2k Open score system?

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2k Open score system?

Postby ray237 » Fri, 24 Jun 2011 22:42

I wanna know what's the 2k open score system. I haven't a lot of free time, so i just played about 10 matches (and won all of them) and i've been rewarded 3 points per match. This amount of points rewarded remains the same over the time and the matches? Or it increases after an amount of matches or points rewarded? IMHO, I think that if you can earn max 3 point per match, it will be annoying to try to reach a good rank, because this system just rewards who plays more instead of who plays better.
I think that the ranking based on lifetime score is a bit stupid, a W/L ratio or a good rating (like the World of Warcraft or other games) system with a good matchmaking can help a lot. The 2k open is a shame, it can be awesome beacuse ts4 is wonderful and all the pros are well balanced, but the score system sucks.
Can someone answer my question and tell me what does he think about what i've just written?
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Postby jayl0ve » Sat, 25 Jun 2011 00:27

I agree, the ranking system for 2K open sucks, you don't get any more or less points depending on how good your opponent is, and that's kinda stupid...
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Postby ray237 » Sat, 25 Jun 2011 01:14

I think this post can be a good idea for 2k developers, i hope one of them will read it. All the pros are very well balanced, i don't wanna play against world tour unbalanced cheaters to find a good ranking system. Are they crazy or what? They're wasting the awesome work they did creating the pros.
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Postby MrMackNasty » Sat, 25 Jun 2011 02:04

Lol how are people who play world tour cheaters?
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Postby jayl0ve » Sat, 25 Jun 2011 02:23

Well they're not cheaters but people make ridiculous setups, even the ones they think are 'realistic' are frickin ridiculous
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Postby Rob ITST » Sat, 25 Jun 2011 03:03

You do encounter much less cheese in 2K Open. The problem is, because of the crappy rating system, you also encounter much less decent competition.
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Sat, 25 Jun 2011 03:09

My favorite was the simple ELO rating system and match lobby system they had back in TS1 and TS2. I don't see what was wrong with it.
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Postby jayl0ve » Sat, 25 Jun 2011 03:31


I mean it was good enough for chess...I thought it was a great system. It made playing higher ranked players really exciting. Although it made choosing to play lower ranked players pretty worthless.
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Postby ray237 » Sat, 25 Jun 2011 09:51

MrMackNasty wrote:Lol how are people who play world tour cheaters?

Cheater doesn't always mean hacker, but also a person who use setups more powerful than the others. In fact, the characters you can make in career mode aren't balanced.
For example, i'm very good in 2k open using Patrick Rafter, because his volleys are awesome and he's got the ability "low volley specialist".
Well, the problem is that you can't create a similar player, because, if you wanna use that ability, you are forced to use a low/medium volley skill or a 48 power skill (according to the coach simulator).

In other words, if you wanna play at net (with a 85+ volley skill) instead of just using volleys to close a point (with 60 volley skill) you are worse than others who use a baseline or hybrid setup.

For example, i think there must be a 4th play style, just "volleys", which doesn't increase serve (it's crazy to think that a good volleyer must be also a good server, look at F. Schiavone), but gives something more to power and approaching shots.

All this just to say that in WT you have to play a baseline setup, all other setups (except some hybrids) are worse. It's annoying. If only we can play a special WT with pros, i think it would be much more balanced and challenging.
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Postby ray237 » Mon, 27 Jun 2011 12:01

I've just beaten the rank 1 in 2k open (with 4.000 + score), Turaninho10.
He used Nadal, I used Rafter. I'm rank 5000. That's all. What a shame, the rank 1 doesn't know how to counter a s&v player with a baseline player, maybe the most powerful against Rafter (Nadal is a cheesie player, with reaching shot and counter shot that MUST devastate a s&v player like Rafter).
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Postby VMoe86 » Mon, 27 Jun 2011 12:06

Turaninho10 is a joke of a number one - I've beaten him quite easily 3-0, 3-1 as Federer. Just to have some comparison: I lost against kekkolab (number one or number two in 2K Open) 0-6, 0-6.

I don't get how one can have that many points, even if you win every single match quite fast: It takes so long to get into a match, sometimes I wait 10 minutes or longer to get paired up with someone in 2K Open (on the PS3)!
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Postby ray237 » Tue, 28 Jun 2011 00:06

VMoe wrote:Turaninho10 is a joke of a number one - I've beaten him quite easily 3-0, 3-1 as Federer. Just to have some comparison: I lost against kekkolab (number one or number two in 2K Open) 0-6, 0-6.

I don't get how one can have that many points, even if you win every single match quite fast: It takes so long to get into a match, sometimes I wait 10 minutes or longer to get paired up with someone in 2K Open (on the PS3)!

Yeah, kekkolab (italian like me :D) was the best, but i can't see anymore his nick between the first 5 ranked players, i think he deleted his account :(
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Postby Max949 » Tue, 05 Jul 2011 12:26

Kekkolab was a cheater who got rightfully banned. I know someone who beat him and he said he used forced lag to put him off. He ended up quitting on match point...

Won the first set 3-0 by the way which is quite remarkable, the first game took him 15 minutes to win apparently.
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