New Rules Suggestion

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Should Rules be adjusted ?

Poll ended at Mon, 11 Jul 2011 09:39

Total votes : 22

New Rules Suggestion

Postby Neso007 » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 09:39

As we banned some coaches to make the Tour fair and less cheesy, lets make some small adjustments to counter the actual trends on the Tour.

I suggest:

-Max. 90 Power
-Max. 90 Volley and
-Min. 55 Speed

The changes would still allow everybody to play the way he likes to play but would stop the trend to 100 volley, 100 power 40 speed players, that can still reach to every ball. A minimum Speed would lead players to create, i would call them "fair" characters.....

What do You think guys ?
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Re: New Rules Suggestion

Postby supinesmokey13 » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 10:10

Neso007 wrote:As we banned some coaches to make the Tour fair and less cheesy, lets make some small adjustments to counter the actual trends on the Tour.

I suggest:

-Max. 90 Power
-Max. 90 Volley and
-Min. 55 Speed

The changes would still allow everybody to play the way he likes to play but would stop the trend to 100 volley, 100 power 40 speed players, that can still reach to every ball. A minimum Speed would lead players to create, i would call them "fair" characters.....

What do You think guys ?

that 90 volley rule prents people from using michael kelly a good coach.dnt worry after the patch you will see a dramtic shift from the volleyers to the power players people just want to win at all.costs and follow the trend be it TI/MD or serve volley .serve volley not overpowered is just the drawbacks.of the.current patch ,the 90 power rule.makes sense i expect power shots to become a bit.more prevalent after the next shot. Speed doesnt seem and issue depending on how character is if you have low power then have high speed is powerful you dnt need it cos low power players shots travel slower through the air and give the power guys more time to.reach them.
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Too much

Postby MysteryPlayer » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 10:17

That is not fun everybody would make the same type of player and that would be ping pong tennis
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Re: Too much

Postby supinesmokey13 » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 10:33

MysteryPlayer wrote:That is not fun everybody would make the same type of player and that would be ping pong tennis
no matter what the next patch does people with flock to the strongest setup and if there isnt one they will.just go power 90-100 crazy but if so hopefully the patch will.have sorted.the.speed.issue.and we will be their.low.speed. i want to play people with different styles but everyone wants to win so.they look 'edge' but 2k are working hard to make so its a level plying field and we just have to be patient we will get balance.
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Postby Kota Merl » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 14:54

Why limit these things???

In real life people have strengths and weaknesses. Some players hit big ground strokes while other have great touch at the net. Some players are super fast and get to everything and some are slow. REAL tennis has different players with different abilities..why try to make everyone on here the same.

Make your player, man up and play your game. If you don't like the result then change your player and his abilities.
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Postby supinesmokey13 » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 17:39

Kota Merl wrote:Why limit these things???

In real life people have strengths and weaknesses. Some players hit big ground strokes while other have great touch at the net. Some players are super fast and get to everything and some are slow. REAL tennis has different players with different abilities..why try to make everyone on here the same.

Make your player, man up and play your game. If you don't like the result then change your player and his abilities.
hey i play serve volley and can accept being beaten by power players but the speed issue allows them trackdown a lot of balls but your right play your cos you will win some lose some but it is easier to take when you are beaten a a superior player and not because of glitches or flaws in the game.
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Postby Kota Merl » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 17:54

[/quote] hey i play serve volley and can accept being beaten by power players but the speed issue allows them trackdown a lot of balls but your right play your cos you will win some lose some but it is easier to take when you are beaten a a superior player and not because of glitches or flaws in the game.[/quote]

Yea, I didn't mean for that post to sound like i was being a total jerk. I'm just tired of so many people bitching about every little thing in this game. There needs to be differences among players so we can have as much variety in attributes and coaching bonuses as possible.

It would just get boring if everyone played the same style with the same weapons.

I do agree though that the glitches and flaws need to be fixed. I just think people are seeing every little thing that beats them as a glitch or a flaw and they are SO quick to post bitching about it or saying it's needs to be banned.
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Postby Rocketsfall » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:39

The speed issue is not a minor thing though. The fact that a 90 power + 40 speed player can run down every ball is a major issue. I'm baffled not any of the updates or patches have fixed that yet.
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 19:03

Rocketsfall wrote:The speed issue is not a minor thing though. The fact that a 90 power + 40 speed player can run down every ball is a major issue. I'm baffled not any of the updates or patches have fixed that yet.

Agreed. They are not penalized enough for their speed. This would also make rallies shorter
Last edited by Coolhand Texas on Mon, 20 Jun 2011 19:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Kota Merl » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 19:03

I agree. I have been baffled as well by big power hitters still being able to run down most of my shots even when hit perfect.

I have noticed that I seem to recover quicker when I hit a perfect shot though. Maybe that's why, these big hitters hit perfect shots every time so they are able to recover and move quicker.
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Re: New Rules Suggestion

Postby Saarbrigga » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 20:15

Neso007 wrote:-Max. 90 Volley

Volley should have no limitations imo.
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Postby Andy Johnson 8 » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 20:17

Rocketsfall wrote:The speed issue is not a minor thing though. The fact that a 90 power + 40 speed player can run down every ball is a major issue. I'm baffled not any of the updates or patches have fixed that yet.
I totally agree with you, mate. :D
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Postby supinesmokey13 » Mon, 20 Jun 2011 20:45

Andy Johnson 8 wrote:
Rocketsfall wrote:The speed issue is not a minor thing though. The fact that a 90 power + 40 speed player can run down every ball is a major issue. I'm baffled not any of the updates or patches have fixed that yet.
I totally agree with you, mate. :D[/

quote] yea anyway how effective as the short angled slice then a short control topspin into the corner for you non power players my nets down so i haven't played a while and got the patch. has that tatic been effective .
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