Most Anticipated Games of 2013

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Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Sat, 09 Feb 2013 15:49

March is a HUGE month for me! I'm so looking forward to ALL these games! What about everybody else? Hopefully some of my fellow ITSTers will join me as each of these games have multiplayer!!! So excited! What are some games you're excited about?

Tomb Raider

Gears of War: Judgement

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

Dead Island: Riptide
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby sebastianhu » Sat, 09 Feb 2013 16:15

Anyone playing COD Black Ops 2?
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Tue, 07 May 2013 20:07

i play not much at moment (very less time)
last 3 games i played are
dead island riptide
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby Saarbrigga » Sun, 12 May 2013 21:21

Top Spin 5 :mrgreen:
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby JohnCurveo » Thu, 16 May 2013 02:18

Metal gear solid 5
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Thu, 16 May 2013 15:10

How can we forget Grand theft Auto 5 :)
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby J. Grilo » Wed, 29 May 2013 13:57

Broken Sword 5: The Serpient's Curse
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby VillaJ100 » Sat, 29 Jun 2013 16:15

I was thinking rockstar had really dropped the ball with gta 5, being as it could be a huge launch title for the next generation as well as being a previous gen title like watchdogs will be. However, I think they will say 'oh no, no next gen gta 5', so they sell big on the previous gen, then in early 2014 will say 'hey, we are releasing on xbone and ps4 as well as we are really nice like that', but of course everyone who bought it for last gen, the game won't work on the new consoles so it will be bought twice. Hence I'm NOT getting it for ps3 as when I get a ps4, I will almost certainly never use my ps3 again, for reasons of space morethan anything, and I ddon'twant to have to buy it twice.
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby Cro Morgan » Tue, 02 Jul 2013 05:49

A zillion people own a Xbox 360.
A zillion people own a PS3.
Zero people own a Xbox One
Zero people own a PS4
Rockstar = smart
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby VillaJ100 » Thu, 11 Jul 2013 22:54

Cro Morgan wrote:A zillion people own a Xbox 360.
A zillion people own a PS3.
Zero people own a Xbox One
Zero people own a PS4
Rockstar = smart

I can understand that but they could still release for both, like Watch Dogs etc are doing. Or even just admit there will be a next gen in 2014 like GT6 and others are doing but just be vague on a date. Instead the just want people to buy both lol.
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby Vieira151 » Thu, 11 Jul 2013 23:33

Or they'll port it a couple of months after on the next gen consoles. Meaning they'll get even more money.
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby emate007 » Thu, 11 Jul 2013 23:54

You guys are missing the point: A next gen version of GTA5 was impossible to make. This game has been in development for what, 4/5 years? Can't just pop off a port in a few months, nobody knew what the xbone (I find it hilarious that X-bone has become the go to name) or ps4 would look like or be able to do one year ago. Pretty sure GTA5 will break records in terms of dev team size and overall cost, no way they want to inflate that number even further.
That's not even mentioning the business side, as Cro pointed out. Doesn't make sense to release it on a new console with a meager installed base. History shows that Rockstar makes a point of being at least a couple years behind any console launch with a new GTA.
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby VillaJ100 » Fri, 12 Jul 2013 00:16

Vieira151 wrote:Or they'll port it a couple of months after on the next gen consoles. Meaning they'll get even more money.

I think they almost certainly will. I get you emate but they will release this for PC, which will be superior to the console versions, and being as the xbone (lol) and the ps4 are built largely on pc architecture it won't be too difficult to port to next gen as well. If they had released in say february as was rumoured i wouldnt have a issue, but 5 weeks before next gen? Sorry, i'm selling accessories and games for my old console not buying more. The only games I have from ps2 are ico, shadow of the colossus and okami, and that's only cause they are kinda valuable. I will keep my ps3 though as my blue ray player downstairs broke not long ago :mrgreen:
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby VillaJ100 » Fri, 12 Jul 2013 00:16

Vieira151 wrote:Or they'll port it a couple of months after on the next gen consoles. Meaning they'll get even more money.

I think they almost certainly will. I get you emate but they will release this for PC, which will be superior to the console versions, and being as the xbone (lol) and the ps4 are built largely on pc architecture it won't be too difficult to port to next gen as well. If they had released in say february as was rumoured i wouldnt have a issue, but 5 weeks before next gen? Sorry, i'm selling accessories and games for my old console not buying more. The only games I have from ps2 are ico, shadow of the colossus and okami, and that's only cause they are kinda valuable. I will keep my ps3 though as my blue ray player downstairs broke not long ago :mrgreen:
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Re: Most Anticipated Games of 2013

Postby VillaJ100 » Fri, 12 Jul 2013 00:16

Vieira151 wrote:Or they'll port it a couple of months after on the next gen consoles. Meaning they'll get even more money.

I think they almost certainly will. I get you emate but they will release this for PC, which will be superior to the console versions, and being as the xbone (lol) and the ps4 are built largely on pc architecture it won't be too difficult to port to next gen as well. If they had released in say february as was rumoured i wouldnt have a issue, but 5 weeks before next gen? Sorry, i'm selling accessories and games for my old console not buying more. The only games I have from ps2 are ico, shadow of the colossus and okami, and that's only cause they are kinda valuable. I will keep my ps3 though as my blue ray player downstairs broke not long ago :mrgreen:
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