Ban longer, better with shot counter!

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Ban longer, better with shot counter!

Postby sebastianhu » Fri, 11 Jan 2013 15:53

It's like playing someone with monster defense - it's ridiculous! Every ball is coming back.....
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Re: Ban longer, better with shot counter!

Postby Airton111 » Fri, 11 Jan 2013 23:27

Hi, I dont think that Longer Better is a great advantage because if you win the point quickly it doesn't work.. In my opinion there are other thinks that some player do and is INTENTIONAL LAG that is a great advantage for that player and is really sad win that way. Thanks for that players that play fair, is really fun play with you
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Re: Ban longer, better with shot counter!

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Sat, 12 Jan 2013 00:50

Airton111 wrote:Hi, I dont think that Longer Better is a great advantage because if you win the point quickly it doesn't work.. In my opinion there are other thinks that some player do and is INTENTIONAL LAG that is a great advantage for that player and is really sad win that way. Thanks for that players that play fair, is really fun play with you

What do you mean with "Intentional Lag"? How can it be possible?

Anyway I agree with you. Speaking about Shot-counter and Longer,Better, just today I faced a guy with 1-8-11 setup and Madr as coach.
That was a nice match, but I won 3-1 3-0 (or 3-0 3-1, can't remember exactly). I was using Neuwirth (0-15-5).
And the match was on clay...

Well,I suppose that means that Neuwirth is way better than Madr. Definitely.
Am I right?
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Re: Ban longer, better with shot counter!

Postby Airton111 » Sat, 12 Jan 2013 01:02

In my opinion Newrith is more powerful but he has less stamina and in my opinion it is important in large matches
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Re: Ban longer, better with shot counter!

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Sat, 12 Jan 2013 01:06

Airton111 wrote:In my opinion Newrith is more powerful but he has less stamina and in my opinion it is important in large matches

But I prooved that is possible to defeat a guy with greater stamina and speed, on clay!
So it MUST be better Neuwirth.

Yes, it has to be so. I hope Shocase is still in town, so I will surely defeat him if we'll have a match :)

Clearly I'm joking, but I meant to say that setups cannot make the difference as the users do.
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Re: Ban longer, better with shot counter!

Postby Airton111 » Sat, 12 Jan 2013 02:07

On(?) world tour I played a week with newrith and I really liked it because you can be very agressive but other player beat to me with other Newrith and I didnt use him again :)
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Re: Ban longer, better with shot counter!

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Sat, 12 Jan 2013 02:43

Airton111 wrote:On(?) world tour I played a week with newrith and I really liked it because you can be very agressive but other player beat to me with other Newrith and I didnt use him again :)

Of course Neuwirth was just an example.
Maybe this coach doesn't fit you. I'm trying it since a few weeks, for now I'm doing just fine, but this doesn't mean Neuwirth is the best coach for me too.
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Re: Ban longer, better with shot counter!

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Sun, 13 Jan 2013 15:37

Honestly any player that plays this game exceptionally well could play with ANY coach and why not just ban all the coaches? :? I mean...there's no winning with this. Either you win or you lose...that's just life.
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Re: Ban longer, better with shot counter!

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Mon, 14 Jan 2013 00:17

Actually, banning all coaches would mean that there would be no skills :mrgreen:
We can play using players without coaches :c
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