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Postby Mack2300 » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 02:59

The new update is horrible. There is zero incentive to play as a power player now as this update has rendered them pretty useless.
I think itst will be welcoming the rise of Welch clones..then more people will complaining..and so the cycle continues
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Postby reconskillsxx » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 03:36

i don't know what to think of this update of yet :shock:
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Postby Tuurbine » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 05:44

Well i am a welch user almost since ts4 launched so i am not that happy to know that now many more players will choose him, i really enjoyed playing against hard hitting guys. But finally stamina and speed make a difference, and the drop shots abussers will have to rethink about abussing those shots.

I have just played some test matches with Rob ITST, and stamina is a huge factor by what we experienced today, i think that will make many players rethink or redo their players and strategy. Lets see what happens, i thhink these are good news for the game, and a great work from ITST management and 2k team.
Last edited by Tuurbine on Mon, 19 Sep 2011 06:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby reconskillsxx » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 05:52

is anyone having trouble with returning after the update. Was playing a match and all my returns were short and they were all perfect timed or good timed and When i was serving all the balls came back deep??
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Postby maximo » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 06:05

may be your rival was serving really well lol (joking) and honestly, i haven't seen a big diference with the patch.
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Postby ANILTJE » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 07:40

maximo wrote:may be your rival was serving really well lol (joking) and honestly, i haven't seen a big diference with the patch.

What setup do you use normally???

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Postby maximo » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 08:12

ANILTJE wrote:
maximo wrote:may be your rival was serving really well lol (joking) and honestly, i haven't seen a big diference with the patch.

What setup do you use normally???
in SIM i use Fortis, and i say that there isn't a big diference because every rally continues being infinite and almost impossible make an UE.
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Postby edlglide » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 08:13

Drop shots are definitely affected -- just played a guy who tried to hit cross court drop shots from the baseline, and they were deeper into the court and sat up pretty high for me to crush. Much less effective than they were before the update.
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 08:24

maximo wrote:
ANILTJE wrote:
maximo wrote:may be your rival was serving really well lol (joking) and honestly, i haven't seen a big diference with the patch.

What setup do you use normally???
in SIM i use Fortis, and i say that there isn't a big diference because every rally continues being infinite and almost impossible make an UE.

Maybe you´re not that good at killing your points bro.
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Postby farshad » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 08:36

Ovbiously the game is changed by this update! played my first match...unforced errors happens more often, drop shots are tricky, and i hit some balls that never did in my life :lol: but its a bit tricky...takes a while to get used to it.
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Postby edlglide » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 08:51

Mack2300 wrote:The new update is horrible. There is zero incentive to play as a power player now as this update has rendered them pretty useless.
I think itst will be welcoming the rise of Welch clones..then more people will complaining..and so the cycle continues

After playing several matches, I don't know why you are saying this -- just played a guy with 85 power and he murdered some winners, exactly the same as pre-patch. It didn't take away any power, just makes the player have to be smarter as to when they use it....and offensive baseliners, especially slow ones, can't get stuck in long rallies or they'll be worn out.

So far, to me, it isn't really a drastic change, it's more of a subtle one...loving it though.
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Postby farshad » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 09:52

okay i changed my mind! players should just be more careful, if they are, its the same almost but its better than before.
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Postby maximo » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 10:37

LokiSharpShootr wrote:
maximo wrote:
ANILTJE wrote:
maximo wrote:may be your rival was serving really well lol (joking) and honestly, i haven't seen a big diference with the patch.

What setup do you use normally???
in SIM i use Fortis, and i say that there isn't a big diference because every rally continues being infinite and almost impossible make an UE.

Maybe you´re not that good at killing your points bro.
i can be horrible (probably the worst ps3 player), but TS4 will continue being an arcade game with infinities rallies and without UE.
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Postby emate007 » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 11:00

maximo wrote:i can be horrible (probably the worst ps3 player), but TS4 will continue being an arcade game with infinities rallies and without UE.

I call BS. I am clearly the worst, and will defend my title with zeal.
I propose a 5 set match, whoever wins more points loses.
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Postby MisterGregory42 » Mon, 19 Sep 2011 11:30

It's early, but as of right now I'm not crazy about the new update.

As someone else pointed out, defensive slices are now essentially useless. They were supposedly nerfed so people wouldn't use them as offensive weapons, but now the only way to hit a good slice is if you're in a good offensive position. Anything else is going to be a shank that will be easily put away.

In fact, in general that's my problem with the update. It's all about offense now. I feel like the game rewards you too much for being in good position and punishes you too much for being in bad position. It helps tremendously with responding to drop shots, but so far that's about the only positive I can take from it.

Serve and return feels a little strange. Your position now has to be absolutely perfect, but if it is, you'll hit an amazing return. If it's even slightly off, you've pretty much lost the point. I suppose the serve had to be strengthened again since before this update you could hit great returns no matter what. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.
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