TS4 Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

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Postby I_Zooloo_I » Thu, 28 Jul 2011 02:16

i agree that i must press shot button before the opponent serves but not the direction, can do that quick while you perform the return
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Postby OuiMr BersonBANNED » Tue, 02 Aug 2011 18:29

Nothing about the Moonball , the **** MOONBALL :o
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:26

I've noticed at least on World Tour, BLATANT cheating in serving just after or as the replay screen is still up. I don't know if anyone actually does it in ITST but it's cheating without a doubt. Also since there are so many complaints of people being cheesy why not create an actual cheese system where you guys take into account match reports and stuff, and start marking down "strikes" for repeat offenders. Eventually this becomes a strict warning to said player, and if one more offense occurs then suspension and then banning. I think letting people know you will not tolerate that kind of crap might steer them away from doing it in matches.

Though I am clearly not a reliable source having not played an ITST match.
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:30

OuiMr Berson wrote:Nothing about the Moonball , the **** MOONBALL :o

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Postby ray237 » Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:38

fr_Zooloo wrote:i agree that i must press shot button before the opponent serves but not the direction, can do that quick while you perform the return

Yes but the problem is that, yes, i can choose where to aim whenever i want, but when the opp serves a very slow serve, i start aiming early because the serve could be from 100 to 210 km/h fast so i don't know how fast it will be. Sometimes, the serves are so slow that my aiming button pressing turns into a moving button pressing and i got an ace.
I can aim exactly when the ball start his race, but not later, because, if i get a 210 km/h serve i get also fuked :)
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Postby djarvik » Tue, 02 Aug 2011 21:05

ILuvBillVal wrote:I've noticed at least on World Tour, BLATANT cheating in serving just after or as the replay screen is still up. I don't know if anyone actually does it in ITST but it's cheating without a doubt. Also since there are so many complaints of people being cheesy why not create an actual cheese system where you guys take into account match reports and stuff, and start marking down "strikes" for repeat offenders. Eventually this becomes a strict warning to said player, and if one more offense occurs then suspension and then banning. I think letting people know you will not tolerate that kind of crap might steer them away from doing it in matches.

Though I am clearly not a reliable source having not played an ITST match.

This is EXACTLY how it works now. It is done in a private way, not public. But we are cracking down on cheese and will be getting even more aggressive soon.

And I agree about the serving after replay.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Tue, 02 Aug 2011 21:20

Wait you can do that? i never knew :lol:
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Wed, 03 Aug 2011 17:54

Well I didn't quite mean make it public, as in announce they have been selected by the cheese committee. I meant more so publicly saying "this is exactly what will happen to anyone who does this stuff." Although... Hmm...

You could always start drawing Hangman pictures for cheating players' profile pics. Then each time they get a complaint add a part to the body and when they get HANGMAN they're banned. Pure genius.
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Wed, 03 Aug 2011 20:09

jayb1988 wrote:I have just joined up to ITST after doing relatively well on the world tour (think I'm now within the top 100) and have received the odd complaint on the tour that I use too many drop shots, so was wary of using them in my first match on ITST, admittedly this was against the top player here so I was going to lose anyway, but don't really want to feel hindered in future matches.

I've been meaning to comment on this since I first read it. I must agree to disagree with you on about 95% of what you said, however you do make some interesting arguments. Allow me to share with you my own observations on some similar subjects.

Guy Who Loves Drop Shots wrote:I use the drop shot usually against players who have higher power stats than me, where rallies become too long so a drop shot is a way to shorten the point. I am stuck with a silver coach, as the selection of gold coaches I have are pretty poor, so I often face players with alot more power and improved stats, so I feel the drop shot is a way to sometimes even up the odds.

This is probably the 5% where I find myself in agreement with you. Not about the drop shots, but rather the fact that the points in this game are simply too long. I can only imagine the horror of two control shot gurus duking it out for five grueling sets. They'd probably require naps in between sets! I seriously read "The Odyssey" the other day while playing TS4, and then I held serve. These factors could be improved merely by fixing the speed and stamina system, though. Also I believe they'd have to tone down the effectiveness of control shots a bit as well because if the speed system is fixed and control shots are still dominant EVERYONE will switch to Defensive Baseliner.

Oh, and I'm truly sorry you're "stuck with a Silver Coach." That is, without a doubt a great tragedy.

DropShotz4LifeBeyatch wrote:I feel the people who complain about the use of drop shots are probably players who have not yet mastered them, so become frustrated. I like using the shot, not to annoy people, but because I find it an effective way of winning a point.

I find this impossible as it is not feasible to not master this shot, as it is the easiest to pull off and most effective one in the game. As for your observation I find a similar one in that I feel people who gravitate toward utilizing frequent drop shots are the ones who have not yet mastered any other aspect of the game, and generally lack any real skill. The same can be said with anyone with a 100 stat, especially in power.

The Golf Man Jr. wrote:I think the wide serve 'cheese' suggestion is somewhat odd also.

It's not.
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Postby PerfectAce » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 13:47

If somebody here can answer me the following question, I´ll be very pleased: How a player with more than 10 matches played here can tramline serve all the **** MATCH???

It seems to me that a lot of people still doesn´t know about the rules, or other players are not reporting the cheaters. In 3 of my last 4 losses I had problems with cheating, and this was not happening in the beggining.

Honestly, I´m getting tired of it. As I´m just a level B player (or C, who knows?!), cheesy tactic really bothers me. And anyone who had already played against me knows that I refuse to this kind of thing.

I retired once in a macth against a bad player, but a massive drop shot cheater, because I was not having fun at all in that match. I think I´ll start to do this again as soon as the cheesy tactic takes place, and I´ll send a link with ITST rules to the other player.

I don´t want to be the **** stupid anymore who plays by the rules, while the other takes any kind of advantage of the game´s flaws. I´m tired of it.

Sorry for the outburst...
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 17:59

I agree with you man, some ppl just do not seem to care about the rules!!!
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Postby ray237 » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 18:28

Hi guys, i've played against a player who uses strange shots (maybe flat control shots but i'm not sure because they were a few powerful however), hitting with EVERY SHOT the lateral lines. I use a lot control shots, but i can't hit the line with my shots, while with 85 fh and 65 bh he hit some line using his 65 bh and total crossing the shot!!! I was at net and he was in the right corner of the court, behind the baseline, and he hit a fukin cross shot hitting the line just at the first quarter of the court.
Yes, i'm s&v and i have 67 on both swings and just 40 on power, but i can't understand how a stupid player doing the same thing all time can hit the lines with a stupid shot with a 65 swing. Some points were very frustrating, close after a fast wrong-foot cross winner hitting the line.
Has anyone noticed a similar situation yet?
It's totally unbalanced. I'm a top player in the WT and i lost 4-3 0-3 8-10 (obviously thanks to his TI/MD setup)against that noob.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 18:30

Thats exactly why Ti/MD is banned... :lol:
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Postby ray237 » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 18:35

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:Thats exactly why Ti/MD is banned... :lol:

I know, but i think most of his winners were flat control shots hitting always the line... not top spin ones. And yes MD can help making this shots, but he used them since the beginning of the match.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sat, 06 Aug 2011 19:10

odd, maybe he is just reallly good.
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