HowTo record and watch .dmo files (replays)

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HowTo record and watch .dmo files (replays)

Postby Elias » Thu, 07 Jun 2012 20:51

HowTo record and watch .dmo files (replays) :

In TE main folder, open your Profiles folder.
There you should find the ITST.ini file (that is, if you installed ITST mod and followed the instructions in this thread ). Edit this file with notepad or any text editor you wish.

Find the [record] section, it should look like something like this :

AutoRecord = 0
// Play = 2012-05-24.21-41 - Elias vs C4iLL 6-4 7-6.dmo


To record your matches, set the AutoRecord to 1 (or 2 if you experience hardware lag). The game will
then record all your matches until you change this value to 0.
You will find the recorded .dmo files in the Profiles/Demos folder.

AutoRecord = 1
// Play = 2012-05-24.21-41 - Elias vs C4iLL 6-4 7-6.dmo



To watch a .dmo replay, just change the second line, removing the "//" at the start of the line (uncommenting it).
and also changing the filename using the replay filename you want to watch.

If you downloaded a .dmo, don't forget of course to copy it in your Profiles/Demos folder, or the game won't find it.

That is, if i want to watch the "2012-05-22.21-38 - Eliom vs Ugada 7-6 6-2.dmo" replay , my [record] section should look like this :

AutoRecord = 1
Play = 2012-05-22.21-38 - Eliom vs Ugada 7-6 6-2.dmo


Note that to only watch a replay, the AutoRecord value is not important, only the "Play" line below.

save your ITST.ini file, then launch TE.

Now you are in TE, launch a warm-up or practice match, and the game will automatically load the replay.

When watching a replay, you can press :

- F10 : to skip to next point
- left Control + F10 : to skip to next game
- left Shift + F10 : to skip to next set

When you finished watching and want to play TE normally, just close TE, edit your ITST.ini file again, and put the comment // in front of the Play = line again.
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Re: HowTo record and watch .dmo files (replays)

Postby Clog » Sat, 29 Dec 2012 14:44

Just tried to watch a .dmo and I had an error message saying the crash was located in the system.log
Notice that I tried with two different files including one I already watched a couple of months ago. Has anyone ever had this problem ?
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Re: HowTo record and watch .dmo files (replays)

Postby VMoe86 » Sat, 29 Dec 2012 14:56

Clog wrote:Just tried to watch a .dmo and I had an error message saying the crash was located in the system.log
Notice that I tried with two different files including one I already watched a couple of months ago. Has anyone ever had this problem ?

Such problems happen when the .dmo file was recorded on an older build than the one you are currently using.
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Re: HowTo record and watch .dmo files (replays)

Postby Clog » Sat, 29 Dec 2012 14:57

So I guess it's screwed ?
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Re: HowTo record and watch .dmo files (replays)

Postby VMoe86 » Sat, 29 Dec 2012 14:59

If you don't have any older build on your PC, then yes, you are screwed. It can also be due to changes from ITST 1.10 to 1.11 (new animations).
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