We have to ban Welch

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Postby Dark-Disaster » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 01:47

edlglide wrote:
Dark-Disaster wrote:The reason Welch is so overpowered is really a flaw in the Topspin 4 gameplay. The incredibly consistant angles in this game makes pretty much any coach with high defense levels (specifically, high fh and bh) "overpowered". Everybody who plays real tennis knows that an extreme angled cross court shot is a high risk shot compared to a high, deep, topspin shot. However, the mechanics of topspin 4 pretty much gives both of the shots I mentioned above the same chance of landing in, which is precisly why defensive baseliners benefit the most from this game compared to the more offensive mentalities of the other 2 playstyles.

The above paragraph is pretty much why banning Welch is useless. What does Welch have that others don't, drop shot artist? There are plenty of coaches that have the same high fh/bh that can create the extreme angles that you guys detest. The key to balance isn't banning Welsh, another coach will just appear, the balance ITST seeks lies in the complete change and overhaul of the game's mechanics. (obviously that isn't in our power, we can only pray.)

(By the way, the key to changing Topspin 4's gameplay to be more realistic lies in the words I highlighted)

No -- the extreme angles aren't the problem with Welch....at least not to me. I can create the same extreme angles with my player (not as consistently, but I can still do it).

The problem is that Welch's wings are so high, combined with his excellent speed/stamina, that not only is it basically impossible to hit a winner against him unless his player manages to wrongfoot himself all the way across on the other side of the court, but he will consistently rip insane winners from absurd positions because of those high wings. To be honest, the Slavina coach might be even worse with 90+ speed, 81 on both wings, and reach swings expert -- but no one really uses her so it's hard to say.

But there are no other coaches that let you have 86 on both wings, or 91 on one side and 81 on the other side, to go along with enough speed to easily run down cross court shots without really having to worry about them. No other coaches (outside Slavina) even come close to that. So contrary to what you said, there are no other coaches that can give the same kind of FH/BH that Welch can. You can get a high 80s or even low 90s FH or BH with other coaches, but not both.

I was never complaining about the extreme angles (while they are silly, there's absolutely nothing we can do about that; plenty of coaches can hit them). I was complaining about the fact that even when you hit one of those extreme angled shots, and Welch is on the tramline opposite court, he can still run over and rip his own extreme angled shot right back (among other things, but I'm just using that as an example). Like I said originally, he's the only coach I've played against where I feel like there's literally nothing I can do against him. To be honest, I think he's much MUCH harder to play against than Pei Jing whatever ever was.

You are right that Top Spin 4 is just fundamentally broken though.

You're correct, and I agree with you when it comes to the overpoweredness of Welch. But one of the two points I was making was: what stops Slavina from doing exactly what you said if Welch is banned? In exchange for 5 points less on both wings, you get 100 speed, nothing's going to get past that. (My other point was about game mechanics, but nothing we can do about that until topspin 5...........)
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Postby o Sinna o » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 06:30

I see this Thread as a good appeal to create a new Drew Welch Guy. :lol:

And I wouldn't care about if I would win and somebody jabbers my ears full because of this. I wouldn't also feel like a Winner who don't derserves it because of the Character.

I didn't even realize the unfair Strengths you talk about because I started playing three days ago after a long break again, but I already used this Setup in two or three Matches and preferred to play with other Guys again.

But you Guys are more experienced and skilled ofcourse, and I think you know why Welch is strong and what you talk about.

But hey, every Fightgame and many other Sportgames haven't the ultimate Balance.

And now it's ten months after the Release and the ITST has still some conflicts because of this.

I would better say you Guys should relax and enjoy the Game.

And these Angles you talk about are possible with many Setups.

I mean, I think almost everybody understands what you are complaining about because you describe the Problems you have with it, but if you want to compete against a Player which is so extremly strong with Welch, and you think you got it what it takes to do the same, then you should just take him too, and the Chances are balanced again.

I mean if we ban Welch, what's next?

Welch has a low ass yellow Service, Power and Reflex Stat by the way.

Not to forget the low ass Volley with that you can't even beat a Russian with a almost deadly alcohol Level at the Net. ^^
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Postby Avinash PatelBANNED » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 14:02

Welch is 1 giant walking glitch.

Gets everything back. Highly unrealistic.
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Postby Painted Crystal » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 14:28

There's an example of what I consider a real great player in Xbox tour (the best player of tour for me)
100% won in 2012, he lose only 18 games in 9 matches and many of this matches against top players. he never played with Welch, Rabary, Neuwirth...
For me this is the right way for a top player, explore the game and win with his real talent without the great stat of Welch (really boring). Welch built is to win not to fun, but for many players fun is only to win (look the numerous threads after an unfair or supposed unfair match).

So, ban Welch is unecessary, it would be good a player demonstrate his real talent like the fantastic example of the player I said
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Postby Murmeltier88 » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 14:38

We have also SIM-Tour and there is no Welsh-Setup.

And there you can also see, if someone has skill also with other players.
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Postby Painted Crystal » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 15:22

Murmeltier88 wrote:We have also SIM-Tour and there is no Welsh-Setup.

And there you can also see, if someone has skill also with other players.

