That to transfer ? That to keep ? That to improve ?

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That to transfer ? That to keep ? That to improve ?

Postby DoublonMicrobe6 » Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:41

Good evening,

Well, already having create four characters, and wanting to test it other, competent, I would like to know which one turn, to make of the place of free, not being a very good player, I do not manage to decide, I hope that you will manage to help me.

Here are four players:

1-0/12/8 with Boskovic 3CD / 1RV: explosive / Expert in blow at the last minute

CD: 81
RV: 72
SRV: 66
POW: 39
PUI: 72
END: 93
REF 52

2-8/6/6 with Bickam 4CD: have of the flight(volley) and the weakened(paid off).

CD: 86
RV: 61
SRV: 71
VOLL: 70
THEN: 57
END: 69
VITT: 64
REFL: 72

3-0/0/20 with Drew 2CD / 2RV: have of the weakened / put to death.

CD: 90
RV: 90
SRV: 50
VOLL: 40
PUI: 55
END: 90
VITT: 85
REFL: 50

4-0/20/0 with Babb 4CD: focus Strick Berseker service / serf

CD: 81
RV: 61
SRV: 98
VOLL: 40
END: 77
VITT: 40
REFL: 50

Which one to transfer? Knowing that I play only against the IA having no live, thus I exclude your rules of tournament.

Furthermore, you would have an advice, if 8/6/6 does not suit to have a more competent, similar player? A reliable player in the air who did not make errors, while being someone who holds the exchanges in bottom of court?

Thanks to you. Good evening.
Posts: 29
Joined: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:31

Postby xesco15 » Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:56

in my opinion you must remove the 4th setup, because you´ve a lot of power, but your player is very slow.
I use the third setup, 0-0-20 with drew welch, i´m very glad with this setup.
i also like the second setup because is more complete than the others with power and speed more balanced.
i recommend you that if you want to play in clay you use the third setup.
however, if you want to play in grass court, my opinion is that you should create other player with 0-15-5 and rabari of coach.
good luck.
Posts: 218
Joined: Sun, 15 May 2011 15:06

Postby DoublonMicrobe6 » Thu, 11 Aug 2011 22:03


8/6/6 it seems good, but it is not it as long that that. It is nice in " Minor and major Tournaments " once this past course, you have a hard time against Nadal and co ', kept silent is not very fast, the others quickly install their game, you make very fast extended beyond, it is the big weak point, thus I would have liked trying to improve it...

For 0/15/5 it is not little how 0/12/8 or the other one? You would advise(recommend) it to me with whom? How much CD / RV? Furthermore, I do not know of what you think, I would have liked tested 0/8/12. Thanks to yo
Posts: 29
Joined: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:31

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