VMoe86 wrote:El Croato, the randomness is not really the problem, I can deal with commentators saying the same few phrases for the same situations. What bothers me more is that some phrases like "What a point!" are triggered even when the rally ends on a stupid error, whereas it should trigger "What a shame, he misses the easy one!" or so.
Granted, the rally must have been long for that to happen, but having more variables there would be great.
Oh ok, I got your point!
Actually, the commentary samples are linked to the so-called applause audio files. Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about samples such as "That's ridiculous" or "What a point" triggering after a point lost on a bad unforced error because I think the applauding intensity depends on the length of rallies so much sometimes, when two players will have, for instance, a 20-stroke rally, App_Strong files will be played even if - as I have just said - the last shot will be a poor one.
With the ITST commented games I have been playing so far, I can tell that most of the time, App0_Quiet and App1_Soft audio files will trigger after a bad point, but I can understand it can sound weird to hear commentators go into ecstacies at the sight of an unforced error committed in a very long rally, unless the latter has been beyond beauty.
The only solution I would have now would amount to associating samples like "Oh, he missed it" with the "Crowd_Disappointed" audio file, but I think the result won't be good because this particular audio file is only triggered when players do not return serves well, especially on break points. The only way for us to take it to the next level is to operate in-game changes on the sounds triggering system, maybe Elias or manutoo could enlighten us on this point.