Absolutely agree with you
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 19:19

Painted Crystal wrote:
Murmeltier88 wrote:We have also SIM-Tour and there is no Welsh-Setup.

And there you can also see, if someone has skill also with other players.

Absolutely agree with you

Your great player has been using the silver coaches that gives you 81 wings and 75+ power.

Just saying.
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Postby o Sinna o » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 19:21

Painted Crystal wrote:There's an example of what I consider a real great player in Xbox tour (the best player of tour for me)
100% won in 2012, he lose only 18 games in 9 matches and many of this matches against top players. he never played with Welch, Rabary, Neuwirth...
For me this is the right way for a top player, explore the game and win with his real talent without the great stat of Welch (really boring). Welch built is to win not to fun, but for many players fun is only to win (look the numerous threads after an unfair or supposed unfair match).

So, ban Welch is unecessary, it would be good a player demonstrate his real talent like the fantastic example of the player I said

Sorry but that's a lil bit overstated.

It's like saying that a FIFA esports Pro has no real Talent because he chose the AC Milan and not a italian low class Team to compete.

You have to see your Character as a Equipment to compete you know.
A Roger Federer doesn't play with noname Shoes and noname Raquets also you know.

What you said is like saying to Federer "play with Sandals and a Raquet from the 60's and proof your real Talent you Noob Fed".

Just my Opinion. And everybody who likes the Game explores it anyway you know.

Or do you wanna you say, you compete because of the will to lose?:lol:

And Talent us given to all of us when it comes to such a simple Video Game Tennis thing by the way.

You are a not a spiritual and physical Legend because you won the US Open in the ITST you know.
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Postby o Sinna o » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 19:33

But hey, if the Majority of us wants to ban welch the ITST Responsable should really do this better now than to late.

Because the excuses some Players will have in the Future if they lose against a good Player with this Character wouldn't be nice also you know.

Because some Players are talented to give all the blame to the opponents Character.
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Postby VMoe86 » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 19:58

What would jayl0ve say? Probably that you all are scrubs and should take a look at http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-1.html.

I'd say: If you cannot beat them, join them. If you still cannot beat them in a non-cheese way then you are not good enough or you realize that it also requires skill to play successfully as Welsh.

Is Welsh overpowered? I thought so at first, but that was because I wasn't really good at the game. The better I've become and have understood the geme mechanics I've realized that it is possible to beat Welsh with one of the other top coaches. But you have to play very well throughout the whole match and use your brain, even as a power player. Some special players like Fabada are able to do so (I'm not one of them).
Last edited by VMoe86 on Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:25, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:08

LokiSharpShootr wrote:
Painted Crystal wrote:
Murmeltier88 wrote:We have also SIM-Tour and there is no Welsh-Setup.

And there you can also see, if someone has skill also with other players.

Absolutely agree with you

Your great player has been using the silver coaches that gives you 81 wings and 75+ power.

Just saying.

That would be 72 power. And this coach is quite similar almost identical to results you can get with Masaki Moriya, except the skills are different and you only get one. I have not yet heard anyone complain of how overpowered Moriya is, but I may be mistaken.

EDIT: Unless you guys are not referring to someone I use, and are instead referring to silver coach Kensuke in which case you are correct, but I know of no high profile players that use him.
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Postby djarvik » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:42

:lol: Perfect. Now Sliver coaches are overpowered? The only overpowered guy here is ILuv. I think we should ban him and be done with it. I think we should hold monthly banning of players with too many wins, this way we will create an incentive them to lose more and balance out the tour, everyone should have a 50-50 record....or you will be banned. 8)

I do agree however, because of the way the game is, Welsh is the most annoying player to play against.
Last edited by djarvik on Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:42

ILuvBillVal wrote:
LokiSharpShootr wrote:
Painted Crystal wrote:
Murmeltier88 wrote:We have also SIM-Tour and there is no Welsh-Setup.

And there you can also see, if someone has skill also with other players.

Absolutely agree with you

Your great player has been using the silver coaches that gives you 81 wings and 75+ power.

Just saying.

That would be 72 power. And this coach is quite similar almost identical to results you can get with Masaki Moriya, except the skills are different and you only get one. I have not yet heard anyone complain of how overpowered Moriya is, but I may be mistaken.

EDIT: Unless you guys are not referring to someone I use, and are instead referring to silver coach Kensuke in which case you are correct, but I know of no high profile players that use him.

Hmm, my fault then.
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Postby o Sinna o » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 21:18

djarvik wrote::lol:

I do agree however, because of the way the game is, Welsh is the most annoying player to play against.

I guess you are right. And why is this? Because he is hard to beat in good Hands.

That's what this Discussion is all about if we are honest and what a few Guys don't accept.

And why is this?

Because they want to win and because Tennis is like any Sports made to compete and made to have the will to win.

Everybody who competes here wants to win.

And nobody has to jabber my ears full that they only play to have fun and are the goodness in Person like the Lord himself. ^^

edit: And this has nothing to do with fair play, because fair are the most of us.
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Postby Firderis » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 21:39

VMoe86 wrote:I'd say: If you cannot beat them, join them. If you still cannot beat them in a non-cheese way then you are not good enough or you realize that it also requires skill to play successfully as Welsh.

Couldn't have said it better!
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