Illegal Serving

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Illegal Serving

Postby trulyinfemous » Mon, 08 Aug 2011 17:59

Can someone illustrate what an illegal serve looks like?

I find that those incredibly wide cross court serves are pretty much impossible to stop, especially when the opponent has a lot of power and great serving ratings, or in addition to this is left handed and can just kill you in service games.

I don't think anyone I've played on here has used it unless it was accidental but on WT it's all I face.

I'd just like to make sure that I can recognise an illegal serve and hopefully stop it? thanks very much.
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Postby Tuurbine » Mon, 08 Aug 2011 18:21

Illegal service is what we call here tramline service, when the server serves closer to the doubles line, so he can make a much wider serve, specially used with slice... Belive me , you will meet players like that
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Mon, 08 Aug 2011 18:32

I know........
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Mon, 08 Aug 2011 18:57

But is it okay to slice serve when not in tramline?
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Mon, 08 Aug 2011 19:24

Yeah it's fine to serve however you like as long as you don't step out wide. Normal serving enters the "cheesy" category when you are constantly serving out wide with any setup really but it enters the REALLY cheesy category when it's done with a high setup. Just try to mix it up, really as a courtesy to your opponent and to keep the play fair. Not only that, but mixing it up I think generally helps you stump the players that try and zone in on your serve.
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Postby trulyinfemous » Thu, 11 Aug 2011 00:50

OK thanks for the explanation.

I find that on WT that's all I get, power or swerve tramline serves.

Is any form of tramline serve illegal in ITST or is it allowed to do it once or twice? I'm seeing people go quite wide and hit slice serves, while not constantly, all game like on WT, but on important points or when behind.

Is this cheesey or just bad manners?

What is the best way to counter act this?
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