Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

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Re: Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Wed, 10 Jul 2013 08:57

pr1-yesh wrote:Hi, apparently my opponent said it is cheesy for me to play with a serve and volley player and using drop shot volleys, however i dont see what the problem with this is. Surely this is my advantage of having a serve and volley player, whilst my forehands and backhands are weak, and this happens in real tennis a lot of the times, especially when pete sampras played.
what are your thoughts?

Spamming dropshots is cheesy, according to the rules.
But the rules say nothing about drop shot volleys, and I don't see any reason to consider them cheesy.

It's part of your character skills and as you said, you have weak fh and bh so why shouldn't you use one of your best weapons?
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Re: Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

Postby Greenwilly66 » Fri, 03 Jan 2014 18:02

Hi all! I have a question: is it cheesy or illegal to use repeatledly approach shots with R1 and go back to the baseline? I think it is very very cheesy because they give too much advantage and you should use them only if you want to follow to the net. Thanks
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Re: Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

Postby Moralspain » Sun, 05 Jan 2014 16:25

Greenwilly66 wrote:Hi all! I have a question: is it cheesy or illegal to use repeatledly approach shots with R1 and go back to the baseline? I think it is very very cheesy because they give too much advantage and you should use them only if you want to follow to the net. Thanks

good time for copy and paste the following text:

TST Member:

As you may or may not know, "cheesy" is a term used to describe a style of play that most players consider to be unfair. The style takes advantage of the games limitations, making it completely unrealistic compared to real life tennis. Examples of this would be: risk slice returning from inside the baseline, serving from the far corners (tramlines), lobbing returns, drop shot returns, among other things.

These are just examples. The point is, these tactics are used in an attempt to gain a cheap and easy win.

The reason for this post is to issue a reminder to everyone playing at the ITST.

The ITST is a place where like-minded players get together and compete. It is a safe place where our members play fairly. We are all here to enjoy the structure the ITST provides and to enjoy the friendly community that has been established.

We have always resisted the temptation to place restrictions on the type of shot(s) that can be played during ITST matches. We've done this to allow a variety of playing styles to be present on the tour so everyone can enjoy the game to its fullest.

And old post, but still appreciated. I know that in 2008 things were different but for the people running this site that utopia of fair play is still burned in our minds. Time back we didn't need rules for everything as we do now, the main point for signing up was because this was a "safe place" to play tournaments with no cheesy tactics and all the members knew that. Things and people have changed, no doubt.
That being said that tactic you describe is consider cheesy, but there's no written rule against using it so draw your own conclusion.
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Re: Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

Postby Greenwilly66 » Mon, 06 Jan 2014 23:30

Cro Morgan for mp: ''What you described is cheesy if it's overused, as a deliberate tactic. If it's used occasionally, not a problem.'' Anyway you could always write in the rules....... That said I leave ITST because I thought that people played to have fun here, but it is not. Here it is thought only to win, from what I saw. All players have the same exact same characteristics:

forehand 74
backhand 74
42 volleys
serves 68
Power 86
Resistance 78
Speed ​​57
Reflections 59 Ability: Counter kings of demivolèè

And this is not fun since you have to have a player like them to be able to compete. Change only the service position from world tour, but the mentality is always the same...
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Re: Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

Postby ELTXETXU » Tue, 07 Jan 2014 11:17

Greenwilly66 wrote:Cro Morgan for mp: ''What you described is cheesy if it's overused, as a deliberate tactic. If it's used occasionally, not a problem.'' Anyway you could always write in the rules....... That said I leave ITST because I thought that people played to have fun here, but it is not. Here it is thought only to win, from what I saw. All players have the same exact same characteristics:

forehand 74
backhand 74
42 volleys
serves 68
Power 86
Resistance 78
Speed ​​57
Reflections 59 Ability: Counter kings of demivolèè

And this is not fun since you have to have a player like them to be able to compete. Change only the service position from world tour, but the mentality is always the same...

You are right and wrong at the same time. :D

ITST is a place where most of people plays fair and realistic online tennis just for fun, without cheesy tactics and without written rules. You can't compare it with WT. Of course always there will be people who plays cheesy, unkind, unfair, etc.... In other hand, ITST is a TOUR, so it's normal that people who plays here wants to win (not at any price, of course).

When the Top Spin 4 Tour began 2 years ago, you could choose any character, but most of people picked: Top Spin invasion/monster defense. TI/MD was banned, so people began to play with Drew welch as coach. Suddenly the matches began to be a short crosscourt battle, so the management changed the rules again. And here i'm with you: WITH THE NEW RULES, YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE 2 CHARACTERS IF YOU WANT TO COMPETE: Rabary or Neuwirth. And the tour has become very boring since every player uses exactly the same characters.
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