Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby DennieFR1908 » Wed, 30 Oct 2013 20:38

Exactly. Also if you compare his results against players like djgayls (7-6 6-4) or obezpyer (7-6 4-1) with the results me obskur, firdiris, chahine or eloymm have against them (around 6-0 6-1 6-2) With all respect to those guys, they are cool and they can surely play the game very well, but it sais something about Swifty's level On The PS3 (Not Xbox tour in general). BTW IMO Burna is the best man from Xbox I've seen him playing really impressive so I'm still waiting for him to try a PS3 tournament ^^
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby Burna747 » Wed, 30 Oct 2013 21:25

No i suck! :D
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Wed, 30 Oct 2013 21:32

C4iLL wrote:I've just seen some interesting result :

Eloym > Swifty (7-6, 6-3) - 26 October
Obskur57 > Eloym (6-3, 6-4) - 25 October
Obskur57 > Swifty (6-1, 6-2) - 23 October

You can now make your own conclusion about the credibility of the current Xbox tour :lol:

Still using others accomplishments to make yourself feel never stops with you. And the people you keep mentioning could beat you quite easily, so you putting them down makes you look really ridiculous.
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby DennieFR1908 » Wed, 30 Oct 2013 21:52

Burna747 wrote:No i suck! :D

Lol don't be scared mate if you will come on PS3 tour I assure you you will only get better. You can't expect to beat everyone straight away but you will become a top player I'm sure of it ;) And I know what I talk about ask Obskur I already predicted he would become the best like 2 years ago ^^
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Wed, 30 Oct 2013 22:11

DennieFR1908 wrote:Lol don't be scared mate if you will come on PS3 tour I assure you you will only get better. You can't expect to beat everyone straight away but you will become a top player I'm sure of it ;) And I know what I talk about ask Obskur I already predicted he would become the best like 2 years ago ^^

Of all the people on this site I do have to acknowledge most of Dennie's predictions come true. Um...could you predict that ill find a million dollars tomorrow...pretty please :P
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby DennieFR1908 » Wed, 30 Oct 2013 22:32

Yes you probably didn't know this from me but I have the third eye ^^ Again you can ask Obskur lol I also predicted his 6-1 6-2 against swifty before the match ^^
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby C4iLL » Wed, 30 Oct 2013 22:43

I'd like to complete my initial post :lol: :lol:

- MatteoProscia20 vs Burna747 @US Open 2013 Xbox = 6-4, 6-3, 0-6, 6-4
- MatteoProscia20 vs Swifty @US Open 2013 Xbox = 2-6, 3-6, 0-4.

Burna also took a double baggel vs Sh0case, scoring 0 game in his whole career vs him.
Swifty, alias "Thierry Champion" did perhaps even better : he actually took a triple baggel vs Sh0case at AO 2012 !
Only 5 players in the history of the ATP Tour achieved such an unbelievable performance, including the famous Thierry Champion !!

And what about BrushBig ? Well, I don't know if he can be jealous or not about his three XboxBrotha because he took 5 baggels vs Sh0case, which is a bit more. Scored 20 games in 6 matches. Average = 1 game / set.

So I'd like to thank these three clowns to make me laugh everytime I read this circus-topic :lol: :lol:
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Wed, 30 Oct 2013 23:51

Oh good we're doing more stats now. I thought I had seen the depths of C4ills domination of topspin 4, but more has been dug up. Here is some of the great c4ill's stats. And keep in mind he used a s&v player on ts 4 where it is very vey very easy to hold but hard to break, so there should be a bunch of 7-6 sets right?

Sets vs shocase and fifa: 0-19
6-2, 6-1, 6-0, 6-1, 6-2, 6-0, 6-1, 7-5, 6-3, 6-2, 6-4, 6-3, 6-1, 6-3, 6-1, 6-0, 6-0, 7-5

But everyone struggled against these 2, so mr. C4ill must have done well against everyone else right?

2012 record: 27-33

Sets vs everyone besides sho/fifa where c4ill scored 2 games or less: 6-2, 6-1, 6-2, 6-2, 6-0, 6-1, 6-1, 6-2, 6-2, 6-1, 6-0, 6-1, 6-1, 6-1, 6-0, 6-0, 6-2, 6-2

I count 18, way to go c4ill :lol:
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby DennieFR1908 » Thu, 31 Oct 2013 00:10

Round 69... FIGHT
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby C4iLL » Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:57

You miss the point : the topic is about you guys, not retired players like me or other people. Instead of hunting ghosts, admit you're just big HOAX !

But if you want to talk again about me, your obsession, okay : I never took a double baggel, nor a triple baggel as some pretentious self-considered-high-skilled clowns here took.

And as you noticed, I played SV : it was totally easy for them to beat me especially in Sim. They specifically took setups to kill me, like the one with Sniper Passing Shot or something like that. Loosing to Sh0case 7-5 at the masters was an awesome performance regarding the setups.

Anyway, I'm glad for having made you loose time again : it's less time for you to practice and increase your average skills mouahaha :c
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby Burna747 » Thu, 31 Oct 2013 19:02

The real question is why the hosts let you do this and dont close this. Can you imagine what new members think if they read your postings? It is how you are only here to expose other members of this site. Get a life instead of hunting ghosts and talking the whole time about things happened years ago.
Anyway, I'm glad for having made you loose time again : it's less time for you to practice and increase your average skills mouahaha :c

obviously you have by far to much time. Whats your real problem? No friends? No work?
How you said every word for you is waisted time ! Nothing what you say makes sense. I think troll is the modern word for guys like you right?
Ciao sCared4ill :D
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:41

C4iLL wrote:You miss the point : the topic is about you guys, not retired players like me or other people. Instead of hunting ghosts, admit you're just big HOAX !

I've been retired for months, but yet you make sure to mention me. Hmmmmmmm? :|
And no, being retired doesn't make me a ghost. 8)

C4iLL wrote:But if you want to talk again about me, your obsession, okay : I never took a double baggel, nor a triple baggel as some pretentious self-considered-high-skilled clowns here took.

And as you noticed, I played SV : it was totally easy for them to beat me especially in Sim. They specifically took setups to kill me, like the one with Sniper Passing Shot or something like that. Loosing to Sh0case 7-5 at the masters was an awesome performance regarding the setups.

You come on here putting down other players and myself, I have no problem exposing you for what you are, a loud mouth scared bully.
And no, winning on your serve is easy with serve and volley on topspin4. You missed the point, you had 19 chances to get them to at least one tiebreak when the game made it so easy to hold serve doing s&v.

And as long as you keep coming on here attacking people ill have a response about you, I'm far from out of ammunition. I'm sure you've noticed I say nothing about you when you keep quiet, I always let you make the first move.

Imagine if the whole forum was how you made this post, every newcomer having every loss highlighted, and every score scrutinized, no chance to grow and become better at the game. The site wouldn't last long.

Anybody could go look up TE scores and start scrutinizing everyone but I don't see anyone doing that.
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Re: Xbox Tour vs PS3 Tour BattleStars

Postby dj morgancooper » Fri, 01 Nov 2013 01:00

Brushed is right. C4ill behaviour is pitiful. Shocase or Fifa didn't put down people like u do.
With 52 defeat (WO is ur own fault and nobody forced u to be a volleyer) for only 49 victory (WO is their own fault too) u should calm down.
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