for FACT that morgan you would have won, and if you didnt i would have pulled out anyway cause i was unable to play through that tournament, besides, this the only time i would have done this due to certain circumstances. Also again it wasnt me who was playing so therefore never seen your message. And to regrds to copying your style, i was really only talking about the rb shot that i once played against you, not your coach set up. Oh and morgan "*****" < really :|
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Re: Unfair criticism!

Postby R0CK GAMER » Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:01

@ DJ Morgan Cooper and DeathDoUsPart20- Calm down guys! It's only a game, Play nice.
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Re: Unfair criticism!

Postby Pepe Bradock » Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:51

DeathDoUsPart20 wrote:Pepe, do you play top spin 4 on xbox?

No, I play on PS3. But there are many guys with same "philosophy" you have on WT (and a few on PS3 ITST tour too, ;) ), so I don't need knowing you or playing on the same system as you to understand the situation and the style of TS4 you play.
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Re: Unfair criticism!

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Fri, 28 Mar 2014 17:18

At this point, I think that "Cheese statement" isn't enough anymore.
It's clear that there are too many "grey" spots in ITST playing rules.
I'm not saying that they should be necessarily changed, I'm just sayin they need to be crystal clear in every part.

So that we could avoid a lot of complaints (not all the complaints, of course), at least in my opinion.
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Re: Unfair criticism!

Postby C4iLL » Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:56

The TS4 tour is too complicate with all those rules, the tennis elbow one is easier, has an historically strong and fun community with not a single cheesy player, why not trying ? :)
You can even play with Gulbis and his Albatros forehand :lol:

Just a little stats for the last M1000 Sony Open :

Tennis Elbow = 76 participants
PS3 Top Spin 4 = 29 participants
Xbox Top Spin 4 = 9 participants
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Re: Unfair criticism!

Postby Fieldclan6 » Sun, 30 Mar 2014 19:19

Well I always congratulate after a match but I stop playing itst now as a few people r using glitch and that's facts
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Re: Unfair criticism!

Postby autumngloaming » Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:00

DeathDoUsPart20 wrote:In response to the ridiculous, and quite frankly laughable complaints on my playing style.
i feel itst management are only responding to players who complain because they lose, i highly doubt the would come and complain if i were not ranked 2nd and was an easy opponent!?
Lets see... • Wide serve = LEGAL
• 85 power, 100 serve = LEGAL
• fake approach shot = LEGAL
• one step from the 'T' = LEGAL ( as far as i am aware)

Ofcourse i am going to use spin serve to my advantage, its my coaches skill!! And yes i admit i do on very rare occasion, use defensive dropshot, old world tour habbit, but i find it hard to believe you cant stick to the rules 100% of the time, after all I am only human. If i were to complain about players not following the rules in every game, i would never stop messaging the host. Short slice,lob return (andy murrys favourite shot) defensive dropshots its all in real tennis so it should be acceptible on the odd circumstances...
I am just wanting the hosts to perhaps not listen to sore losers because my style of play is "different" not "cheesey"!


I found this site searching for an alternative to in-game's World Tour, a disgusting place where about 20% players respect the values of sport, and the others spit to tennis and fairness.
Now well, if I see things like 85/90 for serve and power (or especially, for both), or even like 95 for volleys, I'll resign immediately and leave the game. Let's not even talk about 95-100 values for serve.
Because I play Top Spin to play a videogame of tennis, not a war or a war of cheating.
I refuse to play on World Tour, and I'll refuse here if someone does the same.
Hasn't happened yet, though.

Defensive dropshots and lobs? They can occur, AT MOST, once in a whole game, in real tennis. And so should they on Top Spin games.
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