PS3 tour vs. X360 tour

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PS3 tour vs. X360 tour

Postby ql1photh » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 21:05

So for people who are fortunate enough to play both tours:

1) Who has the better players in general?
2) Who has the best player?

Of course impossible to say for sure unless some of them actually faced eachother. Has this happened? Do some top 5/10 players actually played the top 3 on the other tour and can give some opinions.
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Postby Andymachine » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 22:35

Its not really possible to judge as both controllers are different , BUT , i have faced Puttu Puttu and he is pretty amazing , we had 1 all in head to heads in TS3 , i think Fedfan plays on Xbox also , so he would probably be good at answering that , and Djarvik of course
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 02:12

I think XBox has Rob, with his awesome s and v, and joker FR, who is pretty damn good.
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