Rule Test Tournament 2012

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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Thu, 29 Mar 2012 19:46

Thanks firderis.. Glad to know :D
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Postby I_Zooloo_I » Thu, 29 Mar 2012 20:50

im testing 0-15-5 grody, on my regular neuwirth player, just changing the coach
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Postby Tamthewasp » Thu, 29 Mar 2012 21:03

Has anyone else noticed that hardly any Welch users have signed up.
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Postby Marco_Theo_81 » Fri, 30 Mar 2012 09:09

Ary1g wrote:
DennieFR1908 wrote:Piece of advice, I know a federer setup which dominates this setup in every way:

9-11-0 Durech

FH 84
BH 64
SRV 83
VOL 59
PWR 71
STA 60 (only weakness, but you can make this more with other combinations)
SPE 66
REF 63

Even includes inside out master

Imo, Inside Out Master isn't very good compared to Wrong Foot Expert. The added power isn't better than the added precision when wrong footing your opponent with a perfect power shot of an inside out. Aslo WFE works on every shot (volleys, slices, topspin, flats, drops) if you successfully wrong foot your opponent(which however isn't always as easy to do as an inside out). With Slice invasion you can always defend well from both wings because your slices get better. Federer has a very nice slice too, so I think that skill fits well.

What other skills do Durech have? Or is he a silver coach? Don't remember right now.

I think it's very true that identical setups play differently. Control shots with Grody doesn't feel the same as control shots with Moriya imo(even though none of them has skills that directly affect control shots). Of course Moriyas control shots are more effective if you wrong foot your opponent, but I'm talking about control shots where your opponent anticipates the shots.

I'm happy with this Moriya build. I have the weapons needed to hold my serve relatively easy and his baseline skills fits my game very nice. Only weakness is stamina. However, if I choose my battles well and save stamina before my service games, I can control it quite allright. Not going to use a player with lower stamina than 65. It just too low for me, as I like being able to defend a lot if neccesary. Think I'm going to use Moriya or Grody in the tournament.

I'm competing in every match I play, Djarvik 8)

Ciao Ary

Would play against you with my Chesire setup:

1-11-8, 4 FH. Has a 87 FH, 67 BH, 68 serve, 42 volley, 74 power, 76 stamina, 66 speed, 50 reflexes.

If you have time today?

Nice weekend already now

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Postby Marco_Theo_81 » Fri, 30 Mar 2012 09:16

Tamthewasp wrote:Has anyone else noticed that hardly any Welch users have signed up.

the nearly unconquerable Shocase and the also great Firderis are the only two...
but don't know, if others also generaly play with Welch, but this two are to accentuate.

Tam, I also would like to play against you with my Chesire Setup, see

nice weekend also to you
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Postby Corbon » Fri, 30 Mar 2012 15:49

I tried a 0-12-8 Madr skill against some random Fed player and lost 1-6, 1-6. Got overpowered and I felt like I had no real weapon, most of the time it was me defending and eventually getting wrong-footed.

Next match against the same reinvited player I was using Chesire (still 0-12-8 though) and this time I won 6-1, 6-2. Top Spin invasion coupled with some nasty slices pretty much won me the game.

Madr looks good on paper and has fairly balanced stats but didn't look good in a match imo. I also noticed that his stats were slightly revamped after the big patch last year (BH +5 moved to SPD, nothing big...)
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Postby Ary1g » Fri, 30 Mar 2012 18:27

Marco_Theo_81 wrote:Ciao Ary

Would play against you with my Chesire setup:

1-11-8, 4 FH. Has a 87 FH, 67 BH, 68 serve, 42 volley, 74 power, 76 stamina, 66 speed, 50 reflexes.

If you have time today?

Nice weekend already now


Sure, just add me and we'll play when we're online. I think I'm going to be online later tonight. I might not be so much online this weekend because I'm a bit busy, but just add me and we'll see :)

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Postby Agassi_Return » Sat, 31 Mar 2012 23:30

0-8-12 Makayla Brown

I think thats the best setting after the new rules. Good speed 72, enough stamina 78, 72 power, great serve 79 and with the approach skill set you can do "wrong foot" angel shots and hit the lines by using R1 and power control shots. The approach skill combines the wrong foot and fatality skill ^^

just try it and you will see how underated and effectiv that setting is..:)
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Postby supinesmokey13 » Sun, 01 Apr 2012 05:10

hey any advice im tryna decide which ian moore stup to go with
fh 70
bh 70
serve 70
voll 70
sta 66
pow 53
spd 69
reflex 72 10/3/7
or 10/2/8/
fh 70
bh 70
serve 68
volley 72
pow 51
stamina 66
speed 71
reflex 73
ian moore aproach shot expert wrong foot expert

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Postby Ary1g » Sun, 01 Apr 2012 19:03

