Frequently using drop shots with drop shot artist skill?

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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 16:33

Well it is a fact that drop shot is cheesy if u r using it 7 times in every 10 points.. How many times do real tennis players use it in real life?? Federer use it like 2 times every ten points.. Offcourse that's not cheesy.. But if u use it on almost every point even when your opponent is standing near the baseline or far away from it that is cheesy... Some of the players do it and most of those players also lag horribly and can reach those shots because of lag which would be otherwise winners.. If someone has low speed and reflexes offcourse then they cannot reach the drop shots so in short, drop shorts are counterable for few players with appropriate setups but not for everyone... Even in real life not every drop shot is a winner as it happens in ts4 making this game unrealistic.. Using drop shots on appropriate time is good but using it all the time proves that such a guy is afraid that he can't win fair points and in a fair way
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Postby chillachriz » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 17:02

Ali-Iqb93 wrote:Well it is a fact that drop shot is cheesy if u r using it 7 times in every 10 points.. How many times do real tennis players use it in real life?? Federer use it like 2 times every ten points.. Offcourse that's not cheesy.. But if u use it on almost every point even when your opponent is standing near the baseline or far away from it that is cheesy... Some of the players do it and most of those players also lag horribly and can reach those shots because of lag which would be otherwise winners.. If someone has low speed and reflexes offcourse then they cannot reach the drop shots so in short, drop shorts are counterable for few players with appropriate setups but not for everyone... Even in real life not every drop shot is a winner as it happens in ts4 making this game unrealistic.. Using drop shots on appropriate time is good but using it all the time proves that such a guy is afraid that he can't win fair points and in a fair way


i hope i get in wimbeldon not ohne of these players....that makes not fun... and i think its realy unfair...

sad that some people know how unfair it is and still play like this ...i HOPE this coaches will be banned soon!!
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 17:38

yea i also hope that i dont play such players ever in itst matches
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Postby BalkanPower » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 17:56

It's weird. Drop shots are considered cheesy, but a coach that actually invites the player to use those shots even more(Drop shot artist) is allowed?

Can a host explain this please?

Edit: Overuse of dropshots is considered cheesy. The players overusing it should be called dropshits.
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Postby Rob ITST » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 18:07

Well, some players consider drop shots cheesy. Personally, I think if your opponent is abusing drop shots, it's your own fault for letting him get away with it. Drop shots are easily countered, especially when abused.
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Postby djarvik » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 18:24

Rob ITST wrote:Well, some players consider drop shots cheesy. Personally, I think if your opponent is abusing drop shots, it's your own fault for letting him get away with it. Drop shots are easily countered, especially when abused.

It is not an issue of "letting him get away with it" Rob. I have not lost to a drop-shooter yet, not even close.

But I will not play one anymore. No way. I rather watch re-runs of some stupid show.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 19:21

If u have low speed u can't counter it... In real tennis all the players either play aggresively like federer or they play on defense like rafa or they play serve and volley like Sampras but none of them hit drop shots on every shot
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Postby Yard10 » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 21:27

after trying a few different setups, i finally thought of playing dropshot artist/smell of blood setup for wimbledon. i used to play sahy rabari previously. but after trying out some other setups like semi-volley king/shot counter, dropshot artist and a few others, i just prefer the dropshot artist setup. not because i can abuse the dropshot, but because my playstyle doesn't require high power, and instead require more speed imo. but of course, i use the dropshots more often than i do when i play with other setups because who would want to waste their special skills? especially if i play against very defensive player who always stand far from the baseline.

So before i get any hate text/complaints from my opponent, i need to reassure about this. djarvik, do you want to play a friendly match against me? maybe you can decide better whether i am playing cheesy or not. if yes, i'll use different setup for wimbledon.
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Postby Dapery » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 21:40

Ban drew walsh! This Trend is Crazy.People use Drop Shots too much bc they don't Know how to make a winner.its too easy to make a Drop Shot 2k do something against this please
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Postby djarvik » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 21:52

Yard10 wrote:So before i get any hate text/complaints from my opponent, i need to reassure about this. djarvik, do you want to play a friendly match against me? maybe you can decide better whether i am playing cheesy or not. if yes, i'll use different setup for wimbledon.

:D I'd be happy to. Send me an FR.

From your description, you are not even close to what I am referring to. Using a drop shot a lot is cool, using it on every point thou...different story. Just annoying.

I am not in the camp of "it is hard to counter"..... I am in the camp of "silly and boring - not for me" camp. I have no problem getting to most of the drop shot, enough to win, rather easily. But I'll be damn if I sit thru another match where my opponent drop-shots 18 times in 3 games :lol: - I rather do ANYTHING, literally anything else.
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Postby edlglide » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 22:00

I wish people would stop suggesting banning coaches so much. Banning coaches that give the drop shot artists skill would be pointless. It's not going to stop people from hitting them; you can still do it effectively even without that coach if that's how you want to play.

Hitting drop shots on every point is very cheesy and boring, but it's also not there's no reason to ban the coach when it isn't overpowered and wouldn't prevent the drop shots.

I use a coach with drop shot artist, but that's not why I have the coach -- I use the coach because of the bonus attributes and because he gives volley shot artist. If he were banned, I'd have to completely change my style of play because my attributes would be drastically different.
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Postby djarvik » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 22:15

Just to clear things up, we only will ban overpowered and overused coaches. None of the "Drop shot artists" coaches now qualify as such. So there is no banning at this time.

Not all cheesy tactics are possible to ban and/or control. Sometimes a little awareness goes a long way.
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Postby Yard10 » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 22:22

djarvik wrote:
Yard10 wrote:So before i get any hate text/complaints from my opponent, i need to reassure about this. djarvik, do you want to play a friendly match against me? maybe you can decide better whether i am playing cheesy or not. if yes, i'll use different setup for wimbledon.

:D I'd be happy to. Send me an FR.

From your description, you are not even close to what I am referring to. Using a drop shot a lot is cool, using it on every point thou...different story. Just annoying.

I am not in the camp of "it is hard to counter"..... I am in the camp of "silly and boring - not for me" camp. I have no problem getting to most of the drop shot, enough to win, rather easily. But I'll be damn if I sit thru another match where my opponent drop-shots 18 times in 3 games :lol: - I rather do ANYTHING, literally anything else.

i already sent. i can play now if you want :D
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Postby MrMackNasty » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 22:25

Ali-Iqb93 wrote:If u have low speed u can't counter it... In real tennis all the players either play aggresively like federer or they play on defense like rafa or they play serve and volley like Sampras but none of them hit drop shots on every shot

Ok. So its ok to just let someone with low speed(which means extremely high power in 99% of the builds) to just stand 4 ft behind the baseline and just blast 140mph flatspin groundstrokes at you? I don't even use the skill. I still use a good amount of dropshots vs some1 who is slow. You HAVE to keep them running and change depths all the time. Or else your pretty much done against anyone who is semi-good and has extremely high power.
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Postby djarvik » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 22:29

@MrMackNasty - you are not even remotely applicable here, You hit what? 5 a match? :lol: We are talking 18 in the first 3 games here :lol: :lol: :lol: - Good match yesterday BTW!

@Yard10 - Sorry, at work now. Will be home in 2 hours or so.
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