Hey players,
So glad I've found this site. So much useful info regarding Top Spin.
I started with Top Spin on PS1 and did pretty well, although I didnt compete online. I put many hours into the OG game, yet i didnt pick up 2 and 3.
Seeing TS4 on the shelves for 30 bucks seemed like a deal so i copped.
Perusing the internet for advice, info, updates, and strategies led me here.
I'm "old", playing tennis from 79 to 86 in NYC back in the day, so my game was shaped by Borg, McEnroe,Vilas,Noah, and Lendl.
Im just starting to get my rhythm back and get good at this newest installement. The update was already installed when i copped it last week so there's no severe adjustments made.
Eventually ill get my skills up and join online so yall can whip my beep...