i'm sorry, but this game is a total and complete JOKE!

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Postby I_Zooloo_I » Fri, 05 Aug 2011 13:14

control shots is good for working the point, or getting a surprise wrongfoot winner. but after you ve opened the court with control you d better use power shot
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Fri, 05 Aug 2011 14:25

i play at moment TS4 not anymore ,( ONLY JUST FOR FUN)
my problem with the game is ......
that the gameplay changed way too often since the game is been released .
so what had worked yesterday -didn´t work today anymore.

and the gameplay changed not small , it changed allways in a big way . and this with every new patch where 2 k made!!!

that was a main mistake from 2 K .
alot of players stopped playing TS4 coz of this

at end of the day i think the game was released in generell too early ,
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Fri, 05 Aug 2011 16:33

I do not agree with that, I find it great that 2k is actively trying to make the gameplay more balanced, if people are too lazy to adjust, it is not 2ks fault.I applaud 2k for its efforts for this game.
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Postby supinesmokey13 » Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:08

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:I do not agree with that, I find it great that 2k is actively trying to make the gameplay more balanced, if people are too lazy to adjust, it is not 2ks fault.I applaud 2k for its efforts for this game.

i agree with you but to be honest all those who started the cheesy game-play trend are to blame so if you used overpowered setups, abused flaws in the game-play, 100 power then you are to blame as you set the precedent for what has followed.

you set the example and the trend so all those 100 power players complaining that high volleys and high reflex stats that mean sv players get to more volley than usually they do, as the high reflexes should give them more time to react should not complain you inability to pass them is your own doing and reliance on the overpowered nature of your setups

and that's not the only reason why the height of you players affect his wing span and reach at net so obviously tall sv players with great reflexes with reach a good number of balls at the net. as the the drop volley abuse again all those who abused the drop shot set the precedent and the majority followed and flocked had everyone played fair and not look for flaws to exploit in the game this wouldn t be happening.

what's happening now is the pendulum has swung the other way and the various cheesy players who the game favored pre patching are on top at least now 70 percent of my matches that i lose, are because my opponent is able to execute better than i am rather than exploitation although there those 100 POWER ! 100 POWER! Setup every now and again that steal the win in a third set super tiebreak

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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Fri, 05 Aug 2011 23:34

Agreed. But i did not know height affected gameplay: it says when you are setting its morphology that it does not have any effect in-game.
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Postby edlglide » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 00:20

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:Agreed. But i did not know height affected gameplay: it says when you are setting its morphology that it does not have any effect in-game.

I don't think it does -- I had a 6'4" male S&V and it didn't seem like he reached any more balls at the net than my 5'7" or so female S&V.
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Postby I_Zooloo_I » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 11:59

but the psychological impact can be huge ! when i see a 2meter tall s&v it gets me scared and i just cant use lob :D
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Postby Andymachine » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 12:39

I agree with some of the points here , but what i think is the biggest joke is when people resort to the constant slice game , they almost are as a good as winners sometimes , or that passing shot slice they use , and your character seems to stop at the net for some reason and not move lol, also when u try to hit a down the line shot , the ball for some reason curves into your opponent :lol: its an odd game but is challenging i guess in that respect also :lol:
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Postby supinesmokey13 » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 14:50

edlglide wrote:
RainingAmoeba79 wrote:Agreed. But i did not know height affected gameplay: it says when you are setting its morphology that it does not have any effect in-game.

I don't think it does -- I had a 6'4" male S&V and it didn't seem like he reached any more balls at the net than my 5'7" or so female S&V.
but it does for me pre patch i noticed i reached more lobs with my 188 cm sv player than 180 and besides you probably cover the net well by natural your 6'4 guy has a larger wing span regardless of whether 2k did not design height to affect the gameplay

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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 18:00

darn, i have to remake my S and V...... :cry:
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Mon, 08 Aug 2011 18:05

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:I do not agree with that, I find it great that 2k is actively trying to make the gameplay more balanced, if people are too lazy to adjust, it is not 2ks fault.I applaud 2k for its efforts for this game.

yes ,you are right with what you said. i agree with.....
balancing is a good thing,
also that 2 k is activly trying to balance the game . also nice .

but ..... i disagree with........

that people are too lazy to adjust the game ,(at least this counts not for me)
in fact its a complete different game now, than it was by the release,
a game,with a complete different gameplay

what 2k did at all was not balancing the game ,they change the whole game , not once,twice (thrice??) !!!
the steps are way too big to call it "balancing"
again,the game is completly different than the game what 2k released

mean check it out.
delete every update ,create a new gamertag ,create a new player ,new carriere,and play the game ,how it got released . pure without updates-

than play the game you have with all update .
compare it ........!!
the result is , 2 complete different games !!

so thats why i meant 2k released it too early . the game had needet a better finetuning before the game got released ,
and not to release a not ready/not balanced game , that was not good in my opinion

however,it is how it is ,
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Postby jaateloauto » Sat, 13 Aug 2011 17:55

I've played one too many times against guys who use drop shot on every point. Even if you win it's **** retarded. Worst ones are drop volleys. So stupid. And this is what 50% of WT players seem to be going with nowadays so I guess no more WT for me.
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