We have to ban Welch

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Postby Fifa Tee » Thu, 02 Feb 2012 16:18

MrMackNasty wrote:
Ary1g wrote:Three reasons to ban Welsh.

Firstly, you can use Julien Friedland. He's got "Longer, Better", which is a much more realistic skill for a DB. 0-0-20, Julien Friedland. Check him out![/quote]

I'm sorry but this is just insanse. No silver coach will ever be used on The regular tour so you mine as well get that out of your head.

Second of all, good luck with your protest and retirement because you are probably already forgotten about by 99.999999% of the users here.

I'm not trying to be a dick but Welch isn't overpowered by a long shot. Don't get me wrong hes tough to play against with those strong angles but hes also easy to counter if you know how to play against him.

False. IluvBillVal has uses the silver reach swings coach that can give you 2 red wimgs. Also nagano is just as popular, I use him
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Postby MrMackNasty » Sat, 04 Feb 2012 08:06

I guess things have changed since I've been gone lol. Sorry about that. I have yet to play either ILuvBillVal or you and I'm not looking forward to it haha. My game is still rough around the edges since I've been playing again but its getting there. Hopefully I'll be able to step it up soon.
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Postby Ary1g » Sun, 05 Feb 2012 09:23

I can't understand that banning Welsh will be such a huge loss to ITST.

Here's some more reasons to ban him:

1. We have Slavina, who is more than good enough to take Welsh's position, while still not being OP like Welsh.

2. 85/85 wings is more than enough in TS4.

3. Slavina has much more realistic skills for a defensive baseliner than Welsh.

4. The people using Welsh shouldn't really have any trouble with adjusting to Slavina.

5. Smell of Blood is a cheap skill which should be a skill/trait of the human behind the controller! Not the character in the game.
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Postby MrMackNasty » Sun, 05 Feb 2012 10:25

I don't think smell of blood makes a huge difference as it is only game points. I don't find it to be OP like MD because MD kicks in more often.
I don't use Welch on ITST, but he is definitely tough to play against. For me I have more trouble play against 98/98 setup. In my opinion neither should be banned. Welch doesn't have a weakness other than his serve. Which I understand that it can be worked around, but it's not like he's an amazing returner either. I find the strength of 98/98 is HUGE. Plus 98/98 setup doesn't really have any terrible weaknesses either. His wings produce angles that get the job done, speed STILL doesn't seem to make a HUGE difference, and his reflexes aren't terrible either.
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Postby el duuderino » Wed, 08 Feb 2012 23:51

i am definitely on the ban welch bandwagon, it's absurd.

the fact that you can have 90 wings, 89 speed, meaning you can get to EVERYTHING and will just about never miss anything is just completely unrealistic. having hi wings like that will keep the ball in everytime.
your opponent can be on the dead run after you've hit a perfect control or power or ANY shot, and they can return with an absolutely impossible angle with much much more than 55 power.

no disadvantages with Welch, I don't wanna hear the people saying that lack of power and serve are disadvantages, because they are NOT.
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Postby edlglide » Thu, 09 Feb 2012 00:31

el duuderino wrote:i am definitely on the ban welch bandwagon, it's absurd.

the fact that you can have 90 wings, 89 speed, meaning you can get to EVERYTHING and will just about never miss anything is just completely unrealistic. having hi wings like that will keep the ball in everytime.
your opponent can be on the dead run after you've hit a perfect control or power or ANY shot, and they can return with an absolutely impossible angle with much much more than 55 power.

no disadvantages with Welch, I don't wanna hear the people saying that lack of power and serve are disadvantages, because they are NOT.

This is exactly the point I was making originally -- it's not that he can hit crazy angles; just about anybody can do it if you time it properly. It's that you can hit perfect shots all over the court that should be winners, but he not only gets to them, but fires back absolutely incredible shots that someone should only be able to pull off one of of every 10 times but he will sometimes hit them 2-3 times in one game.

