Best Major?

Talk about anything related to the ATP and WTA tours.

Which one is the best and why?

Australian Open
Roland Garross
US Open
Total votes : 12

Best Major?

Postby djarvik » Tue, 03 Jul 2012 22:44

Which one is the best and why?

Lets decide once and for all.
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Postby L Sanchez MD » Tue, 03 Jul 2012 23:26

US Open has the courts that I prefer - quick, so it's exciting tennis.
Wimbledon is the one I grew up watching.
French is very historic, and has the epic clay court battles.
Watching the Aus is nice cos it's summer there (and winter here) :p

USO scheduling is usually a fail though, and there is always at least some form of hurricane.
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:19

Australian Open.

Living in America, there is nothing like coming home, getting some energy drinks and preparing for a long night of wonderful tennis. Hands down my favorite major to watch.

If there is one place I wish I could visit it would be Melbourne.

If I had to put them in order it would be:

1. Australian Open
2. Wimbledon
3. US Open
4. Roland Garros

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Postby Ugadalou » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 04:30

I'm surprised at how many of you like the Australian Open!

I've always thought it was the most boring major by far,it does not have that certain character the other slams do.
I mean when I think of hard-court GS,my first thought is the US Open no doubt.
The Aussie is so slow and tasteless.US Open night session with the balls flying around like crazy is more my kind of thing.

My favorite one currently is Wimbledon though.I used to get bored in the past watching wimby it was only serving and prefer it nowadays but I'd still like to see players S&V more at least in grass court season.

Roland Garros I can't stand the french crowd.Sorry.

So for me:

US Open
Roland Garros
Australian Open
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Postby Cro Morgan » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 05:03

Australian Open
Shouldn't even be a Grand Slam. Too damn early in the year. The best players typically win, as always, but they do so with chubby legs and a belly full of Christmas turkey. Not pretty.

Behind the times. Tradition is nice, I guess, but the tournament is too damn stuffy. Lose the "wear white," "11pm curfew" and "no Sunday tennis" BS -- and the bowing to imaginary princes and princesses, yeh, you can dump that crap too.

Roland Garros

Tennis shouldn't even be played on clay. Back in the day, okay, no choice, but now we can groom grass and manufacture DecoTurf. Come to think of it, tennis shouldn't be played on grass either. What is this? The 18th century? Grow up tennis.

US Open

The best of the bunch. No grass. No clay. Tennis at three in the morning. Fights in the stands. The only rule that would make this tournament better: "loser of point must drink shot." Yeh buddy!
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Postby ydderFx » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 08:28

Everything what Moralspain said in the Wimbledon thread.

The tradition of Wimbledon, everyone wearing white on the grass on Centre Court! And all the history, just great.

You can say I'm slightly biased considering I'm from England, :wink:
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Postby JohnCurveo » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 09:22

I used to love US Open till Feliciano Lopez-Taylor Dent match, the worst match in tennis history, i started to hate the tournament after i spend my money on that shit.

My ranking is:

US Open-Wimbledon-Roland Garros on the same level

Australian Open
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Postby Corbon » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 12:08

US Open-Australian Open-Wimbledon-French Open


Wimbledon - Dresscode, curfew, no matches on first Sunday and bowing in front of members of an utterly useless institution. **** all that. Edit: Just realized, 100% agree with Cro Morgan!

French Open - Before Rafa's dominance the one-slam-pony. Lots of players would reach the final or win while royally sucking on other surfaces (Muster etc.) No hawkeye but constant complaints about crappy umpire/linesmen decisions. Worst crowd.

US Open - Not being able to see a lot of matches is a bit annoying for a European but not nearly as bad as the AO. Favourite surface. Deciding set tie break adds a lot of tension to the game and it's the only Slam where it's possible to lose a match without getting one's serve broken. Noise level can be annoying.

AO - Other than having a completely different time zone, nothing really but it's considered the least prestigious Slam to win.
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Postby Corbon » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 12:19

I used to love US Open till Feliciano Lopez-Taylor Dent match, the worst match in tennis history, i started to hate the tournament after i spend my money on that shit.

What happened there? 100 aces?
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Postby PerfectAce » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 12:28

1st - Wimbledon: I grew up watching Sampras making history there, and after him Federer. There no way I could choose another one.

2sd - Roland Garros: Watch Guga writting his name for Brazil there was fantastic. And it´s the only GS that i had chance to watch live, during my honeymoon in Paris. I could see the man´s semis in 2010 - Soderling x Berdych and Nadal x Melzer. I´ll never forgive Soderling for beating Fed in the quarters. It was my chance to watch him... :x

3rd - US Open: Many great matches there, including last Sampras title.

4th - Aussie Open: They should have already changed the surface for clay. I really didn´t like the drastic changes that were made there. It didn´t help Fed at all... :lol:
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Postby Amazing Matheja » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 19:56

JohnCurveo wrote:I used to love US Open ... But I took an arrow to the knee...

Corbon wrote:What happened there? 100 aces?

Fixed... And that's the real truth, you can admt it now, it's cool man... It happened to the best of men... :P

Edit :
Oh ! And by the way : To me the best major(s) is Lee !
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Postby DSL1318 » Wed, 04 Jul 2012 22:52

wimbledon, why? history 8)
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Postby Tamthewasp » Thu, 05 Jul 2012 02:14

I have'nt read any 1s answer but its clearly Wimbledon. If you need an explination as 2 why its the best, then i suggest you go an play a different sport
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