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Postby Sweetmusicman » Thu, 12 Jan 2012 08:32

C4iLL wrote:You're idiot to say he hasn't his place here.

1) By playing against humans, he will progress. It's like in real tennis : when you play against good players, you increase automatically your skills...
Ex : some weeks before the US Open Loki, I've just seen that you lost 6-0, 3-0 against Indiantonike --> I'm not sure you could have won such a difficult tournament with the level you had at the beginning... You progressed a lot with ITST.

2) He can meet players like him who are beginners during tournaments, or for exhibitions and have nice games / training.

3) He can talk about the game whatever his level is.

4) A beginner today, can be the next master tommorow.

Conclusion : your answers are stupid.

By saying what you said Loki, you make people leave ITST... It's not really intelligent regardless the number of players who still plays the game on Xbox...

So @ the author of this topic, off course you're welcome here !

I couldn't have said it better. Thanks. Some of the posters just showing the level of their maturity. It seems it is them(kids) who needs to get off the internet.
Last edited by Sweetmusicman on Thu, 12 Jan 2012 08:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sweetmusicman » Thu, 12 Jan 2012 08:37

LokiSharpShootr wrote:1.Use more control shots.

2.Go more for angles.

3.Hit more perfect timing.

If you stil cant beat the CPU on normal then well you really have no bussines in this website.

And nobody can serve at 169mph.

Get your facts straight or dont even bother to post and complain because you cant beat the CPU on normal, which is kinda pathetic.

Okay, I apologize I was wrong about the serve speed. It was in kilometre which is still stupidly fast for normal. That being said. I was thinking of play on normal and then switch to easy when I reached the semi finals. This is the first time i played a tennis game. Also I play games to relax and have fun, not to get frustrated the living hell out of me.
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Postby Sweetmusicman » Thu, 12 Jan 2012 08:56

LokiSharpShootr wrote:
Sweetmusicman wrote:
Tamthewasp wrote:In the semi finals and finals of Grand Slam the AI difficulty increases. You just have to practice and see if you can win.

No Offence, but how do you return a serve of 169 mph? It's ridiculous. The AI player stands on one spot sending me from corner to corner. Until it's imposable to get to the other corner in time or when you do managed to get there in time, the the return shots of the AI hit you with the speed of light. Ai stands on one spot for most of the game using back-fore hands which just is too unrealistic, even for Roger Federer. I noticed the a superman effect differs for every guy who owns a copy of the game complaining about super human AI players. Nah.. I pass. I did enjoyed the game while it last.

I had no problem with his first post and was going to gladly give him tips until i read this comment in which he states false facts and blame to game or the CPU for his losses, which in my opinion is ´´pathetic`` why? you may ask, i think its pathetic because he knows that Top Spin have a level progression: Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert.

This guys was playing on Normal so he must know that there are harder levels right? so when Tawtemwasp gave him help he said that it was impossible to beat a ´´superman`` character and complains about the game and its difficulty... again... instead of serch the forums or try diferent aproachs to the game he complained... like 80% of ITST does.

C4hill your absolutely right, when i joined ITST i was garbage at TS4 but then IndianNike whooped me in the ass and what did i do? did i blame on the game? said it was unrealistc or that he was superman? or did i realize i was playing wrong and had to look for diferent ways to play if i wanted to be better?

Not necessarily false, but an honest mistake I have made. I forgot that I change the setting from mph to kph.

Secondly, did you noticed I mentioned the gap between the difficulty level from Round 1 up the to Semi Finals? I still think it's ridiculous! Infect it's the first time I heard that a game makes a switch from difficulty level to another as the player progresses.... This is my opinion and if you don't like or don't agree with it so be it. It's your right to feel that way just as it is my right have my opinion and feel a certain way about certain things. Not everybody have the luxury of time to read through posts, nor does everybody have the money to spend hours on the internet. Where I come from you have to pay for internet access.
To lose against a human player is a total different scenario. How old are you.....Off course there is no way to blame game programming for a lost against human opposition, not that it you cant since even if two humans are playing game scripting still has an effect on how you play thus affect the end result in some way.
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Postby C4iLL » Thu, 12 Jan 2012 10:39

LokiSharpShootr wrote:
I had no problem with his first post and was going to gladly give him tips until i read this comment in which he states false facts and blame to game or the CPU for his losses, which in my opinion is ´´pathetic`` why? you may ask, i think its pathetic because he knows that Top Spin have a level progression: Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert.

