Drop Shot Artist

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Should 'Drop Shot Artist' be a banned skill?

Total votes : 36

Postby djarvik » Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:01

Spot on.
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Postby Saarbrigga » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 01:12

Overall question on drop shots:

I am very good in playing drop shots on the run, usually do it 2-3 times in 2 sets on WT, i can hit those 8 of 10 times.

Now someone means it is considered cheese on ITST...is it?
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 01:25

I have a question regarding dropshots and slices

First: is it chessy to do drop shots when ure oponnent is a the net? i mean not every point just like once in 4 points to try mess up his timing.

Second: is it cheesy to use short slices to try drag ur uponnent close to the court? again not every time just once in a while(cause i played a guy in WT that had 98 power he just stood 5 feet behind the baseline hitting crazy power shots on me and sometimes i did a short slice, after i beat him 3-0 he called me cheesy in a message).
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Postby Rob ITST » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 01:58

SchwingerMongo wrote:Overall question on drop shots:

I am very good in playing drop shots on the run, usually do it 2-3 times in 2 sets on WT, i can hit those 8 of 10 times.

Now someone means it is considered cheese on ITST...is it?

Defensive drops are pretty much always cheesy.

LokiSharpShootr wrote:I have a question regarding dropshots and slices

First: is it chessy to do drop shots when ure oponnent is a the net? i mean not every point just like once in 4 points to try mess up his timing.

I'd say, it depends on the situation. If someone is abusing the drop volley, then I'll use drop shots in retaliation.

Second: is it cheesy to use short slices to try drag ur uponnent close to the court? again not every time just once in a while(cause i played a guy in WT that had 98 power he just stood 5 feet behind the baseline hitting crazy power shots on me and sometimes i did a short slice, after i beat him 3-0 he called me cheesy in a message).

If it's abused, then yes it's cheesy. But every once in a while, especially if the opponent has low speed or volley, or if they are camping out way behind the baseline, then I'd just call that smart tactics.

Personally, I don't find anything you do to be cheesy. You're just a damn good player (one of the only guys I can't ever beat). I do find your setup (Welsh, with 80-90 on both wings) a little over powered, but that's what a sim tour is for.
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