Agassi_Return wrote:0-8-12 Makayla Brown

I think thats the best setting after the new rules. Good speed 72, enough stamina 78, 72 power, great serve 79 and with the approach skill set you can do "wrong foot" angel shots and hit the lines by using R1 and power control shots. The approach skill combines the wrong foot and fatality skill ^^

just try it and you will see how underated and effectiv that setting is..:)

I have played against some of these "Approach shot" skill players on WT and it's very annoying, but that's because they use R1 all the time. I think it's cheesy to use R1 all the time and not approach the net at all. It's okay if it happens a few times during a match, and absolutely okay if you're attacking the net 8/10 times you're using it, but if it's every single shot I think it's exploiting the game engine. It is a skill to help you get to the net, not play at the baseline. Also, it looks so ugly to use R1 all the time..
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Postby Tamthewasp » Sun, 01 Apr 2012 19:55

Ary I have noticed 9/10 when you serve a fault against me yout guy runs to the net.
Holding r1 on serve and staying at the baseline is a very cheezy tactic 2 use more so than holding r1 during a rally.

There is times when i'm defending and using r1 to get to a shot,.also there is times when I intend on attacking the net with r1 but my shot was bad so I syay back. I don't consider this cheese at all.
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Postby Ary1g » Sun, 01 Apr 2012 20:51

All your points are great. I don't consider any of your examples cheesy. I'm talking about when you're using R1 constantly.

R1 on serve looks much nicer than regular serve imo :O Much more a serve like Federer. Also it covers when I intend to S&V. The serve doesn't get any better with it, so I don't see the cheesy thing about that. :)
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Postby Tamthewasp » Sun, 01 Apr 2012 20:57

The R1 quick serve and staying nack is cheesy. Remember we are trying our best to replicate real tennis and in teal tennis terms that move is invalid
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Postby Ary1g » Sun, 01 Apr 2012 21:14

I so very much disagree with you on that. If it's cheesy to R1-serve and stay at the baseline, you might as well wave farewell to any AA wanting to win easy points with S&V. It's way to big difference of service preparation on regular serve compared to S&V modifier, so it will make it waay too easy to see when someone goes for a S&V. Also, It doesn't always help you. A few times the game engine messes up and makes your player run in circles, or far of to one of the sides of the court and you lose the point with ease. So it's not foolproof to use either, but it's the only way to make your service game unpredictable if you're using a AA build.

Just played DennisFR's Neuwirth with 86 power and 74/74 wings. Way too much to handle for my Moriya build. Which makes me believe that the lowest attribute needs to be slightly higher. Might not help though. Neuwirth's skill combo is killer, but combined with such a high power stat, all his shots are close to unreturnable if not anticipated well.

I'm comparing this match against a match against Zooloo. He used a competent Grody build against a even weaker Moriya build I used: 47 speed I believe. That was a much closer match than against 86 power Neuwirth. Sadly, these rules might not help as much as we thought and hoped... :(

Glad that Welsh is gone though. Much more fun to play against Neuwirth than Welsh no matter what rules used. ;)

Going to play against Dennis with him using Durech to see how the results will be. :)
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Postby DennieFR1908 » Sun, 01 Apr 2012 21:39

Ary1g wrote:Just played DennisFR's Neuwirth with 86 power and 74/74 wings. Way too much to handle for my Moriya build. Which makes me believe that the lowest attribute needs to be slightly higher. Might not help though. Neuwirth's skill combo is killer, but combined with such a high power stat, all his shots are close to unreturnable if not anticipated well.

I'm comparing this match against a match against Zooloo. He used a competent Grody build against a even weaker Moriya build I used: 47 speed I believe. That was a much closer match than against 86 power Neuwirth. Sadly, these rules might not help as much as we thought and hoped... :(

Glad that Welsh is gone though. Much more fun to play against Neuwirth than Welsh no matter what rules used. ;)

Going to play against Dennis with him using Durech to see how the results will be. :)

Lol, I had a feeling you would instantly come here to the forum. Like I told you the reason all my shots are so precise is becuase I know exactly how to place them like that. It's easy to put it away on the setup but I've played a new rule Rabary, and a new rule Grody. They could play like I could, I couldn't blow them away. The reason I could destroy you was because you just used a non competitive setup with low power, I had no pressure whatsoever on my strokes and could do what I wanted. (didn't even play so good actually) You talk about me like you just played a noob who could win because he has a very strong setup or something.

"A match against Grody was much closer match than against 86 power Neuwirth." Your talking like your playing setups instead of people.. Everyone plays different, some people suit you better than others. I can make these corners with every setup because I just know how to play them. You can say to me it's rediculous that my 74 FH is stronger then your 86 FH but when I just time better then you it's not so strange when you think about it.
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