djarvik wrote:A relatively consistent, yeah. But then we need to define what is consistent or what is not...
I was speaking in terms of single shot production comparasing. ...and as such, he has a decent consistency on the serve with great placement. Even there you have to break it down a bit further, there are tons of consistent servers that are simply rolling the ball you have to think in terms of consistency of well placed serves. There he is a bit higher up, and yet there are players (a decent bunch) that can do that part better.
So in a grand scheme of things, if you go for a direct comparasing, Roger loses in most departments. What "wins" is the total package, on a very strong tripod support of Feet, Hands, Eyes.
Its funny to me all the attributions people make to him: Best FH, Best BH, Best slice, Serve, Volley and so on. This shows mainly Fanaticism rather then knowledge. your earlier question "Do any of you people actually watch/play tennis in real life?"
I play/coach tennis for 22 years now.
If what you said is true, that would mean that Roger has in your own words the "total pakcage" that wins. But not a "one" shot that is actually consistent? So he is just.. overall good? But not consistent. That doesn't make sense.
If you coach tennis, I am sure you must realize that the Federer FH for example, is not consistent if you follow your advise?
I don't really understand your logic. Considering the Fed FH, serve, volley, return are all more than consistent and above average.