Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

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Postby Corbon » Fri, 09 Mar 2012 19:32

But there is no risk return in TS4. Unless we're talking about Shot Counter (another Neuwirth skill).
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Postby emate007 » Fri, 09 Mar 2012 20:39

Which is why any return position is ok in TS4...
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Postby quackshotter » Fri, 09 Mar 2012 21:30

Just to be clear, I'm on Top Spin 4 Xbox. You can't (ever or very often) pull off a drop shot return. I never even attempt those, but I don't think it can be done.
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Postby Corbon » Sat, 10 Mar 2012 00:35

Easily done on PS3 but I have not seen many people abusing it. Lob returns on the other hand, they're usually made by S&V players who follow up on the net but at least you can counter them by advancing to the net by yourself after a weak serve (not auto serve).
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Postby GOBI-BW » Thu, 21 Jun 2012 15:30

hello guys,

i´m a new member of itst and want to know, what your definition of cheesy play is!? I read some posts and often serving from the tramline and returning inside the baseline is mentioned. Sometimes the heavy slice, heavy slice return and drop shot volley is also marked as cheesy. Please tell me, what is importand to know, as i will start my itst career next week in wimbledon :D

ty, regards from Berlin

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Postby SlicerITST » Thu, 21 Jun 2012 22:27

That is as easily answered as it is difficult. The easy answer is that what is considered cheesy and what is not is determined by the community as a whole. So the players themselves set the standards. But not everyone has the same opinion about every tactic. In the end the management decides on each seperate complaint whether it is cheesy or not.

The difficult thing is that we cant say what exactly is cheesy is and not. We are for example not going to say, 5 drop shots a set is cheesy. Besides that its impossible to keep score for the players involved it is impossible for us to check on it. We try to take the average opinion of the community and use it in our decisions. We try our best to make ITST matches a pleasurable experience for the people in the community without going over the top and set a million rules.

In practise this means that once we get a few complaints about a certain user and we feel these complaints are indeed considered cheesy by a large number of the community we ask the player to refrain from using such tactics in his future matches.

Welcome to ITST. I hope my explanation made sense. :P
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Postby Tamthewasp » Mon, 25 Jun 2012 21:14

Its easy. If you think you are cheesy then you are cheesy. If you don't think you're cheesy an you are cheesy. you have an IQ of a fast food employee
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Postby sebastianhu » Wed, 08 Aug 2012 21:33

So I've had this discussion with a few players about cheesy serves.
I have not read all posts so dont get angry with me if the answer's already there. So my question!

Is it concidered cheesy to serve power sliced serves when you stand near the centre?
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Postby maarastone » Thu, 09 Aug 2012 02:26

well short answer no but always doing slice serves even though it's not cheesy it's off putting besides no real player always serves the same way to the same spot then the return is much easier as it is also the case in the game you make your opponent's job of returning serve much much easier(unless your serve is very good or your opponent's return is fantastic)
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Thu, 09 Aug 2012 21:25

nadals second serve to feds backhand?

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Postby maarastone » Fri, 10 Aug 2012 01:23

yeah but in that case is a bit different federer's backhand is his weakest shot and in the game reflexes are more important than wings in returning serve
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Postby xl MK ULTRA lx » Sat, 25 Aug 2012 23:16

how many is the max allowed power of a skill?

for example: 83 power,85 forehand, i dont want to play cheesy i want to be

warned if i exceed the skills of my player
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Postby SlicerITST » Mon, 27 Aug 2012 10:33

xl MK ULTRA lx wrote:how many is the max allowed power of a skill?

for example: 83 power,85 forehand, i dont want to play cheesy i want to be

warned if i exceed the skills of my player

There is no max to a skill. Just follow these rules and you are okay:

You are not allowed to use any coach that has the Monster Defense or the Smell of Blood skill on the ITST tour. On top of that your character may have only one Grey colored stat (below 50) and all stats must be no less than 42
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Re: Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

Postby Clog » Thu, 17 Jan 2013 15:28

I couldn't find an answer so I'll ask here. Is hitting a lob from the baseline during a rally in order to earn lots of time to come back in the point allowed ? I mean a really defensive lob.
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Re: Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

Postby VMoe86 » Thu, 17 Jan 2013 15:40

Clog wrote:I couldn't find an answer so I'll ask here. Is hitting a lob from the baseline during a rally in order to earn lots of time to come back in the point allowed ? I mean a really defensive lob.

Regarding TE, no:

Will add it immediately to the opening post of that thread.
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