TS4 Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

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Postby ray237 » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 19:44

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:odd, maybe he is just reallly good.

Good or not good, i usually hit 80% of my shots with perfect timing and i rarely hit the line.
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Postby VMoe86 » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 20:36

There is more to hitting the lines than perfect timing - the moment when you aim your shot and how you are positioned are also important.
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Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Mon, 15 Aug 2011 20:32

The overuse of drop shots is ridiculous and it's not even the players that have attained this skill. I played a power player today. we had the EXACT same stats. 79fh 74bh 73sv 30vo 85pw 85st 59sp 51re. INSTANT ROCKET and CRUSHING PASSING SHOT. When I stopped play in the beginning of the first set and complained, he told me to man up and stop crying. Then said if I didn't stand 90 feet behind the baseline I wouldn't be punished for it. The thing is when I stand closer to the baseline he'd use his power to push me back...then when I had to cover his deep shots he'd dropshot continuously...at 4-5 in the 1st set... I guess I had no choice but to "man up" So I did...and won the next 9 games to win the match. Hopefully fairplay prevails on this tour. It's one of the many reason I love playing here as opposed to WT or 2KOpen... 8)
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Postby Alex-4487 » Mon, 15 Aug 2011 20:49

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:The overuse of drop shots is ridiculous and it's not even the players that have attained this skill. I played a power player today. we had the EXACT same stats. 79fh 74bh 73sv 30vo 85pw 85st 59sp 51re. INSTANT ROCKET and CRUSHING PASSING SHOT. When I stopped play in the beginning of the first set and complained, he told me to man up and stop crying. Then said if I didn't stand 90 feet behind the baseline I wouldn't be punished for it. The thing is when I stand closer to the baseline he'd use his power to push me back...then when I had to cover his deep shots he'd dropshot continuously...at 4-5 in the 1st set... I guess I had no choice but to "man up" So I did...and won the next 9 games to win the match. Hopefully fairplay prevails on this tour. It's one of the many reason I love playing here as opposed to WT or 2KOpen... 8)

goes to show what manning up can do for you lol, glad you won vs these type of players as they can be annoying
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Postby djarvik » Mon, 15 Aug 2011 21:00

Yeah, especially the drop shots on the dead runs, while on defense. These are the worst for me, a clear desperation cheese.
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Postby OuiMr BersonBANNED » Mon, 15 Aug 2011 21:02

djarvik wrote:Yeah, especially the drop shots on the dead runs, while on defense. These are the worst for me, a clear desperation cheese.

Yes with the guys who only short slice :o
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Postby Indiantonike » Mon, 15 Aug 2011 21:14

djarvik wrote:Yeah, especially the drop shots on the dead runs, while on defense. These are the worst for me, a clear desperation cheese.

A greek whiner really loves to use it :o
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Postby Tuurbine » Mon, 15 Aug 2011 23:51

Indiantonike wrote:
djarvik wrote:Yeah, especially the drop shots on the dead runs, while on defense. These are the worst for me, a clear desperation cheese.

A greek whiner really loves to use it :o

Dont invoke him please (will have to say his name 3 times like beetlejuice) :lol:
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Postby tonedawg1 » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 00:05

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:The overuse of drop shots is ridiculous and it's not even the players that have attained this skill. I played a power player today. we had the EXACT same stats. 79fh 74bh 73sv 30vo 85pw 85st 59sp 51re. INSTANT ROCKET and CRUSHING PASSING SHOT. When I stopped play in the beginning of the first set and complained, he told me to man up and stop crying. Then said if I didn't stand 90 feet behind the baseline I wouldn't be punished for it. The thing is when I stand closer to the baseline he'd use his power to push me back...then when I had to cover his deep shots he'd dropshot continuously...at 4-5 in the 1st set... I guess I had no choice but to "man up" So I did...and won the next 9 games to win the match. Hopefully fairplay prevails on this tour. It's one of the many reason I love playing here as opposed to WT or 2KOpen... 8)

i know what u mean people even without dropshot skill still hit as if they had it :cry:
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Postby Sanoww » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 02:52

Did you ever think of stating a rule about second serves ?

I guess it should be very hard to make people apply this, but I saw a large majority of players hitting second serves same way than the first ones, and I think it's a shame.. In real life, it's very unlikely to see powerful and risky second balls, it occurs some times but in TS4 it seems to happen every time, it's not rare to see a 210km/h+ second ball.. It's just a 'second first serve' for most of the people.

It completely removes the 'mind game' on second serve, and moving one or two steps forward is just useless and most certainly, dangerous.

Just a suggestion ^^
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 03:05

this is true: sometimes, if i know t will not have perfect timing, i can just aim it out on purpose and try again.
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 03:58

Its a good ideia, like no advanced serves on 2nd serve, but then how could u tell i mean against the big servers u could but against DFB there would be little diference, and i think that most player would just slice it wide in second serve. btw good game Sanow, too bad my power went of, lets play again sometime.
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Postby dsavbeast012 » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 05:08

I don't feel bad for IR/CPS players complaining about drop shots. It's pick your poison w/ those players b/c they can hit winners from anywhere and since speed doesn't matter they really have less weaknesses. The only way to exploit low speed is by using drop shots, that's why so many people have gone to it. Either play ridiculous 40+ shot rallies w/ two players w/ under 60 speed or have a drop shot contest w/ 2 guys w/ low speed. This game is unbalanced so there's nothing you can do to say one cheese is worse. It's at the point where everything is 'cheese' now to some ppl.
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Postby Sanoww » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 05:21

dsavbeast012 wrote: The only way to exploit low speed is by using drop shots

Don't think so, controlled cross angle top spins and most likely deep controlled flat shots are good solutions, and these options are waaay fairer than dropshotting all the time..
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Postby reconskillsxx » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 05:44

Sanoww wrote:
dsavbeast012 wrote: The only way to exploit low speed is by using drop shots

Don't think so, controlled cross angle top spins and most likely deep controlled flat shots are good solutions, and these options are waaay fairer than dropshotting all the time..

i absolutely agree with you sanoww
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