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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sat, 03 Sep 2011 16:25

Nice one man!
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Postby KDZaster » Mon, 05 Sep 2011 23:27

I want to know the secrets to good Volleying.

I can manage, and my timing is normally green, but I feel like the green shots that I hit with 53-63 Volley just dont pressure the opponent or angle enough.

Am I too close to the net?
Am I supposed to be holding something?

There must be some common knowledge thing I'm missing here.

Example, I hit a great cross court topspin shot, opponent pulled way off, while holding R1. As I approach his average return shot in the air, right on top of it, with good timing, with slice or flat, I get a mediocre crosscourt shot that can be run down.

What am I doing wrong?
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Postby djarvik » Mon, 05 Sep 2011 23:42

Go behind him with Slice volleys. If you want to put away into the open court use B volley. IF you are not using SV guy then I suggest you forget about Flat volleys. They are great for mid height balls in transition to the net, but if you are playing with All arounder and your goal is to finish rather then setup - then I would not use them much.

Slice volley is your control volley, it will come back to you most times. They key is to make sure it comes back with enough height so you can do a put-away volley. For example if you go with BH down the line while approaching the net, then you cover the down the line pass by following flight path of the ball, be ready to hit one of the two volleys: 1. Put-away B volley if opponents comes back down the line. He will have to hit over the higher part of the net and the ball will be high enough for you to kill. 2. Control volley to the same corner. If he is attempting to pass you cross court, control slice volley either deep or short to the same corner. If your approach down the line was short, then likely your opponent is inside the court - go for a control volley long into the corner at his feet. If your approach was deep, go for a short control volley.

If you get passed - you coming to net at the wrong times or your approach is not good enough.

Control approaches against faster opponents, to give yourself a bit more time to get to net, hard approaches against slower ones to cut off their timing and reach.

Approaching the net on a cross court shot is harder then down the line.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 00:07

djarvik wrote:Go behind him with Slice volleys. If you want to put away into the open court use B volley. IF you are not using SV guy then I suggest you forget about Flat volleys. They are great for mid height balls in transition to the net, but if you are playing with All arounder and your goal is to finish rather then setup - then I would not use them much.

Slice volley is your control volley, it will come back to you most times. They key is to make sure it comes back with enough height so you can do a put-away volley. For example if you go with BH down the line while approaching the net, then you cover the down the line pass by following flight path of the ball, be ready to hit one of the two volleys: 1. Put-away B volley if opponents comes back down the line. He will have to hit over the higher part of the net and the ball will be high enough for you to kill. 2. Control volley to the same corner. If he is attempting to pass you cross court, control slice volley either deep or short to the same corner. If your approach down the line was short, then likely your opponent is inside the court - go for a control volley long into the corner at his feet. If your approach was deep, go for a short control volley.

If you get passed - you coming to net at the wrong times or your approach is not good enough.

Control approaches against faster opponents, to give yourself a bit more time to get to net, hard approaches against slower ones to cut off their timing and reach.

Approaching the net on a cross court shot is harder then down the line.

I respectfully disagree. When I play with my all rounder, if
I go to net, it is only off a weak return from my opponent, so I use A or B.However, since B is not affected by VSA, I usually use A to put it away.
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Postby L Sanchez MD » Wed, 28 Sep 2011 00:38

Haven't played much since the new patch, but S&V seems a LOT harder for me now. Anyone else finding this?
Serving seems worse, and movement seems terrible. My char has low speed, but he can barely get to anything.

Again, I will play more to get used to it, but I'm using my S&V as an all rounder at least for now.
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Postby jayl0ve » Wed, 28 Sep 2011 00:57

I've kinda come to the same conclusion.

It seems (kinda paradoxically) that reflexes are faster for all players, but that you also 'cover' less area at the net...like, the area around you in which you can get to a ball when you press the button, is smaller.
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Postby safe_as_milk_ » Wed, 28 Sep 2011 01:42


It's the stamina. After a set, they react slower to everything. Seems quite fair on the whole, but unfortunately for me it's really, really, really harmed burns. After a set he turns to shit. Shame, I loved using that player, now it's an ordeal...
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 28 Sep 2011 01:44

The thing is, after the patch, the serve part of SERVE and volley is more important. Before, you could just throw in a serve and come to net, but now you must hit a well placed serve.
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Postby L Sanchez MD » Wed, 28 Sep 2011 03:58

Definitely going to have to practice my serving.
I can't ace anymore, which is weird. I haven't played enough matches I guess.

It's a real shame, because I had just begun to see the value of T Stryker as an actually very good baseliner and all-rounder. But now with the nerfed stamina and speed, he's useless.

Of course stamina and speed being more effective = a great thing, it just means that Stryker is worthless.
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Postby HURRlS » Thu, 01 Mar 2012 06:43

Hey add HURRlS to the xbox list. The "I" in "HURRlS" is actually a lowercase "L"
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Postby slayer28 » Mon, 16 Apr 2012 14:29

Hi there.I'm playing now with my 20-0-0 kelly character. I really enjoy s&v style.I want to know which returns do you use when opponent serves?despite of perfect timing it goes wide often.Does anyone try to play lob serve return?I've noticed that when i play it i'm able to hit my first volley close to the net and score.However it doesn't work well against the other s&v
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Postby Licoaldo » Fri, 15 Jun 2012 03:01

slayer28 wrote:Hi there.I'm playing now with my 20-0-0 kelly character. I really enjoy s&v style.I want to know which returns do you use when opponent serves?despite of perfect timing it goes wide often.Does anyone try to play lob serve return?I've noticed that when i play it i'm able to hit my first volley close to the net and score.However it doesn't work well against the other s&v

I'm having a hard time hitting good returns with my serve and volleyer...
During my last couple of matches I've been slightly more sucessful hitting with normal flat shots returning from inside the court when it's a flat serve.

When it's more of a spin serve, I return with a deep cross court normal slice.

But I still lost twice against a 98 power, 98 serve guy...
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Postby Saarbrigga » Wed, 25 Jul 2012 15:15

Which skill is need to do a "Becker-Dive"?

- Spectacular Volley
- Volley Shot artist
- Brutal Volley

It must be one of them but i don t know which one...
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 25 Jul 2012 15:16

Saarbrigga wrote:Which skill is need to do a "Becker-Dive"?

- Spectacular Volley
- Volley Shot artist
- Brutal Volley

It must be one of them but i don t know which one...

- Spectacular Volley

That is the one that adds extra animations to your volleys.
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Postby Saarbrigga » Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:53

thx. 8)
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