TI/MD should be allowed again...

Your forum to discuss the fourth generation of Top Spin.

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Postby chillachriz » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 15:51

SporTec Ironik wrote:
chillachriz wrote:overpowered lol :D

ok np... than please bann all coaches with stops as special... because i cant move after returning a stop... thats what i called INPOSIBLE... because i CANT MOVE!!! SO BANN this coaches!!

What is your speed stat ?

hmm i think 69... but not sure atm! why? you know something what i dont know? :)
TS4 Player : C.Shakur

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Postby SBR Ironik » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 15:56

It's much easier to reach a drop shot with a good speed stat ;)
Anyway, 69 is not that bad... Maybe you should try to anticipate more.

I have a very good speed (above 80) and I almost never have problem with drop shot... Actually you can, most of the time, see your opponent preparing his drop shot :)

But I do agree with you that too many drop shot is veryyyyy annoying... As 90+ power guys.

Yes, I play(ed) Drew welsh
SBR Ironik
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Postby chillachriz » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 16:06

SporTec Ironik wrote:It's much easier to reach a drop shot with a good speed stat ;)
Anyway, 69 is not that bad... Maybe you should try to anticipate more.

I have a very good speed (above 80) and I almost never have problem with drop shot... Actually you can, most of the time, see your opponent preparing his drop shot :)

But I do agree with you that too many drop shot is veryyyyy annoying... As 90+ power guys.

Yes, I play(ed) Drew welsh

i have no problem to reach the stop... but after returning the stop my player dont move... i can do what i want... he's still freezing... he just stands there and watches the ball...

my opponent know that i could move after returning... so he play this stop to 80% and at the big points...!!and this wasnt on WT... no it was here... and that made me so angry.....
TS4 Player : C.Shakur

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Location: Austria,Vienna

Postby SBR Ironik » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 16:37

Your player "freezes" when you reach the ball late.
slicing it down the line is often a good solution, so is a counter drop shot By the way.

Honestly, if your opponent uses it on regular basis, you should be able to read it.
SBR Ironik
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Postby chillachriz » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 17:40

SporTec Ironik wrote:Your player "freezes" when you reach the ball late.
slicing it down the line is often a good solution, so is a counter drop shot By the way.

Honestly, if your opponent uses it on regular basis, you should be able to read it.

ok... i try this today or tomorow ... maybe i do something wrong!!

thx man :)
TS4 Player : C.Shakur

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Location: Austria,Vienna

Postby Galagus23 » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 16:57

Everytime I play a TI/MD, the feeling of a victory is just so great!
Today I played Moski 777 in a quick match. It was quit hard to play, but within 7 min. I beat him 3-1. This time I got lucky! :)
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Postby Immortal Strife » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 20:51

I think this argument it subjective. I win over 90% online and rarely lose against ti/md players, but, that's online though. The difference between WT and ITST is night and day, especially great players like Dapery. We played and I could do nothing, he's just to good and that was without MD. I can only imagine how impossible it would be to beat a player of that caliber if he used ti/md. I can understand banning set-ups that are rediculous in the right hands.
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Postby Immortal Strife » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 22:08

i use four different set-ups and my ti/md is the weskest of the four. My favorite shot to use to change rallies is the control flat shot and by far my ti/md player hits this particular shot the worst of all my players... Just a thought.
Immortal Strife
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Postby jaateloauto » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 22:33

I'm no expert, I didn't play much of Top Spin 4 pre-patch and I'm still learning the game but the character I created was for TI/MD since I had heard it to be the only way to win in online before the update. I honestly thought it had been balanced by the patch (and removed from the banned list here) since there were no longer many players with it in top of the season rankings so I went ahead with the player.

Now I feel like I'm too much into the career mode and world tour (ranked 45 when I last checked in the current season, probably not much by some players' standards here) to make a new character as all the coaches I view good on my setup (0/12/8) are banned or don't exist because I built the player in wrong order (as mentioned to me in the coaches guide thread) so I'm having a hard time deciding if it's worth it to start over to play in ITSP.
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Postby MrMackNasty » Sat, 09 Jul 2011 00:08

jaateloauto wrote:I'm no expert, I didn't play much of Top Spin 4 pre-patch and I'm still learning the game but the character I created was for TI/MD since I had heard it to be the only way to win in online before the update. I honestly thought it had been balanced by the patch (and removed from the banned list here) since there were no longer many players with it in top of the season rankings so I went ahead with the player.

Now I feel like I'm too much into the career mode and world tour (ranked 45 when I last checked in the current season, probably not much by some players' standards here) to make a new character as all the coaches I view good on my setup (0/12/8) are banned or don't exist because I built the player in wrong order (as mentioned to me in the coaches guide thread) so I'm having a hard time deciding if it's worth it to start over to play in ITSP.

you do know when you play 1 match with your lvl20 guy. you can create as many lvl 20 players as you want. it takes 2mins max to make a new guy.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sat, 09 Jul 2011 08:29

MrMackNasty wrote:
jaateloauto wrote:I'm no expert, I didn't play much of Top Spin 4 pre-patch and I'm still learning the game but the character I created was for TI/MD since I had heard it to be the only way to win in online before the update. I honestly thought it had been balanced by the patch (and removed from the banned list here) since there were no longer many players with it in top of the season rankings so I went ahead with the player.

Now I feel like I'm too much into the career mode and world tour (ranked 45 when I last checked in the current season, probably not much by some players' standards here) to make a new character as all the coaches I view good on my setup (0/12/8) are banned or don't exist because I built the player in wrong order (as mentioned to me in the coaches guide thread) so I'm having a hard time deciding if it's worth it to start over to play in ITSP.

you do know when you play 1 match with your lvl20 guy. you can create as many lvl 20 players as you want. it takes 2mins max to make a new guy.

I think he might be worried about his WT rank......
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