People say there's a way to counter him, so maybe I just haven't figured it out. But in my experience, no matter where I put the ball on the court --deep, corners, short, up the middle -- he will hit a pinpoint shot back even if it's on the full run after dragging him off the court on the opposite side.

Basically the coach takes advantage of a flaw in the way the game was designed -- his low power doesn't really hurt him because with control shots he can hit such amazing angles that it can drag the other person off court or lead to outright winners despite the lack of power, and a poor serve on the game can't be attacked the way it can in real life. You won't get aces, but you also aren't usually put on the defensive off a return.
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Thu, 09 Feb 2012 00:59

There is only one way so far i know to beat Welch, you gotta remove him of the court or outpower him to get weak shots then you gotta go to net.

You have gotta go to the net against welch players no matter you got 20-40-60 volley, of course to do that you need to be a good at the net cause with 40 volley you actually gotta get perfect timings(thing that you dont need to with 100 vol) if he hits a low ball on the run you dropvolley or low slice volley it if he hits a high top spin you power volley(B) it.
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Postby edlglide » Thu, 09 Feb 2012 01:33

LokiSharpShootr wrote:There is only one way so far i know to beat Welch, you gotta remove him of the court or outpower him to get weak shots then you gotta go to net.

You have gotta go to the net against welch players no matter you got 20-40-60 volley, of course to do that you need to be a good at the net cause with 40 volley you actually gotta get perfect timings(thing that you dont need to with 100 vol) if he hits a low ball on the run you dropvolley or low slice volley it if he hits a high top spin you power volley(B) it.

Yeah, this is pretty much what I figured -- even this is really hard though. If you're playing with a guy with low volley skill, like you said you have to get perfect timing....if you don't, he's going to hit a winner on the next shot 9/10. And even if you do get perfect timing he'll still be able to get to it and pass you occasionally, because that just happened to me playing against a Welch a couple of hours ago. About the only times I was able to put a volley away was if it was off the serve -- mid-rally even perfect timing power volleys he was running down at least half the time.

If you're playing him with a guy who's actually really good at volleying, their lack of power makes it incredibly difficult to ever have a chance to approach since Welch players almost never hit a ball that isn't right off a line....I have a lot of experience with this, because I played with a Bickham character for several months.
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Postby Andamce Williams » Thu, 16 Feb 2012 15:57

I think rabari is more dificult than welch. Welch service is a piece of shit, u can destroy him getting power returns to the lines. Im talking about WT. I didn't play with any itst welch. I'm glad to play some welch in itst. But for example, i love Welch in wt that makes dropshots defensive skills, which is chessy, but for me is easy to beat.

And i'm talking about top 10 all time in WT.
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Postby Agassi_Return » Thu, 16 Feb 2012 23:17

some of my advices against welch:

- if you play with 40 speed dont complain about welchs angel shots, switch to player setting with speed 65 or more...

Two most important advices:

- Use angel control-flat-angel shots and go to the net. use volley drop shots so it doenst matter if your player have 40 volley or 80 your will still play good volley drop shots with perfect timing
- welch players likes to play top spin angel shots...dont play the angel shot rally with him. So when the opp. plays an angel shot counter them with short drop shots and he will pay for it cause he is outwide the court while he is playing his angel shot

- be ready for defence drop shots
- use power or wide top spin shots while returning
- use more control flat shots so its harder to counter them as normal power shots
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Postby Corbon » Sat, 18 Feb 2012 05:42

Andamce Williams wrote:I think rabari is more dificult than welch. Welch service is a piece of shit, u can destroy him getting power returns to the lines. Im talking about WT. I didn't play with any itst welch. I'm glad to play some welch in itst. But for example, i love Welch in wt that makes dropshots defensive skills, which is chessy, but for me is easy to beat.

And i'm talking about top 10 all time in WT.

As it has been pointed out a few times in this topic, Welch's rather weak serve isn't a big disadvantage because you can't "power return" his serves because the game won't allow you to do that, unlike in real life (especially after the update). In fact it's easier to hit return winners on stronger serves, even without RSC or Diesel Returner.
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