98 serve 98 power poll

All around, Serve & Volley, Offensive or Defensive Baseliner. What are you? Discuss TS4 characters, coaches and tactics here.

Moderator: Senior Hosts

whats ur opinion, its ok? or should be banned?

Ban 98/98
Dont Ban 98/98
Total votes : 89

Postby Painted Crystal » Wed, 07 Mar 2012 21:58

C4iLL wrote:Give Polakis a break. At least he doesn't play cheesy, he doesn't slow his connexion and he doesn't use the exploit as far as I know.

True, in WT too. I played against him 2 times in WT (obviuvsly I lost 3-4 3-1 7-10 and 3-4 1-3) and now he's really fair (his built is always super but he's absolutely fair). In the past I played against him and he used always some stupid trick but now I like him
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Postby polakis » Thu, 08 Mar 2012 01:36

At last someone says the truth. I never cheat. But i think something else, deeper and weird is going on after the september update here in itst. Some people know some tricks i believe. I wont say more because i dont have proofs...Its pitty though because its only a game... :evil:
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Postby Sh0Case » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 22:58

daxter75 wrote:
polakis wrote:This 98 serve and power style is getting ridiculous...

Without lob return you dont have a chance...

Top players are playing this style on xbox tour and they think they play good tennis. LOL...

Lets all play with 98 power and serve and be happy...

Why do you play 98/98??? :roll:

Why do you use 98/98 now?
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Postby C4iLL » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 23:05

7 days after, you awake -_-
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Postby Corbon » Sat, 17 Mar 2012 22:50

Did some tests with 91/100 (Gallo) and 98/98 (Babb)

Concerning serve speed both setups were nearly equal, perfect straight serves from the T-line would produce speeds between 200-234 km/h for Gallo and 205-234 km/h for Babb. In both cases the average speed was about 220. Good serves were between 192-196 for Gallo and 199-201 for Babb. 234 km/h is a hard cap for male players. Some speeds should be taken with a grain of salt because the clock sometimes doesn't record them and if you see the same speed popping up multiple times in a row it's mostly a case of non-recorded serves. The way I served (against Profi scrub CPU's), Babb produced more aces than Gallo because his serves were more precise (+7 points and Serve Stick Berserker. Focus Service didn't kick in because I was never trailing). In one game I hit 20 aces in 6 service games. The problem with Babb is that once the ball is into play, both of his skills become useless whereas Gallo's DHH is great for rallies, his IOM is not that useful though because Inside outs are already naturally stronger and you're taking some risk by performing them on awkward shots.
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Postby Agassi_Return » Sun, 01 Apr 2012 21:11

I really hope 2k Sports will do something against that unrealistic setting with power >90/90serve in Top Spin 5. Here is another story and the fact that 95% of all ppl who plays with >power 90 and serve >85 are one trick ponys without skill.

I played a guy in wt modus who uses 98/98. It was a close match on his serve but at the end i won the game in super tie break. I told him he is a one trick pony who will lose easily without that setting. So we did a rematch with real tennis players. We picked both nadal. At the end of game he made only ONE Point. One point in whole game!

That setting is so unbalanced. Its gives noobs the chance to stay in the game and maybe win games in tie break. They only thing you need to do is to practice that unrealistic serve and hit the lines. You dont need to be good on rallys, practice all the kind of shots or your timing. Even if you hit a bad timed powershot the shot will still good and powerfull.
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