Underdeveloped player glitch - Important information

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Postby MarvelousLiotta » Tue, 28 Jun 2011 07:52

I reported my incident to you last week I think. I am glad this has now been noticed by other people. This guy ruined yet another tournament and made the game even more unplayable and unfair
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Postby SlicerITST » Tue, 28 Jun 2011 08:40

Relax guys. We consider it a glitch, not a cheat. We also are unsure if it really has any effect on the gameplay. So dont go accusing people. They cannot help it either.
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Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 28 Jun 2011 08:55

I think it was Slicer who said the characters just seem so strong because you expect them to be weak when you see their stats. I think that's exactly what's happening here.

For example:

If your opponent had a character with 6/8/6, and coach Martin Gobbi, you would see: fh 72, bh 52, power 59. But they actually have fh 77, bh 57, power 74.... plus, they have the Instant Rocket skill. That character is going to be much more powerful than you expected, so it's going to seem like they must be cheating.

So it's probably not any kind of glitch that's being exploited, it's just the game screwing up and not showing your opponent's real stats.
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Postby Maitre Kax » Tue, 28 Jun 2011 10:14

I often meet underdevelopped players who don t play the way they should. I agree that it may be only a display glitch...
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Postby OuiMr BersonBANNED » Tue, 28 Jun 2011 11:38

Immortal Strife wrote:
RainingAmoeba79 wrote:Oh my, I just played DMG 100, and he had no skills, and almost no stats, and 60 something power, but he kept hitting shots that are rocket like! I think this may be a cheat/glitch.....

I'm glad that you brought this up, a few days back I played Dapery and his setup was something like the highest stat was 70 with no skills...In a 2 set 6 game per I won something like 5 points it was the worst butt kicking ive ever taken. Hit was tagging the short cross on the line everytime with great pace I was completely baffled. Since that match I written three comment about how good he is. Now it all makes sense...what a low down move for a top player to use. Sorry Dap your on my friends list but dang you had me thinking i was terrible. It's all good it was just an friendly match I'm not trying to say he's a cheat just agreeing that his glitched character was a beast, it was just a match for fun you know.

Lol Dapery don't cheat.
Dapery is the best besides me :oops: :lol:
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Postby Rich Lewis » Tue, 28 Jun 2011 12:18

After transferring a player using a USB stick from my brothers xbox to mine we had an instance where his coach and bonus stats disappeared totally. So he was coachless!! We reloaded it again from the stick and it showed as normal. So there are clearly instances where this happens by accident.
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Postby Hawkeye Miihawk » Tue, 28 Jun 2011 16:37

Lol, I encountered a player like this the first week the game came out. Wrote about it all this thread, http://www.intertopspintour.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14180&highlight=.

I guess she might have not been a cheater then. She was a lvl 0, but her character played like a lvl 20.
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Postby Immortal Strife » Tue, 28 Jun 2011 21:56

Dapery wrote:Immortel strife- i remeber our Match you lost 0:6 0:6 you won 5 Points? Sorry bro but it was only 1 :wink:. I played with my normal WT Setup sahi 85 Power 80bh ....
I Know its hard too See how Bad you are but don't Call me a Cheater or somthing like this ok?the glitch is real? I don't Know but i Know i am Not cheating.And in an Exhibition Match? Lol

I never called you a cheat...read
more carefully next time I just pointed out that your player was glitched. Your the best player that I've played against the fact is that I've praised your game on manny occassions. It was my mistake to use your name and I appologize for that. I don't know if the glitch had any effect or not on actual gameplay to this point, I believe that has yet to be determined. Again the error was mine in bringing the spacifics of you name into the argument your defensive retort is warrented and understandable.
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Postby djarvik » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 20:35

I just want to stress out:

DO NOT start your match if your opponent shows up with no skills. Chances are this is a bug. Ask to re-join the lobby or switch hosting position.
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Postby theyoungmc » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 23:58

It's a bug, it happened to me at least twice. One against me (don't remember who) and the time I was playing against Likos he told me he couldn't see my skills, when I could. I replied saying my skills. I had just made that player, wasting a couple of hours to make it after my PS3 crashed and all game data was reset. Probably it was because I had just made the player, I have no idea, I'm just certain I didn't make anything out of ordinary.
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Postby Boruzze » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 06:17

Oh. Just see this thread now :(

It happened to me in my Braunschweig match against Daleafs2006. He had no skills, no coach.

I didnt say anything cuz I thought he was maybe trying to proof his skills and beat me without coach. He did. He has won 6-0 6-1 and he played like a giant, I couldnt do anything.
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Postby daleafs2006 » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 13:59

Wow strange. I was using my Instant Rocket/Crushing Passing Shot player.

From my side Boruzze my game didn't feel any different then normal, and both of our stats had come up fine.

Thank you for the playing like a giant compliment :)
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Postby Moralspain » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 14:12

It would be interesting to know if this bug happens only with the use of some particular coaches and abilities, or if it's completely random.
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Postby djarvik » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 14:15

What I know for sure, is that this bug makes your player behave pre-updates and pre-patch.

Remember the first update? ... serve and power toned down, then Patch, then second update.

Basically, the player lucky enough to be "with no skills" :lol: should feel like a total superman to the opponent, moving better, hitting harder, larger timing windows, closer to the line shots.
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Postby PerfectAce » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 14:31

djarvik wrote:What I know for sure, is that this bug makes your player behave pre-updates and pre-patch.

Remember the first update? ... serve and power toned down, then Patch, then second update.

Basically, the player lucky enough to be "with no skills" :lol: should feel like a total superman to the opponent, moving better, hitting harder, larger timing windows, closer to the line shots.

Are you sure man? I had 2 matches with this problem and I couldn´t realize that. My opponent was really better than it showed, but not hitting impossible shots. Did you have some news from 2K? Thanks...
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