I lose against him (3-6/6-1/7-6).
How is it possible is in ITST ?
He serve (on left side) EVERY TIME OUTWIDE (sliced serve for sure)! Drop shot when he run (on a break point en the 3rd set).
The first set was "ok".
The second was "ok" too…
But the third set, he cheat (cheese ?) against me. The tie-break ? 0 serve on the "T". 0 ! (he forget to put his player on the middle of course

Of course, I have no evidences to prove my words. But I can swear he cheese against me.
I request the banishment for him or the we two.
I have no played an ITST match since 5 month, and I wanted "see" my level and doing a FAIR and NO-CHEESY matches.
Please correct this "anomaly".
Joker Fr, a fair player...