Constant hitting accelerations are easy to do and effective against some players. Are we going to have a ban on them?
At the end of the day, when someone hits a defensive lob when they've been pushed out wide, it's still an attackable shot, if you get your footwork right. Blaming an unforced error, which is due
solely to your own lack of footwork on opponents using "cheesy" tactics is not the way to go. Much like the ban on dropshots "spamming" when in reality, a poorly placed dropshot is one of the easiest shot to attack in the game.
The truth is, defensive lobs are not meant
only for when the other player is at the net. I for one rarely use the defensive lob, unless my opponent is at the net, not because I consider it cheesy, but because it forces me on the defensive straight away.
Work me a boss.