For Your Consideration

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For Your Consideration

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Sat, 19 Nov 2011 04:24

OMG!!! The egos on this site are CRRAZY! I don't get it. I think it comes from the ability to talk or write things to or about people and not having to confront them face to face that gives a false sense of reality. An ounce of respect goes a long way and somehow LOTS of people here have lost that. I am not the type of woman to start or create drama but when something is bothering me, I choose to speak on it. I believe we are lacking respect for each other here and it is becoming ridiculous. I attempt to make sure that each person here knows exactly how I feel about them if we've ever come into contact. It's unrealistic to think that everyone here will be great friends, but it's not too much to ask that we render the same respect we feel we're entitled to to others and that should start with management and down to the newest member. Thank you for your time.
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Postby Alex-4487 » Sat, 19 Nov 2011 05:11

my sentiments exactly agree whole heartidly
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Postby Tamthewasp » Sat, 19 Nov 2011 05:53

Yh same here. There,is a handful of pwople here I really do not like but it's cool. I respect are here. my witty retort to Rob just got deleted, shame because I thought it was rather funny. But it takes a londoner to speak out. Fair play
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Re: For Your Consideration

Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sun, 20 Nov 2011 17:06

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:OMG!!! The egos on this site are CRRAZY! I don't get it. I think it comes from the ability to talk or write things to or about people and not having to confront them face to face that gives a false sense of reality. An ounce of respect goes a long way and somehow LOTS of people here have lost that. I am not the type of woman to start or create drama but when something is bothering me, I choose to speak on it. I believe we are lacking respect for each other here and it is becoming ridiculous. I attempt to make sure that each person here knows exactly how I feel about them if we've ever come into contact. It's unrealistic to think that everyone here will be great friends, but it's not too much to ask that we render the same respect we feel we're entitled to to others and that should start with management and down to the newest member. Thank you for your time.

cool ,a girl with balls :lol:
i can´t follow your thread to 100%, (i´m german and english is only my second language ) :
MAYBE YOU CAN SAY IT IN MORE CLEAR WORDS ? , maybe just for me , i really will try to follow you

BTW: can´t sleep since 2 days coz i ask me in a permanently way , :
is my name in this 5 guy list ??

respekt :c RESPEKT :c RESPEKT :c RESPEKT :c

:lol: :lol:
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Postby Samael » Sun, 20 Nov 2011 17:56

I learnt some real life valuable stuff from spending time on ITST forums. That and plenty of other things, amongst which i d mention: bashing Q, enflaming threads, laugh out loud on The Mutant, create multiple accounts, counter cheating tactics and many, many other stuff. All have helped me in the end and provided me with a unique experience.
Ban Djokovic forever!
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 21 Nov 2011 05:23

I would never believe a person like Q actually existed if I hadn't seen him here...
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Re: For Your Consideration

Postby kiplaird » Sat, 03 Dec 2011 02:35

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:OMG!!! The egos on this site are CRRAZY! I don't get it. I think it comes from the ability to talk or write things to or about people and not having to confront them face to face that gives a false sense of reality. An ounce of respect goes a long way and somehow LOTS of people here have lost that. I am not the type of woman to start or create drama but when something is bothering me, I choose to speak on it. I believe we are lacking respect for each other here and it is becoming ridiculous. I attempt to make sure that each person here knows exactly how I feel about them if we've ever come into contact. It's unrealistic to think that everyone here will be great friends, but it's not too much to ask that we render the same respect we feel we're entitled to to others and that should start with management and down to the newest member. Thank you for your time.

HELL YEAH..! big thums Up..!

quite direct - although i see a little personal but yeah, i had that too.
posters/members on here need to leave ego's/comments at their back door .. this is an international/worldwide site. some of the posts or comments towards other members here can be quite uncalled for and unnecessary. i was appalled by the way that vegetarian was treated and kicked about here like an empty fag (ciggy) packet. and me still a tad upset through the "Cripple Chicken" comment.
if someone has a problem with someone on here it should be dealt through PM's, Mods or emails... not intentionally slanderous and posted on a forum for all in sunder to see. That kind of "Behavior" could end up deemed as Cyber Bullying.....
to Quote you.....
"and not having to confront them face to face that gives a false sense of reality."
i wouldn't imagine them going out into the great outdoors - out from their PC/laptop and speaking to someone like they do on here...
i would actually relish it and see them gettin knocked down a peg or two and taught manners and how REAL people actually speak to each other IN REAL LIFE.
I know and respect the mods for not condoning this behavior but there is only so much they can do. Monitoring posts can only do so much - especially since there is a difference in language and meanings.
You don't even need to join this websitwe to view it but i can imagine veiwers from all walks of life getting intimadated by some of the so-called "banter or michael talk" that ends up a flaming war.
It could look so hostile to an outsider sometimes.
anyhoooo. iv'e just been back on here since a few weeks and don't see much now as it was before so long it may continue... :wink:
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