The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby Samael » Wed, 31 Oct 2012 10:30

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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby SlicerITST » Wed, 31 Oct 2012 10:42

The player creator in TE11 allows so much freedom in awarding points to stats we had come up with a rule for character creation. We discussed a couple of options and eventually choose to have a fixed roster. This mainly due to the fact that in our opinion any other character limitation method would lead to one type of maxed out character being used. And this game just screams for more then that. Its really allows multiple playstyles to be effective. Hence we have a balanced pro player roster.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Thu, 01 Nov 2012 11:34

Didn't you do the same thing with Top Spin 4?
I haven't Xbox, so I am not used to play with TE, so I'm just asking.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby SlicerITST » Thu, 01 Nov 2012 11:55

You mean we hosted fixed roster tours for TS4 and TS3? Then that is true yes. It was a succes for TS3 tour but not so much for TS4. Probably cause it did not really alter the game experience enough to differentiate it from the regular tour.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby emate007 » Fri, 02 Nov 2012 07:34

I read through the last 4 pages of this thread, and holy shit! I copied all the quotes that were interesting.
Except for a few, I don't remember who said what. But it starts here:

If u have a game with great animations and graphics but poor gameplay, and a game with poor animations and graphics but good gameplay. Why A is better than B? B cannot be better than A? When i said realistic i was talking about gameplay. But there are different ways to say something is realistic.

Fun will always be better than lame, no matter how gorgeous it is while you're not having fun.

flaunting the fact that you are a game-tester doing you any justice here, on this forum, in fact the opposite maybe true, it makes you indirectly responsible for all the garbage games the industry puts out as of late and how they screw the consumer out of their money regularly, in my honest opinion.

Al, I love you man, but this is no good. No game tester is responsible for the state of the industry. From what I understand it's a rough life with absolutely no artistic or design input.

as a professional video game reviewer you should have experience in giving good arguments.

Tester. He said he was a game tester.

i made a mistake saying what one of my jobs is.

You certainly did. And while I don't agree with you, you've taken a lot of extra heat. You could have avoided it easily but... here we are.

Skyrim, awarded as the best game of last year. He has received harsh criticism from users, despite having a near-perfect packaging, is an unfinished game, and practically every users community people says the game is "scum".

OK, this is total bullshit. Everybody loves Skyrim.

I don't appreciate being labelled (directly or indirectly) as stupid just because I pick and stay on TS4.

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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby Cro Morgan » Fri, 02 Nov 2012 10:39

emate007 wrote:Fun will always be better than lame, no matter how gorgeous it is while you're not having fun.

What we have here is a candidate for Quote of the Year. :)
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