OuiMr Berson

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Postby Rob ITST » Fri, 30 Sep 2011 14:30

I still call him "Samael" too. Not just because I remember him as that, but because it's easier to type that "KOELLERER". :lol:

Vieira151 wrote:And since he's banned, I'm sure I can say that after I made that post I got a pm Berson saying he was Sniper, and thanks for remembering. This was a few days ago. :lol: :lol:

Damn, thanks for letting us know this now. :evil: Could have saved us some time. :lol:
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Postby Vieira151 » Fri, 30 Sep 2011 14:34

My bad. I've only had internet back for 3 days. You pretty much had it sorted before I saw the pm. :P

And I dunno why I think of him as Samael still. Maybe it's because it's easier, or maybe because whenever I see Dani Filth I think "Samael!" :lol:
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Postby Tamthewasp » Fri, 30 Sep 2011 15:24

Whats stopping him just making another account?
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Postby Samael » Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:02

I'm El Rey now. No more Samael or KOELLERER. Remember me as KING!
Ban Djokovic forever!
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Fri, 30 Sep 2011 17:34

I've seen very few people actually ever lose their accounts here at ITST since 2009 and I know the staff and they are all quite fair. I assure you guys that such a decision would not be made without incontrovertible reasons for doing so.
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Postby Vieira151 » Fri, 30 Sep 2011 20:34

El Rey wrote:I'm El Rey now. No more Samael or KOELLERER. Remember me as KING!

Oh. It's you. :lol:
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The hammer is my penis."

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Postby coke4 » Sat, 01 Oct 2011 14:56

Since when has the banning of someone got its own thread?
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Postby Rob ITST » Sat, 01 Oct 2011 15:01

It's not the standard way of doing things, but considering who he is, we knew there would be one anyway.

BTW: Where have you been? Funny you show up after Berson is banned. :P
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Postby coke4 » Sat, 01 Oct 2011 15:06

Rob ITST wrote:It's not the standard way of doing things, but considering who he is, we knew there would be one anyway.

BTW: Where have you been? Funny you show up after Berson is banned. :P

Haha shit :roll: . I was away for most of the summer and between being in my final school year and not liking TS4 i havent been on much, I have been checking in from time to time, especially during US Open and Wimbledon.
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Re: OuiMr Berson

Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Tue, 18 Oct 2011 23:46

El Rey wrote:I'm El Rey now. No more Samael or KOELLERER. Remember me as KING!

ahhh ,didn´t knewed this :lol:
you look totally different on your avatarpic

SchwingerMongo wrote:
Rob ITST wrote:PLEASE NOTE: OuiMr Berson has been suspended from the ITST until further notice. He is a former member (Sn1per31) who has been banned, numerous times, in the past.

I am ITST member since May 2009...and i can t remember this guy....must be a member long time ago.

be happy , he was a noob and it looks he is forward a noob !!
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Postby Sh0Case » Wed, 26 Oct 2011 16:47

It's a shame Berson has been banned, the MS tour needs as many top players playing as possible.
The competition isn't what it should be as a number of the top 10-15 players are inactive.
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Postby Berson » Sat, 15 Jan 2022 02:36

Sh0Case wrote:It's a shame Berson has been banned, the MS tour needs as many top players playing as possible.
The competition isn't what it should be as a number of the top 10-15 players are inactive.

Yes but it was a deserved ban, I called KOELLLERER "Samael"!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Berson » Sat, 15 Jan 2022 02:38

djarvik wrote:Berson's ban was a collection of things, but the biggest issue was the fact that he repeatedly lied to us. We have approached him after our findings, gave him a fair chance to redeem himself, instead, he chose to mock us and lie once again, much like he did lie about Sh0case making 200+ drop shots in their match, when in fact there less then 10.

Berson's ban has nothing to do with the way he played the game.

I think my only mistake is when I beat you 6-0 6-0 (48 points to 0)
5 days after this game I was banned :lol:
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