it depends on what you re looking for, i prefer battlefield series for the gameplay variety. cod advantage would be it s nervous gaming, closer to counter strike. players move and aim faster etc...
in battlefield you got more of a feeling that you are moving a soldier with his backpack and stuff. same for aiming it takes bit longer to get your gun in position for shooting. so maybe a bit more realistic on that point but it depends on what you prefer.
what i prefer on battlefield are the larger maps, the use of vehicles, like jeep tanks helicopters etc, big teamplay stuff like healing, giving ammo etc to your mates.
about vehicles, it s a lot of fun to fly a heli, tank can be great too. other ones like boats and quads/jeeps or just for moving one point to another. and if you only like to play infantry, you will still enjoy the vehicle feature cause it s a lot of fun to destroy them with rockets or a good sneaky c4 behind the tank.
but the biggest advantage is the ability to destroy every tree, every wall, and even crush complete buildings with your weapons. if you re a sniper you can open a hole in the wall and snipe thru it, as engineer if you start shooting someone and he hides with 10% hp in his house you just rocket the wall and finish him.
you stand on a stationary machine gun and there too many trees in your line of sight? just shoot em up!
when i played cod after that, not beeing able to destroy stuff was the biggest difference to me.
and the last vid they posted looks good, cant believe they brought jets back ... ameplay-fr