ITST Revises rules for Regular Tour

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ITST Revises rules for Regular Tour

Postby djarvik » Tue, 08 May 2012 20:30

Following the great feedback received in a recent Test Tournament event, ITST will move to a new set of rules effective for tournaments starting on 5/14/2012 and on. The tournaments currently in progress will be completed based on old rules.

New Rules are:

- Skills: Monster Defense and Smell of Blood are banned.
- You may have only one Grey colored stat (below 50).
- All stats must be no less than 42

I want to thank everyone for their valuable feedback and continues support. Good luck in upcoming tournaments ladies and gentlemen.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Tue, 08 May 2012 20:37

And i want to thank you..... :lol:
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Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 08 May 2012 20:39

Let me be the first 2 say YES.
And a big HAAAA 2 all you cheesy Welch abusers.

Thanks management. :D
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Postby wdob1985 » Tue, 08 May 2012 21:56

Great news
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Postby Obskur57 » Tue, 08 May 2012 22:00

Great news!
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Re: ITST Revises rules for Regular Tour

Postby DennieFR1908 » Tue, 08 May 2012 22:28

djarvik wrote:Following the great feedback received in a recent Test Tournament event,

This must be sarcastic lol.

Anyway why isn't it possible to adept these new rules from today? Shouldn't be any problem for anyone right.. ?
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Tue, 08 May 2012 22:47

Peto Chesire - gives Top Spin Invasion and Poisoned Slices
Jon Samala - gives Instant Rocket and Monster Defence
Pei Jinq Quah - gives Top Spin Invasion and Monster Defence
Aja Golakov - gives Volley Shot Artist and Monster Defence.

Are these previously banned coaches still banned..??

Peto chesire is allowed this means?
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Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 08 May 2012 23:38

Yes Peto Chesire is allowed.
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Postby Corbon » Tue, 08 May 2012 23:47

MD: Golakov, Samala, Quah
SoB: Welch, Lum, Kelly

Ercolani falls victim to the One Grey Stat Only rule because there's no possible way to get both his service and volley over 48.

Which doesn't seem very tragic because Slavina and Barrero are two good (better?) alternatives.
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Postby Sh0Case » Tue, 08 May 2012 23:55

How much feedback was received from the Xbox tour?
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Postby jayb1988 » Wed, 09 May 2012 00:25

Looks like I'm going to have to revamp my player then, three greyed out stats and one is at 40 :(. Isn't this going to rule out alot of set ups, to the point where we are all playing with only one or two coaches? I thought this lack of coach choice and variety was only supposed to apply to the SIM part of the tour? I guess its a positive change altogether but I think it may drive away alot of players.
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Postby Corbon » Wed, 09 May 2012 00:59

What's your current setup?

These rules basically rule out many 20 point setup like Babb or Gallo, for many baseliner setups you'll need to put 1 point into S&V now, for example instead of 0-5-15 Neuwirth or Rabari it's 1-4-15.
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Postby jayb1988 » Wed, 09 May 2012 02:03

Corbon wrote:What's your current setup?

These rules basically rule out many 20 point setup like Babb or Gallo, for many baseliner setups you'll need to put 1 point into S&V now, for example instead of 0-5-15 Neuwirth or Rabari it's 1-4-15.

Yeah I've jumped the gun abit here, just checked on WT and it is possible to still have my Babb but a toned down version where more emphasis is put on the DEF as I'm currently an 18/2.

I'm glad I can still keep my coach because I just like having a good serve, if these rulings keep the variety of styles but limit the unrealistic effectiveness of the likes of Welch then it could potentially be a brilliant decision, the tour needs to get more competitive, or the WS does anyway, as I think alot of people get demoralised when the same couple of players are in the final everytime.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Wed, 09 May 2012 02:32

jayb1988 wrote:
Corbon wrote:What's your current setup?

These rules basically rule out many 20 point setup like Babb or Gallo, for many baseliner setups you'll need to put 1 point into S&V now, for example instead of 0-5-15 Neuwirth or Rabari it's 1-4-15.

Yeah I've jumped the gun abit here, just checked on WT and it is possible to still have my Babb but a toned down version where more emphasis is put on the DEF as I'm currently an 18/2.

I'm glad I can still keep my coach because I just like having a good serve, if these rulings keep the variety of styles but limit the unrealistic effectiveness of the likes of Welch then it could potentially be a brilliant decision, the tour needs to get more competitive, or the WS does anyway, as I think alot of people get demoralised when the same couple of players are in the final everytime.

Dude get a ps3.

My fave new babb setup 3-15-2 or 3-17-0 can't remember if the latter made the cut though
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Postby Corbon » Wed, 09 May 2012 02:39

Tam when you played my S&V char I think you mentioned that ?-15-? Babb lacked power. 3-17-0 would make the cut.
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