Another thing that maybe needs to be public too : ILuvBillVal, maybe the best player of the Xbox tour since the beginning of the season, one of the best of the TS3 tour, has refused to play the AO final in Sim against Sh0case because he thinks he's a cheater.
And he has beaten him earlier in the season, so he doesn't fear him...
As Sh0case insist to get more news, I finally think I gonna news that ?
About my SV skills, you're the only guy here to think what you think.
I've said "the only guy", because nobody actually knows if you, Sh0case, and On3Touch is actually one unique guy, or 2, or 3, or 10, or 500 guys.
To conclude about these volleys skills, they led me in final of a 100+ players tournament when there were no cheat possible.
Here's the link : ... p-2797.htm.
Strangely before the patch, no Sh0case, no Fifa Tee, no On3touch can be found in quarter of any tournament.
Worst : you lost 6-2 6-3 against Indiantonike during this tournament, a guy I beat after in the draw, and that you beat easily 6-0 6-0 or something just after the patch. What a joke
Let's talk about your volley skils now, and especially about the only match that can be used to judge these volleys skills as you play as a baseliner who comes to the net each 30 points.
The two best players in the universe after the update Sh0case-Fifa Tee, lost
BEFORE the update, in a double that naturally requires volley skills, 6-0, 6-2, 6-1 against a team of true clowns (JuliusJackson ranked 57 in Men's Single and Julez II, not ranked) at US Open.
That leads to two conclusions :
1) When you have to play volley, you sux. If you would have been good in that, you would play as a SV as you're ready to anything to be at the top of the ranking.
2) Before the update, you and Sh0case were nothing on the tour. Sh0case didn't even pass the first round at US Open whereas the game was out for 6 months... I remind to everyone that US Open was played with the PREVIOUS update, when no cheat was possible.
Too bad for you, you have opened the Pandora's Box.
I have a lot of other things to say about you two, but let's stop here for this evening