This guys was playing on Normal so he must know that there are harder levels right? so when Tawtemwasp gave him help he said that it was impossible to beat a ´´superman`` character and complains about the game and its difficulty... again... instead of serch the forums or try diferent aproachs to the game he complained... like 80% of ITST does.

C4hill your absolutely right, when i joined ITST i was garbage at TS4 but then IndianNike whooped me in the ass and what did i do? did i blame on the game? said it was unrealistc or that he was superman? or did i realize i was playing wrong and had to look for diferent ways to play if i wanted to be better?

Yep I must admit I didn't hear you complain about anything here.
I remember you searched to play a lot of exhibitions on the forum for instance which is surely the best way to increase skills ;)

In fact, it's maybe the best advice to give to new players.

Anyway, I maintain that it's not intelligent to say to someone who just asks question, that his place is not here :p

Even if his questions is "how to rush the net", or some beginner questions, it sounds a bit elitist, disdainful, and gives a bad image of the site whereas a lot of players are cool here. I think we have to welcome new players better than in the past, because the number of players decreases.

Now to answer the topic if you want my advice : don't play against the AI, it's the worst thing you can do if you want to be competitive.
Because :

1) The timing of the shots offline is not the timing of the shots online because of lag. So you will take bad reflex.

2) The psychology of the AI is not the psychology of a human. It lacks a lot of strategy, wrong foot etc.
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Thu, 12 Jan 2012 18:18

Bro i dont spend hours on the internet, it would take 5 mins to use the search tool on the forums and looked for tips on how to play better.

And im 19 years old, if that makes a kid well nothing i can do about it right?

You probably spend more time on the internet than i do to be honest...
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Thu, 12 Jan 2012 22:03

When you get to the semifinals on a certain stage of the career your opponent is just a cannon, straight up. It shoots tennis balls at you at like 169-367mph and if you're fortunate enough to return it you pretty much win the point. Unless of course it manages to slowly wheel it's cannon ass close enough to get it back.

Oh yeah, welcome to the forums!
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Postby edlglide » Fri, 13 Jan 2012 01:56

Dark-Disaster wrote:So true, I sucked so much when I first came to the website. By playing against experienced players, your game gets better and better.

Yeah, when I first started here I couldn't beat the computer in the Grand Slams on hard. Now I can breeze past the computer on expert, but I'm still not anywhere near good enough to win an ITST Grand Slam event.
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Postby Corbon » Mon, 16 Jan 2012 21:01

jayl0ve wrote:haha I didn't really think of that, I just know that I've never played the career mode so maybe they really do serve 169 mph :lol:

Not quite 8)

Male chars with 98/98 can serve up to 145 mph, female chars top out at 133 mph according to the clock. Speed difference is about 9% between genders but in reality the serves are equally fast to make mixed matches fair. Even at Level 0 you can risk serve up to 100 and 109 mph respectively. Roddick on Expert is the fastest CPU server but he's not maxed so he will be a bit behind.
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Postby Corbon » Mon, 16 Jan 2012 21:06

Also I think there's no difference between Expert Grand Slam semis and finals and Expert anywhere else so Expert should be the highest difficulty level. Also I am pretty sure that the AI already plays at maximum skill on Hard, the two higher levels are just stats boosters and include some cheating.

I am at a point where I can beat Expert Nole and Federer in 3 out of 5 sets and dropping 3-6 games overall (deep OBL or DBL at least) but I still consider myself a lousy online player.
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